Rodney King Found Dead.

The same can be said of you two. You are in effect talking about yourselves. If it isn't your seemingly liberal opinion, you are against it completely and therefore try to tell us we are the ones who have beliefs in bold that you implied. Just sayin' :dunno:. Maybe you both should try to get rid of the tunnel vision. It's very sad.

The difference being the promotion of Hate speech, denial of right or civil liberties and justification of violence.
Sure thing buddy. Not my fault you can't see the forest through the trees.

It is actually quite shocking you can remember to breathe :laugh:. Anyways, I will just fade off from this one as I am obviously getting off topic about the mental degeneracy of said person above. I've said my peace about the deceased. :beerchug: R.I.P.
I agree riots should not happen but look across the world at incidents where a group of people feel they have been tormented or wronged and their words have fell on deaf ears, then the anger explodes after a major incident. I often wonder why in the world they riot after a simple hockey game or a soccer game but it happens....

Dr. King had one method of dealing with it which was non violent basically when they spit in your face do nothing but turn the other cheek, yes that worked to some extent but as they say everything is not for every body thus you have the people that take the approach you spit in my face I'm going to punch you in yours, people are different, especially when the people doing the spitting were the original American terrorist blowing up churches, killing men, women and children and all of these things together advanced the movement. You saw this difference during the Riots, some where trying to tear everything up and some where trying to stop them, take Deny for instance there were those that beat him but also those in the community that saw this broadcast live on TV left the safety of their homes and went to the scene to come to his rescue, getting him to the hospital before he was attacked again and or bleed to death.

I agree with you about people disagreeing but people have bias or beliefs and because of the position they hold when that surfaces it can mean that person A is treated differently from person B, people on this forum express their beliefs in that certain bias comes out and that was the context it was being used in.

In reference to people moving if they feel oppressed.... well first of all we were discussing things and feelings as they were during the time of the LA Riots some 20 years ago, a lot has changed, some as remained the same, with that said moving is just not an option for many people if they could they would, every body does not have the resources to up and move nor should they have too, especially if it's because of the people that are supposed to work for them.

When DC crime was at it's highest my parents were able moved to the suburbs after I graduated from HS and was headed to College but It's mute point now because in the area I grew up in and in others like it that I have traveled to over the past 10 years these area are going threw gentrification (which is another topic) the basic services and request that long time residents of the community have been asking for magically have started to appear and property values are crazy, like average home is 400K crazy, a nice one bed room apt can cost you 2K crazy.

Actually some things did get better after the riot, if I remember correctly Asian and Black community bridged some gaps and a better understanding was formed, LAPD recognized it was out of control and the prior chief I think his name was Gates was removed and out of that came an effort for officers to respect the community they were sworn to protect.

I will agree with some of what you said and disagree with other parts. With your reference to the KKK (I'm guessing) look at where they are now compared to where blacks are. I would say that Dr. King's methods worked exceptionally well. It took time and people were hurt and killed, but in the end unless you change people's minds, nothing will really change. I don't think that LA has changed that much as it looks like it has. It has changed, but still lots of problems remain and they are being kept on the down low. Still, more awareness has been made of the problems and it is more difficult to get away with blatant abuses by the police. "this abuse of power goes on, everything from, intimidation, false arrest, robbery, assaults, murder etc.. any time they beat someone up, it was always "he resisted arrest"" I would say your quote still holds weight today, just in not so obvious ways.
For the most part though, I can agree with you. And ya, gentrification is not an animal I want to touch right now:lol: This is one of the reasons I like the .org so much. To have a touchy discussion without rampant name calling is refreshing. Thanks to all for that:thumbsup:
It is actually quite shocking you can remember to breathe :laugh:. Anyways, I will just fade off from this one as I am obviously getting off topic about the mental degeneracy of said person above. I've said my peace about the deceased. :beerchug: R.I.P.

Oh the BURN! That one really hit home Russ.

How about this one, should be about the same playing field you're on so you can relate...

"i'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say... ahh screw it, he'll never get it anyway."
So typical. Yup that's what the police get paid to do...get pissed and whoop peoples asses in the middle of the street :whistle:

He would've never got paid if they would've never violated his civil rights.

Hope it never happens to you.
get a clue! when ur dusted u feel no pain and are extremely dangerous. he got just what he deserved. its funny how you fail to mention the innocent lives he put in danger when evading the police at a 100 mph....:whistle: typical liberal.
every once in a while i post up topics like this. and sometimes i kick myself for it.

:banghead: this is just another one of those times! :banghead:

Liberal definition of "Hate Speech": Anything said by Conservatives.

Incorrect. As always. Definition of ignorant: still identifying with the 2 party system and classifying everything as lib / conservative, lumping others into these based on your own stupidity and thinking that the system still works, and furthermore extending it into countries that aren't your own and pretending like you know whats what. Short sighted, bigoted, failure to realize that the seemingly justified laws based on hatred you feel right now directed at people you don't care for, can later be used against you when you're suddenly NOT in the 'majority' or at least not in political favor, which can and WILL happen sooner or later. Or even on a whim. Political / Law tides change constantly. You sir have proved yourself to be the worst kind of person. Hell, you're avatar / signature speak volumes...

If you take a trip to the states let us know, I know of a few great vacation spots.
Definition of ignorant: still identifying with the 2 party system

You are making a LOT of assumptions there. - That said, the two party system is still the only game in town.

Thanks for the personal attack, BTW; it really shows "you're" character.
COMEON guys....once this turns into a individual name-calling fest, the thread will get locked. If you can't keep from insulting each other personally, take it to PMs....