Scored my 1st mirror of the season today

I got off my bike at a stop light once and kicked the side of a black Cadilac SUV a few times.  That was after the driver intentionally pulled over into my lane while looking directly at me.  I mean all the way into my lane to the point where she very nearly took me out.  While I was beating the side of her truck and screaming something about attempted murder, she told me I had cut her off so I deserved it.  I'm not sure how a bike can cut off an SUV in the first place but I didn't do any such thing.

Had it been a he instead of a she, one of us would have ended up hurt cause I would have pulled him out of that truck one way or another.  I wondered a lot back then if she was married and how she explained the damage when she got home if so.  

There was another time where three teens in a jeep swerved over into my lane, coming at me head on.  They were looking right at me and laughing as they did it.   I turned around and they cut into their apartment complex, which was across the street from the apartments where I lived at the time.  Little retards.  I barely managed to slip past the security gate and caught up to them as they were trying to get into the garage.  I was so hot that I cut them off with my bike so they couldn't pull in.  I may have grabbed the driver or something afterwards while I was yelling at him but they were so freaked out and scared that I didn't do anything more.  This one happened when I was riding a ZX-9.

I don't know if I would ever go after someone for making a mistake though.  I might let them know what I think but there are way too many people out there today that would intentionally swerve into you and take you out if you get close enough to remove a mirror.

You aren't going to win a battle between your bike and a cage.

pot is officially stirred.
I know it releaved some of your frustrations, but I wouldn't reccomend that if your ever down here. People down here carry  
, and they're as dumb and peeeeeeeeeeeeed as your were. Just a thought  
I have an opinion here but wilol keep it to myself.I however have been arrested for road rage..yup..a guy cut me off,i caught up to him to tell him off,he got in front of me and slammed his brakes on and i perceeded to push him off the highway,i then got out as did he,he pulled a gun on me and not even thinking cause i was so enraged a almost beat him to death right there.the fact he pulled a gun is the only thing that kept me out of jail.i got 2 yrs probation,was not allowed in cecil county Maryland for those 2 yrs (not that i needed to go there anyway) paid a hefty fine and had to take anger management class.cant say that was my last incident,but being 6'3" 295' is usually enough for someone to think twice and run the otherway.only time they dont is if they have a piece which when it comes to it I really dont care.on a bike though,i think i would just bite the bullet,your way to vulnerable to be run off the road and killed.
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 19 2007,19:21) So, it was a real bad weather day in the NorthEast with lots of rain.

...I am in the fast lane doing 85 ish...
And you're surprised something bad happened
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 19 2007,19:21) ...Guy gives me a little Oh I didn't see you wave after hearing my horn...
Is there ANY chance that he didn't see was a bad weather day.
(tinbender0 @ May 20 2007,08:40) why cant I see my posts?
"I" can see "YOU"......................can't "YOU" see "YOU"

" tell me about your childhood, and how it makes you feel".............


(TIMMYDUCK @ May 19 2007,19:21) ...Well it's over, I just blown up inside my helmet...
Obviously it wasn' felt the need to get even for someone not seeing a motorcycle on a BAD weather

I have been riding street bikes for almost 30 years...and on a few occasions in a cage I have changed lanes...on a clear day even and forced a biker to take action to avoid me.

This guy could have not seen you and now because of your bonehead move I hope some other biker doesn't
end up paying with his life
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 19 2007,19:21) So, it was a real bad weather day in the NorthEast with lots of rain.

I had to leave Vt got to Nh then on to Ct.

So I am on Rt 290 south bound coming into Wocester, Mass.

I am in the fast lane doing 85 ish when a fool jumped 2 lanes and came right into me without looking.

I was ready for this bone head move, and countered with some hard braking and manuvering on the wet roadway.

Well it's over, I just blown up inside my helmet.

Guy gives me a little Oh I didn't see you wave after hearing my horn.

I drop 2 gears and just go to his passenger side to do it.

I ride right up on him and took his passenger mirror off.

Felt Super Super good doing it.

It was a white knuckle kind of riding day anyways, without idiot cagers pulling that crap.

So score 1 more for the Mighty Busa and the Duckman.
You are a good rider who puts in lots of miles on your bike! Lamb has seen your posts b4 and has never heard of you doing something so ignorant and irresponsible! As a fellow rider Lamb would like to take this oppurtunity to say YOU SUCK! Don't let something like this happen again! Control your emotions or retire from riding!
You know, we all get ticked off from time to time by the actions of others. Just yesterday, another motorcycle - the kid on the Ducati - on the Eureka Springs group ride passed me in the middle of a right turn at an intersection. In doing so, he crossed from the inside track to the outside track pushing me across the sand and and into the other lane. Had there been any oncoming traffic, I'd have been a hood ornament. As it was, I was nearly down from crossing the sand while I was leaned over.

Over the next several miles, I had a lot of time to think about what I was going to say to him, but not once did it occur to me to actually damage his bike or his person. When we did stop, I explained what he did to me and that it was very uncool and that he needed to be more careful about it in the future. I could have throttled him. I could have yelled at him. I could have attacked his bike, but by simply talking to him and then letting it go, I was able to defuse the situation and communicate coherently with him.

Perhaps all of you who think it's cool to damage other peoples property and threaten or even assault them could learn a lesson for this. If you can calm down and think about the others around you a little bit, maybe you could actually get people to consider their actions next time instead of just responding with their own road rage. Or you could just make them hate motorcyclists all the more.
(Lamb busa @ May 20 2007,16:53)
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 19 2007,19:21) So, it was a real bad weather day in the NorthEast with lots of rain.

I had to leave Vt got to Nh then on to Ct.

So I am on Rt 290 south bound coming into Wocester, Mass.

I am in the fast lane doing 85 ish when a fool jumped 2 lanes and came right into me without looking.

I was ready for this bone head move, and countered with some hard braking and manuvering on the wet roadway.

Well it's over, I just blown up inside my helmet.

Guy gives me a little Oh I didn't see you wave after hearing my horn.

I drop 2 gears and just go to his passenger side to do it.

I ride right up on him and took his passenger mirror off.

Felt Super Super good doing it.

It was a white knuckle kind of riding day anyways, without idiot cagers pulling that crap.

So score 1 more for the Mighty Busa and the Duckman.
You are a good rider who puts in lots of miles on your bike!  Lamb has seen your posts b4 and has never heard of you doing something so ignorant and irresponsible!  As a fellow rider Lamb would like to take this oppurtunity to say YOU SUCK!  Don't let something like this happen again!  Control your emotions or retire from riding!

You saw the guy coming and were able to avoid him...after laying on the horn, he then sees you and
apologizes. It should have ended right there...he made a mistake and didn't see now YOU make a even bigger one  
(Shibumi @ May 20 2007,10:41) Hey Timmy, is that a personalized vanity plate (with the state you live in on it) in your avatar on a board with Law Enforcement Officers as members?

"Doesn't matter they didn't see it happen"
Maybe not, but if a LEO saw this and the 1999 Probe reported the crime, and they brought you in for the driver to identify the criminal...

I think everyone has pointed out the obvious, this was negligence on his part, not malice which your response was.

You were an idiot to be riding in the manner you were, in poor visibility conditions. The only thing smart you did was to stay alert to deal with situations such as the one that inevitably occurred.

You were an idiot to pull up beside him and kick his mirror, I'm assuming there are people who care about you and would be very upset if the driver swerved into your lane and turned you into a statistic.

Tell you what, if you want to decide if you did the right thing, show this to your family and ask them.

Then send this to the family of the next biker who is intentionally killed by someone in a car who has had a biker act like you did towards them.


I can easily see you had YOU been the driver, I'm sure in a fit of rage you wouldn't hesitate to run the biker off the road or into the next lane of traffic.

Still think you did the right thing?


Dude , you gotta chill with mirror thing.You cant go around smak'n stuff because your pissed! That could only end with something bad happening.Just thank God you did not get hurt! And move on.
(species0113 @ May 20 2007,08:37) whats wrong with white trash? we all cant be born spoiled brats with silver spoons in our mouths and candy coated thumbs up our arses. not that i'd wanna be.
i'd rather you have knocked the mirror off of a beamer or mercedes. now i have to go kick in a beamers door just to even the score.






(proud dad @ May 20 2007,09:04) Real smart,knock glass on the road.Not to good on bike tires.One thing I can't stand is people damaging someone elses property.What a COWARD!!! Got a problem with the guy,follow him and ask him what his problem is.

Well in that case you should hate the cager more since through total negligence to the PRIVALAGE of Driving he not only came close to damaging some else's property, but ENDING A LIFE through his actions. One thing i can't stand is someone who almost seriously hurts or ends anothers life and tries to wave it off like it's nothing serious. Hopefully that fool will instead realize how being just a little negligent can become more serious then they can handle.

If you look at the other posts on here, there's plenty of cowards on the road in cages that use their metal against us for whatever reason. Just to mess with us or deliberatly try to kill us. As for following them and "Being a man" confronting them face to face, few posts down you can see one man did that and was looking down the barrell of a gun. He still beat the guys ass but one bullet might have changed that and hey, the guy that pulled the trigger would probably be found justified since he was chased down, pushed off the road, and obviously faced great bodily harm. So "Being a man" these days can get you shot or explaining your "Manly ways" to a Judge.

Hate to say it but you have to play dirty these days to live. Pulling alongside a moving cage and busting their mirror is bad news since all they have to do is a harsh turn of the wheel. And this guy was in the rain to boot. BAD bad move. Mirror busting is best left alone or done while stopped and where ya can split quick incase they're pulling a gun on ya. Me? I don't do that anymore. I found a nice downward, deep scuff and scatch leaving kick to their door as i'm going by worked. Didn't knock me off balance, they didn't see me coming, and got the point across. Few ever tried chasing. But i don't even bother with that anymore. If i'm not damaged and ok, maybe i'll call their plate in. If they're apologizing i'll wave 'em off and move on. If they're being stupid or smart, flip 'em off and leave 'em. If they're dumb enough to chase, Well that's their accident or fleet of cops they'll have to deal with since i'm not sticking around.

As for people saying these punks that get schooled are gonna be out to get bikers now, on the contrary. Society now is "turn the other cheek and things will be ok". People see stuff happening and they don't get involved because they don't want trouble. These chumps do this stuff and think they're gonna get away with it because they're kids or people are scared. Let me tell you: when they end up running into "The wrong guy to mess with" and they get damaged or tramatized with the other party getting away with it, that sticks with them Bigtime. In terms of messing with bikes, there's more of a chance they'll leave riders alone after meeting some psycho that busted their car or them up. Then again they might be so stupid that reguardless of what you do to them, they're gonna do it to the next guy and keep on until they are caught by the law. It's the way things are. So it pays to "Be a SMART Man" in knowing how to deal with it all.