Sad sad expensive news......

That has to be one of the most terrible feelings!! I had a car stolen from me some years back and remember how I felt, it seemed every car looked like mine! I would go on my bicycle and post in certain areas that was considered "bad neighborhoods" hoping I would see it... sorry to hear that your bikes were snatched.:banghead:
Ok....this does suck sh*t! 1st Ken's ride & now both of your bikes. WTF!

I think we would aprreciate it if you could elaborate a bit more about the circumstances. That way it may help in preventing this happening to other members. Whatever the situation it's ok to share....

I hope they find the fu*k heads and you get to see them in court.
wow sorry to hear about ur girls i hate a thief. let us know anything special about to look for you have eyes in lower Alabama. good luck
Real Nice....

F'N peeps, what do we do with them??

Somthing real wrong that our society cannot make those actions "not worth it".

Cattle prods? the he!! did THAT happen?

Yes, how did that happen? Did you have them garaged, locked, was anyone home at the time? Even when my bikes are locked in the garage I have them individually locked, keys out of the ignition and the alarms set on two of them. You can't stop them but you can slow them down and if they wake you up well......

That sucks man. Keep an eye on Craigslist and Ebay for people in your area selling parts.
oh i am truely sorry... that is way way over the top for having large hairy ones..... may they not rest in piece when someone catches them
I am so sorry! Post up pics and details so everyone can post them at local bike shops, etc. I hope you get your babies back!
I'm thinking that this was an inside job. You may want to take look at those you have been in contact with recently. That was a pretty bold move to lift two bikes on the same night. I'd be willing to bet that either they knew you or it was someone you had recent contact with. Have you been on any recent bike trips with others you knew or strangers? Or have you noticed anyone who showed adnormal interest in your bikes? Has anyone been hanging with you recently that you just ment? As aweful as this may sound sometimes people who you thought were your friends are actually not and they could have had someone else lift your bikes after providing the info needed to get the job done. Lastly if there is anyone you know who all of sudden dissappear from your life you may want to consider checking them out. Again I think this was an inside job. I hope you get this resolved, I feel for you.....det45 :dunno: