sad, painful day.

Sorry to hear about this. You have been added to my prayers. I'm also going to pray for wrath to deal with the punks in the car. Karma needs to pay back those idiots ASAP!

Alternate between ice and heat for the shoulder. It will help.
Your Angels were with you, Godspeed, prayers sent for a speedy recovery. Seems we're typing a lot of ths lately. Becareful everybody.
bike doesn't look that bad, get the parts which ever way ( probably form the generosity of other good folk) then, while you heal in your apt maybe you via your parents can get things gathered given time.
keep working the board with updates and, i'll bet you get a better bike in the end.
all part of the new deal.
good luck...Godspeed
Going into the back of the car that was travelling (and possibly still moving) in the same direction may have done less physical damage than what you went it would have been hard for the a-hles to speed away with a busa stuck up their...tailpipe.

The front would just lose control and you'd be sliding on your back. It'd just scratch the car and they'd be on their merry way.

Get your distance as soon as possible. No one should be able to hit you from behind or cause you to rear-end them if you stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Hope karma gets those aholes.
The front would just lose control and you'd be sliding on your back. It'd just scratch the car and they'd be on their merry way.

Get your distance as soon as possible. No one should be able to hit you from behind or cause you to rear-end them if you stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Hope karma gets those aholes.[/QUOTE]

Karma is on the way...

Update and plea for help......

Went to the Dr, and got good news, bad news, and in between. My knees have deep tissue bruising under the knee caps, and will be fine. My wrist sprains will be fine. My hips are ok.
I have a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder. I have cracked ribs that make it hard to breathe, cough, laugh, and sneeze. My pupils are still two different sizes, and the dr is worried about bruising or bleeding on the brain. My neck has damage the dr is worried about. It is unknown the extent of the torn rotator cuff and the extent of the damage to my neck, until Tuesday. I have an MRI Tuesday.

I am completely stressed now. The Busa was my only form of transportation. I havent even got my 90 days in at work, and I dont know if they will fire me or not. I looks like the recovery for the shoulder could be from 2 to 6 months. I am worried I will lose my apt and everything. I know... Think positive. Kinda hard to do though. Everything seems to be piling on.

What I need help with is trying to sell whats left of my Busa. It doesnt look like the frame or forks are damaged, so I think it can be repaired. I have no idea how much to ask for it. I need a 2-3 grand to be able to stay afloat til I go back to work. I am having my sister type this, and could really use some help putting it on craiglist. I just dont know what to do, where to start. I think my neighbor is going to buy my icon jacket from me, and possibly my extra shoei helmet. A

Anyway, thats whats going on. Thanks for letting me rant, and pity myself.
I know just how you feel. I haven't been able to ride for the last three months because my back is too jacked up to get on either bike. I have my mortgage, truck payment, insurance, and all of my utilities due in the next two weeks. I'm not being allowed to work from home anymore. My Disability Insurance from work wants to deny my claim, even though my manager is forcing me to take the disability route. I haven't had a paycheck for over a month. I'm down to my last couple of hundred dollars in the bank. $3k would barely cover what I need just to keep the bills current until the end of September. I can't get a part time job to help out, or the disability insurance company will get me fired from work.

At this point it would be better to let my life insurance pay it all off and my family can split whatever is left.

I wish I could help you, but I can't even help myself right now. I hope things start looking better for you soon.
At this point it would be better to let my life insurance pay it all off and my family can split whatever is left.
My Dr put me back on anti depressants cuz I have been feeling the same way. They say things will get better and that I shouldnt think that way, so I am relaying it to you as well.
Wow. That suks man.

How the hell did you put yourself in that situation?!! Got to allways make sure you have room to stop. I'll venture to guess you are a new rider.

What tottally suks is that it was done intentionally. How can someone live with themselves after pulling this **** off.

It might be a wake up call to ya. Could have been way worse.

Learn from it and forget about it. Rebuild the bike, buy another one. Get back on and ride a wiser man.

Good luck and heal fast.
Also, forget about them pain meds and anti depressants. That stuff will steal your life from you as you know it.
You just need to be strong and pull thru it. Get off the fukin meds asap.