Thank you to all of you guys. my eyes are watering partly from pain, partly cuz my heart is overfilled with yalls words.
2hip, thank you for your advice and encouragement. i have been through two back surgeries, and although they were painful as hell, this shoulder pain has been surprising. i have always been scared of pain med addiction, and have always kept an eye on it. my ex used to have to force me to take them instead of just sitting in pain. i have awesome insurance through my work, and plan on getting healed up right. this really hurts worse than i expected. no road rash though. thats good.
quicky..... hey mike, my dad is going to put the busa and parts in my garage at my apt. i am really confused and unsure of what i am going to do. my family and girlfriend are begging me to not fix it or get another bike. this is the second time i have had a bad accident on a bike. the first one when i was 22. this is the second time a helmet saved my life. i am trying to not be mad at dad for telling me we had full coverage and then it being liability. when i look at the bike, i am not sure where to start. i dont have any tools anymore. so for the time being i am going to think. i am getting pretty upset thinking about my paid-for, beautiful busa being no more.