Scored my 1st mirror of the season today


Head Woodchuck
Donating Member
So, it was a real bad weather day in the NorthEast with lots of rain.

I had to leave Vt got to Nh then on to Ct.

So I am on Rt 290 south bound coming into Wocester, Mass.

I am in the fast lane doing 85 ish when a fool jumped 2 lanes and came right into me without looking.

I was ready for this bone head move, and countered with some hard braking and manuvering on the wet roadway.

Well it's over, I just blown up inside my helmet.

Guy gives me a little Oh I didn't see you wave after hearing my horn.

I drop 2 gears and just go to his passenger side to do it.

I ride right up on him and took his passenger mirror off.

Felt Super Super good doing it.

It was a white knuckle kind of riding day anyways, without idiot cagers pulling that crap.

So score 1 more for the Mighty Busa and the Duckman.
Awfully risky move man!! Boneheads will be doubt; no way to control em, but I guess as a "busa legend" you knew what you were doing...Congrats on the first mirror??
So, taking off a cage's mirror helps motorcyclists in what way? Yes, the guy was an idiot. It sounds like he realized he'd made a mistake, and MAY have learned from it. If it was an honest mistake, and not a malicious act, a simple shaking of your head would have gotten your message across.

Now, he'll have a grudge against us. I hope I'm not riding near him if/when he decides to "mess with" those evil bikers.

He was white trash mid 20's with a " I Love My Trailer Park " bumper sticker.

Car in very poor condition.

He got off really easy if you ask me.
Yeah. Nice. Right up until he sees another bike and decides to take it out because now he hates bikers in general. You may be the cause of some other biker going down under his wheels and you'll never know it.

Just a thought.

F 'em all. id take the mirror too. if you do something to risk my takin the mirror, if for nothing else but my own sweet pleasure in costing them money to fix their car. Fishing weights work well on windows as well!!
Two wrongs don't make a right - ever.

Sucks that he put you in danger and I'm glad you made it through alright. But you need to go to jail for your actions.

Dunno, sitting the fence on this one. I'd be pissed too if somebody almost ran me over.
Was it here that I saw a video of a guy with a tank-cam-recording, and he went to pass this red car and the car came out on him, and he fell
???.............NO BUENO..........
whats wrong with white trash? we all cant be born spoiled brats with silver spoons in our mouths and candy coated thumbs up our arses. not that i'd wanna be.
i'd rather you have knocked the mirror off of a beamer or mercedes. now i have to go kick in a beamers door just to even the score.
ONLY loosing a mirror for nearly killing someone because he wasnt paying attention, Yep ,sound like he got off a little easy though. Old bikers used to mount a hammer on the bike some where easy to reach and called it a traffic cop.
now thats classic...never thought of ripping a mirror off...there have been many of days seeing some dumb cager almost run into me...have to keep that in knowing my luck id get locked up but if they deserve it f..k that...very funny. glad you didnt get f ed up in process...1 for you
ppppffff...sounds to me like the in-bred retard got off easy-and since he cut 2 dam lanes, he obviously doesnt USE his mirrors-so WhyTF shouldn't ya knock one off? he aint guna miss it

I woulda dragged a fool outta his car last year at a light for that shid but another stupid cager tried to play Dudley Do-Right n while i was busy tellin him to go **** himself the light changed n that p***y cager got tha f*** outta dogde before i could get back on the bike-didnt feel like chasing cuz then id really get hit with a Rd Rage tikt.

Let me get this straight: The guy almost hits the biker. Not quite, but almost. No damage was done to the bike or the biker. But now, the guy has a broken or missing mirror. Not an even score by any stretch.

Sounds like Timmy just got scared. Let's see now, that makes the rule, "When you scare me, I'm going to eff you up."

Great way to keep cagers and bikers all in love with each other. Next time we hear a story on here about how some cager deliberately assaults a biker, it's definitely going to make me wonder if it wasn't this redneck or one of his friends.

(busa_bill @ May 20 2007,05:50)

Dunno, sitting the fence on this one. I'd be pissed too if somebody almost ran me over.
Last night going to work about got side swiped.Just jumped to the right 4 feet and nailed it.