Santa Clara Riders,was that you?

Wednesday 5/24,seen a Red/Silver Busa at North First Street/Hwy880 fueling up at the gas station,full race suit,me on my copper/silver busa,around 4:15pm going to Japan town to pick up some poi and raw fish.
Thursday 5/25 seen Black Busa,rider all in black and silver helmet around 10am going to Hwy 237 north/West. Any one from this board?Don't see much Busa's,only one at Cisco Systems.Lots of TL1000R's out there,yellow must be the faster color for the TL-R's!!!!!!!
Hey, Cisco you're the only busa I've seen on the board that lives in San Jose, I own a Red/Grey busa too but that wasn't me, even thought i ride right by there.Met a guy today with Red/Grey busa up at Alice's,there was about five busa's there today!What color is yours? Do your ride up the hill? Lets hook up!
I'd be up for this. If you can pick a date/time/location, I'll show up with my Blue. I'll be coming down from either Sunnyvale or Palo Alto. I rarely ever go up to Alice's for the same reasons. Too many squids.
Thanks for the replys,I ride a 1999 Copper/Silver everyday to work rain or shine and I do most of my own service and repair,dont trust the guys in the valley except for Rob at Rob's cycle,did the same when I had my 89 GSXR1100 and 98 TL1000R.Normally stop at First and Tasman for lotto ticket and sandwich after getting done working out at Gold Gym Santa Clara 4pm. I use to go to Alice but too many squids coming over the double yellow lines on the turns,I guess they want to see if they can make the Newspaper or visit GOD early and take you with them.Maybe the local Busa riders can have a get together to talk shop and swap tips on working on the bikes.Maybe we can make a monthly meeting for chats at First/Tasman,it has nice some nice eating place and it's close to HWY 237/880 and great eats near McCarty Ranch.Ride safe all
I'd like to join in. I live in Vacaville (about 45 mins east of SF)I also have a Blu Busa. I have a freind with the copper and another with the red and gray. Let me know when you guys are getting together and where.
Next Saturday would be fine June 10,but would be nice to have a group of Busas,First topic will be oil change demo,I'll go thru the use of the PitBull stand and how to remove the plastic for oil change.I will do the demo only if there is interest in doing your own oil change.Folks email me at if interested.Time frame would be around 9:30am-10am time frame at 1st and Tasman,San Jose,Hwy 237,easy exit from Hwy 237 to First Street,go down to Tasman and Nickelson Square should be on the left,little strip shop with a subway sandwich shop in it,conner store.If you get to Tasman you've gone to far,make a left hand/U-turn and it will take you into the little shop area.Good place to hold demo with out being bothered by people.The meeting would be cancelled if rain weather sets in or illiness sets in,should be fun.We might setup another demo/repair topic from a different memeber in his neighborhood,that way we get to travel to all parts of the Bay Area to have fun and maybe learn something.
Btw, pwr and King, I drive up to Woodland twice a month to see my s/o. I usually blow through vacaville about 9-ish on Friday nights. If you wanna try to get together in the valley (HOT!!!) we can give it a go.
Cisco , I bought one of those X10 cameras. They upgraded me to the scancam for free because they were out of the cheaper no sound cameras I guess. The scancam sux as far as I was concerned. Constant feedback made the microphone unusable and the picture quality was terrible. I sold it to my landlord for what I paid for it.
If everyone wants to meet just to go over some basic tips on oil change,radar detector mountings,security issues,or what ever we can setup a time this month.I can bring my Pit Bull stands and go thru the standard proceedures to do your own oil change and show some of the new riders how to take off your panel to do the oil change.Also I can setup the X10 camera and show you how a little camera can work at your house apartment to keep an eye on your bike/kids or what ever.Maybe later on we can setup future dates on other topics of interest?If anyone else can think of other topics to bring up feel free to suggest it at our first gathering.Other topics of interest would be using the DMV code book to your advantage,ways to fight tickets"I'm not a lawyer" but we can brain storm on how we got out of tickets.Anyways if the first topic about oil change is high on the list I'll have my bike setup to show people how to do it.All riders welcome,or riders who are in the market for a motorcycle is welcome.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 01 June 2000).]
Hey sounds good! Where do you guys go riding then? I love Hwy 9/35 & 1 for a short ride. Do you guys go on any day trips? I hardly ever see any squids when i go up the hill!
Cisco, I also sent your an email and I am interested on oil change. Gee, how many Busa will we have on 6/10? Must be fun!!
OK,Gals/guys it will be June 10 at 10am and I will setup the bike for the oil change plastic removal and tips that I found works and some tips that don't work.It will be question and answer and tools for the job.I will try to make a break down list of tools and part numbers for oil wrench tool from Suzuki and other odds and ends and after we can go for a ride to road rider to check out the latest when they will get their sport pilots than we can cruz up to some of the other local shops and motorcycle stores to window shop.And if the rest of the people want to go up to Alice it's ok,but I won't be going.See you on the 10 June,10am.Nickelson Square,cross street Tasman and First Street,Hwy 237 north/west.
Just purchased a Y2K 'Bus, and will DEFINTELY like to watch someone set up for an oil change. The bike's owners manual makes it a bit daunting... removing all the bodywork... eeeh.

So, I'd love to show up and watch.