sad, painful day.

I really hate to hear about anyone having an accident on their bike. Looks like you came out of it better than some do so God Blessed you. Get yourself recovered and riding again. Good Luck my friend and be safe.
I hate to read these threads. I hope you get better quickly and the pain ends even quicker. Prayers out to you bro.
Posted via Mobile Device
This is the type of situation where I get the car description and plate number, take the next exit, and report the erratic driving behavior to the state police. Good chance they were DUI. You may not have been the first person they jacked with that night. Maybe not even the last.

Best wishes to you for a quick and full recovery.
God Is GOOD ALL THE TIME....glad ya ok....did you have full coverage,if so let insurance handle it.....
i feel for you bro,i remember when i messed up om the gsxr600.i was out for a while.a car pulled out into the main road at a junction.the bike was totalled.i hope you get well soon.bikes are made of metal but we aint so your lucky dude.keep safe and heal well.

I can't belive how !@#$%^& stupid some of these arrogent punks are these days, they don't have a care for anything but themselves. I hope you have a speedy recovery!!
well, worse news. my bike was on my dads insurance. he told me , when he added it, "i got full coverage just in case.". shame on me for not checking fo myself. i am sure he was just mistaken, or confused. liability. guess no more bike riding for me. oh well. thank you to everyone for the prayers and well wishes. thank you to icon for making gear that works.
anything like that happens to me...I'm going into the car, they are not
getting away. I am not going to risk death and serious injury while the
offender (purpose or just accident) speeds away and I'm left with my pain
and only my insurance to deal with it.

Going into the back of the car that was travelling (and possibly still moving)
in the same direction may have done less physical damage than what you went it would have been hard for the a-hles to speed away with a busa
stuck up their...tailpipe.

Hence they would have been caught and liable.

Yeah I'll try to avoid a wreck but not at being the sole victim
if ya know what I mean.

Car pulls out in front me and I hit a telephone pole while they drive
Texzukguy, I feel sick inside after reading your post on your injuries. The bike is only a thing...and money is replaceable. I am afraid you will feel these injuries for years. Torn ligaments and tendons are a long process to heal. If you have some sort of health insurance or under your dad's policy take the time, effort, and pain to get extensive physical therapy. If you just try and rough it out with advil and stuff like it you will not heal correctly and will lose strength, range of motion, and possibly never heal correctly. Physical therapy will restore you to near perfect health in time. Your shoulders are important in so many ways..and I am sure every time you move you are reminded exactly of it. If you can not or will not go to P.T. then buy yourself some rubber cords with handles and Google some ideas about stretching with cords. I tore up a shoulder pretty bad on the Colorado River water skiing when I still had hair on my head..I had my arm fully extended at the apex of the turn and lost an 30+ mph and had my right arm pulled backwards...If someone had shot me in the head with a 45 I would have blessed their name the pain was so incredible. But with some teaching with the P.T. guys with the cords I was able to return to full range of motion in about half a year...I was in my mid 30's at that time. One other piece of are probably popping plenty of pain killers and anti-inflammatory stuff. Get off the pain meds as quickly as possible...not only are they addictive they can destroy your will to thrive and move forward. Eat food before taking anti-inflamatories...they can mess up your stomach. I think that Naprosyn...Naproxin...also known as the best over the counter stuff you can get for the type of pain you have. It will help your shoulder and other beat up areas to relax...But remember Aleve is really hard on the stomach and you might be using these things for months so be very very very careful with your stomach. Icing areas(and that means rubbing ice on the area until the ice completely melts) and then followed by heat pads will help the damaged area clean out the debris much much faster than just icing or just heating...this will help the healing faster by many factors. I am sorry about your injuries. I think your guardian angel guided you to the least possible damage. I think you know how close to death you came...All of us on the .ORG shiver inside at what happened to you and how close to checking out you came. Please deal with your injuries with good medical advice and don't just try to wing it. Your article reminds all of us about how things can go terrible bad in the blink of an eye...thank you for sharing such an incredibly stupid act of senseless behavior by these cretins. Sorry you were in the wrong place at the wrong time....may God bless you with a full recovery.
:eek: :eek: :eek: that sucks!!!! 'm glad your ok rc. looks like your gonna have to fix your busa. if you need help getting it back together let me know, i don't mind.
get the bike out of the dog house its in and I'm sure some of us can help you get her back up and going again....good luck, i have a left rear peg,right brake lever, rear brake arm, and maybe a stock screen...if u need them
Thank you to all of you guys. my eyes are watering partly from pain, partly cuz my heart is overfilled with yalls words.

2hip, thank you for your advice and encouragement. i have been through two back surgeries, and although they were painful as hell, this shoulder pain has been surprising. i have always been scared of pain med addiction, and have always kept an eye on it. my ex used to have to force me to take them instead of just sitting in pain. i have awesome insurance through my work, and plan on getting healed up right. this really hurts worse than i expected. no road rash though. thats good.

quicky..... hey mike, my dad is going to put the busa and parts in my garage at my apt. i am really confused and unsure of what i am going to do. my family and girlfriend are begging me to not fix it or get another bike. this is the second time i have had a bad accident on a bike. the first one when i was 22. this is the second time a helmet saved my life. i am trying to not be mad at dad for telling me we had full coverage and then it being liability. when i look at the bike, i am not sure where to start. i dont have any tools anymore. so for the time being i am going to think. i am getting pretty upset thinking about my paid-for, beautiful busa being no more.
Man thats a tough deal you went through....I'm just glad that you probably will recover a 100%....We all hope the best for you.
Take it one day at a time..... heal up and then think about riding or not..
Possibly the Busa is not totaled....lot's of great folks here to help with parts that you may need..... Take care fellow Busa rider....
i truely hope those that deserve it will get what they deserve. your injurys are temporary and you will heal. my suggestion is take the time to heal. when your ready you will mount up again.