Update and plea for help......
Went to the Dr, and got good news, bad news, and in between. My knees have deep tissue bruising under the knee caps, and will be fine. My wrist sprains will be fine. My hips are ok.
I have a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder. I have cracked ribs that make it hard to breathe, cough, laugh, and sneeze. My pupils are still two different sizes, and the dr is worried about bruising or bleeding on the brain. My neck has damage the dr is worried about. It is unknown the extent of the torn rotator cuff and the extent of the damage to my neck, until Tuesday. I have an MRI Tuesday.
I am completely stressed now. The Busa was my only form of transportation. I havent even got my 90 days in at work, and I dont know if they will fire me or not. I looks like the recovery for the shoulder could be from 2 to 6 months. I am worried I will lose my apt and everything. I know... Think positive. Kinda hard to do though. Everything seems to be piling on.
What I need help with is trying to sell whats left of my Busa. It doesnt look like the frame or forks are damaged, so I think it can be repaired. I have no idea how much to ask for it. I need a 2-3 grand to be able to stay afloat til I go back to work. I am having my sister type this, and could really use some help putting it on craiglist. I just dont know what to do, where to start. I think my neighbor is going to buy my icon jacket from me, and possibly my extra shoei helmet. A
Anyway, thats whats going on. Thanks for letting me rant, and pity myself.