Scored my 1st mirror of the season today

(species0113 @ May 20 2007,06:37) whats wrong with white trash? we all cant be born spoiled brats with silver spoons in our mouths and candy coated thumbs up our arses. not that i'd wanna be.
i'd rather you have knocked the mirror off of a beamer or mercedes. now i have to go kick in a beamers door just to even the score.
Everything wrong with white trash.

I`d follow this POS until he stops or get home (yep, to his beloved trailer park ) and then explain to him very politely WTF he did wrong.
(species0113 @ May 20 2007,06:37) whats wrong with white trash? we all cant be born spoiled brats with silver spoons in our mouths and candy coated thumbs up our arses. not that i'd wanna be.
i'd rather you have knocked the mirror off of a beamer or mercedes. now i have to go kick in a beamers door just to even the score.
ohhh.. Not all who own Mercedes been born in silver spoon in mouths. Some people actually work hard not to be in trailer park.
(species0113 @ May 20 2007,08:37) whats wrong with white trash? we all cant be born spoiled brats with silver spoons in our mouths and candy coated thumbs up our arses. not that i'd wanna be.
i'd rather you have knocked the mirror off of a beamer or mercedes. now i have to go kick in a beamers door just to even the score.
Not that I haven't gone after somebody through thier window, but white trash has nothing to do with it !!!Not everybody has parents to send thier kids to college, to get a white collar job !!! My father raised a family of four on a cops salary.

So if your going to do it, do it because he's an a$$h0le, not because he is not loaded !!!!!
So you were speeding excessively for the road conditions on a vehicle that's hard to see, and made harder to see by the rain? Good call.
I have been in situations like this as well. It is hard to control yourself when you are so pi$$ed off you want to throttle someone. Anger management is key. The more you let your emotions get the better of you the more dangerous you are to yourself on two wheels.

We all do things we regret, one of these days you may not be able to come back from it though.

What gets under peoples skin more than anything? The thought that someone is disappointed in them. Most people are weak-minded like this. In close calls anymore I just make myself VERY visible to the person who screwed up and shake my head in disgust at them. This gets to them more than violence would sometimes and is safe for everyone.

Violence is not the answer and reflects badly on all of us. I would hate to think that the action I took today could cause the pain of another motorcycle rider tomorrow. If you can live with that maybe there are other things you need to re-evaluate.
Hey Timmy, is that a personalized vanity plate (with the state you live in on it) in your avatar on a board with Law Enforcement Officers as members?
did u use the foot wrench or did you follow the guy and took it off when he wasn't there??
Real smart,knock glass on the road.Not to good on bike tires.One thing I can't stand is people damaging someone elses property.What a COWARD!!! Got a problem with the guy,follow him and ask him what his problem is.BE A MAN,GO FACE TO FACE.Knock his mirror off and run on a busa,what a tough guy.NOT!!!
Said he's white trash?How do you know? You don't even know him.Being poor don't make someone trash!!!Damaging someone else property that they worked for reguardless of value.YOU'RE THE TRASH.You proved it with your actions.


GROW UP!!!!!!!!!
Good job dude!
Glad no wuss got your plate number either. Hopefully the little turd will think twice before pulling stupid sh!t like that from now on.

He got off lucky, back in the 60's (when bikers had balls) he would have been pulled out of the car, set on fire and dragged by a Hardley for a few miles. Of course back then cagers were extra careful around bikers.

Today we're all about being PC. Now you have p*ssy bleeding hearts that end up on juries and will convict you for beating a guy you caught on your property trying to steal your bike. When it comes time for the criminal to face the court, hell be let go with a stern talking to along with a bunch of your money. But hey, that's just the PC times we live in.
to all the new riders out there reading this stupid topic. if this happens to you, just remember what you are driving and what the other person is driving. chances are you, your family, and friends will come out the losers. just because i ride bikes does not mean i dont drive cars or trucks. i dont care what you are driving, if you intentionally take my mirror off or damage any property of mine on purpose. you best be able to ride that busa like your life depends on it. because it will.
(species0113 @ May 20 2007,13:05) to all the new riders out there reading this stupid topic. if this happens to you, just remember what you are  driving and what the other person is driving. chances are you, your family, and friends will come out the losers.  just because i ride bikes does not mean i dont drive cars or trucks. i dont care what you are driving, if you intentionally take my mirror off or damage any property of mine on purpose. you best be able to ride that busa like your life depends on it. because it will.
(species0113 @ May 20 2007,12:05) to all the new riders out there reading this stupid topic. if this happens to you, just remember what you are  driving and what the other person is driving.  just because i ride bikes does not mean i dont drive cars or trucks. i dont care what you are driving, if you intentionally take my mirror off or damage any property of mine on purpose. you best be able to ride that busa like your life depends on it. because it will.

cant be tearing people shid up because they arent paying attention/are bad drivers. one day you might knock the wrong mirror off.
I would rather do the X-man thing, 'reach' through the side window at a red light and give him a good talking to. I have magic gloves that allow me to do that.

When I was 17 I went to the city for the first time on a bike, and when I pulled over to the right a little bit to avoid the headwind from a semi, a woman flew past me in the same lane, in a 60 kph zone, and hit my left handlebar with her door. I opend her window for her when she would not even look at me to apologize, just sat there giving me the finger.
If it had been a man I would have handed him his teeth. I didnt have my magic gloves then, and leaked a little. Good thing was others saw her do it, and when I pulled in front of her and parked at a red light, they stood up for me.
Mirrors only come off when they are messing with me and close enough to do so. I don't go after them - that's how you end up under a cages rear tire. Mistakes happen. You make them, I make them, they make them.

Save the rage for the @$$hats that are actually MESSING with you not just MISSING spotting you, imo.