aww common now fellas, we got this guy cussin on me forum. he was just asking a question, a little bit of a crazy question, but a kinda legit question. i think after the 1st page he got the hint we do NOT think it is a good idea. no need to call him a bad dad.

he didn't ask if we thought he should get a busa for his 5yr old son.
i have ridden my son on my busa. i take him on short rides (a few miles or so). he wears his own gear, and i live in no traffic Wyoming, don't think i'd do it if i lived in westpalm fl., (too much traffic down there for me Blanca). i have 2 hacks, and my son loves them! if i could hook one on my busa i would have by now

i just feel safer with him in a hack instead of behind me where i can't see him. i have ridden him on a wing w/backrest and armrests, he felt pretty secure back there kinda trapped with the armrests. DO NOT ride with your kid in front of you!! i can not stress that enough. no matter how strong you think you are, your body weight WILL crush your child in a wreck. im most states it is way against the law to ride with a child in front of you.
i hope you do get a Hayabusa, they are way fun. i tour on my Bessie Busa. and i hope if you do, you will stick around on the forum. it really is filled with alot of good, smart, people.
soo in short
no to 3up!
yes to Busa!
don't cuss on my forum!

ride safe what ever you do.