Riding 3 Up on a Busa

That sidecar busa actually looks pretty mean. I have seen variations of the strap/belt system. That one pictured looks the bussiness. I may give that a try. Thanks for the mpg info. My gixxer with its full leo vince ti system and PCV with autotune I get 45 mpg. I plan on leaving the busa stock as far as motor and exhaust goes.
If 3 is a must I think the side car would be the best way to carry the child.

Side car can protect him from the rain also


Hayabusa side car.jpg

hayabusa side car2.jpg
I think it's an extremely bad idea. I also think your relationship with your wife will never be the same after your son gets killed.

Don't do it. If you must have 3 people on one vehicle, get a Goldwing trike, or just buy a car.

agreed. A 5 year old doesn't have the sense to stay off that thing. He/she has no business on a busa. You need to protect your children as a parent.
agreed. A 5 year old doesn't have the sense to stay off that thing. He/she has no business on a busa. You need to protect your children as a parent.


If this is a real question then you need to get your head screwed on straight as a responsible parent. And who gives a flying f&%k what kind of mpg a busa gets anyway? Buy a freakin minivan and keep the gixxer if you really have one.
Why not stick with simplicity? Aside from the kid being too young and not being able to sustain an impact God forbid you go down, why don't you just replace your wife's bike with something better? This way the three of you can ride on two bikes, and additionally, you have the flexibility of your son riding either with you or your wife. And on top of that, if one of the bikes goes down, you still have another bike for the two of you to get around while the third person may get a ride from someone; and on top of that, you can pack more stuff to carry with you on two bikes. Get a used Honda VFR or something along those lines.
Just on the slight chance that this is not a troll having some fun with us.....what exactly is the reason for you wanting to have your 5 yr old on motorcycle rides with you? As a parent of 2 and as someone who has had some experience coaching 5/6 yr olds in soccer, I know for a fact that most 5 yr olds have the attention span of a flea and if the child does actually enjoy riding on the bike.....that enjoyment will be satisfied within 5 minutes and then they will want to do something else. If you are doing it because you want to do it, at the expense of your childs safety, then you might want to rethink your plan. Time to look in the mirror and ask yourself if risking your childs health and safety is worth it.

If this is a real question then you need to get your head screwed on straight as a responsible parent. And who gives a flying f&%k what kind of mpg a busa gets anyway? Buy a freakin minivan and keep the gixxer if you really have one.

Yes this was a real question. I am a very good father by the way and I posted this question because it was just a idea. I give a **** what kind of mpg the busa gets becuase I will be using it for touring, you know long rides with two people- not drag racing or hangin out a "a bike night". I have a nice turbo volvo wagon that gets us around fine. Just wanted to include the boy because he loves motorcycles, thats all.

Yes, I do have a GSXR 1000

And yes, the plan is to get my wife a larger bike that is fully faired with a good rear seat for the boy. A VFR would be a good choice and will probably end up on the list of possible bikes.

I found a k7 busa today with low miles. Signing paperwork tomorrow, picking it up next saturday.
My son loves motorcycles and wants to ride with us. My son is a typical 5 year old and yes his attention span is short and he has always been very hyper. I gave that some thought, that was the reasoning for having him sit between my wifes knees and behind me so the wife could manage him if he got bored or fell asleep. As stated in a prevouse post I gave up on this idea. My son if very athletic and bigger than most kids his age, I let him get a little extreme- he can ski black diamond runs and he rides a 2 stroke 50 dirtbike. I am more than willing to put him on the back of my bike as long as he can properly hold on and I can find him full gear. Untill that day comes then he will not ride. You missunderstand where I am coming from.
But not a very smart one.

F U C K - Y O U.

What, you guys think nobody rides with their kids on their bikes. I have seen a bunch of kids sitting on the tank in the drivers way wearing dirt bike helmets that are too big.

My son has never been on a streetbike. Just though that if I did put him on my bike that 3 up would be better than in front of me in my way or behind me hanging on where I could not see him. Nothing that I have included my son in has ever got him hurt. I may let him do more than the average parent but I put in 100% and make sure he does it right and has all the saftey gear.
I have a 6 year old who rides with me on my busa. HJC makes childrens helmets. Cost about $100. My son rides with me on short trips around town but short distances only. I agree that 5 is a little young for long distance riding but i would never call someone stupid for an idea. Atleast you asked the question before trying it.
aww common now fellas, we got this guy cussin on me forum. he was just asking a question, a little bit of a crazy question, but a kinda legit question. i think after the 1st page he got the hint we do NOT think it is a good idea. no need to call him a bad dad. :poke: he didn't ask if we thought he should get a busa for his 5yr old son. :laugh:

i have ridden my son on my busa. i take him on short rides (a few miles or so). he wears his own gear, and i live in no traffic Wyoming, don't think i'd do it if i lived in westpalm fl., (too much traffic down there for me Blanca). i have 2 hacks, and my son loves them! if i could hook one on my busa i would have by now:laugh: i just feel safer with him in a hack instead of behind me where i can't see him. i have ridden him on a wing w/backrest and armrests, he felt pretty secure back there kinda trapped with the armrests. DO NOT ride with your kid in front of you!! i can not stress that enough. no matter how strong you think you are, your body weight WILL crush your child in a wreck. im most states it is way against the law to ride with a child in front of you.
i hope you do get a Hayabusa, they are way fun. i tour on my Bessie Busa. and i hope if you do, you will stick around on the forum. it really is filled with alot of good, smart, people.

soo in short

no to 3up!

yes to Busa!

don't cuss on my forum!

:thumbsup: ride safe what ever you do.:beerchug:
F U C K - Y O U.

What, you guys think nobody rides with their kids on their bikes. I have seen a bunch of kids sitting on the tank in the drivers way wearing dirt bike helmets that are too big.

My son has never been on a streetbike. Just though that if I did put him on my bike that 3 up would be better than in front of me in my way or behind me hanging on where I could not see him. Nothing that I have included my son in has ever got him hurt. I may let him do more than the average parent but I put in 100% and make sure he does it right and has all the saftey gear.

Don't let constructive criticism get to you brother.

I'm father of two boys (7 & 4yrs old) and there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to take one of my boys on my busa. I trust myself but I just dont trust cagers let alone put lives of my children in hands of exorbitantly stupid people.

No gear in this world will keep your kid safe from being T boned at the nearest intersection.