Waaaay not good!!! but, you lived to ride another day. God bless for that.
as far as the "punks"go, I'm not the least bit surprised although, (not that you need any advice) when that type of thing with "cagers" crosses my path,...I get off the road ASAP (if as with you, I can't get gone)... cool off... then return to my ride with a differant set of cagers to deal with. Hopefully more mature ones.
Reading your thing takes me back to my last "get off" years ago (similiar injuries) and, I can only wish you well and, guarantee you it will get better but, that wrong done to you will never be righted by those that did it.
Emotionally, anger wise, ....you're gonna just have to get past it. Anything else is a waste of good energy that you could use to heal up faster.
Sorry man, it really sucks and, I understand all too well.
best wishes.