Scored my 1st mirror of the season today

I get warrants all the time based on evidence. I don't have to be there or see it, I just have to prove it happened to a judge or jury.

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well,,apparently carolina is a little different than florida. .Heck,, I just had to pay a pawn shop to buy back my stolen golf clubs, the detective was standing right there and she knew it was my stuff and it was stolen. Because she had already talked to the person who pawned them and he named the person who stole them . She says there is nothing she can do because the state wont pick up the charges. Blah Blah that tells me here in florida that unless they catch u with your hand in the cookie jar they are not going to do crap!!!
I missed the 85 mph part, dont be a dingleberry and slow down. Have you not seen the amount of deaths due to spee and or stupidity lately?
(tinbender0 @ May 20 2007,21:50) well,,apparently carolina is a little different than florida. .Heck,, I just had to pay a pawn shop to buy back my stolen golf clubs, the detective was standing right there and she knew it was my stuff and it was stolen. Because she had already talked to the person who pawned them and he named the person who stole them . She says there is nothing she can do because the state wont pick up the charges. Blah Blah that tells me here in florida that unless they catch u with your hand in the cookie jar they are not going to do crap!!!
I think, you got your shid back, even though you had ta buy it.

Can't explain that one bud. Some areas; Most are overwhelmed by crackheads and their crime and just can't work it all.

I dunno.

We have twelve patrolman on 4 shifts and they have to do it all. Gets tough. Your stuff was recovered and they probably just closed the case.

But my only point is; your assertion was in error, except maybe Florida
no they weren't even recovered. I just happened to find them myself I was looking at some lawn mowers they had outside for sale , and just happened to walk inside to look around..There they were...they were A-holes about it too...Said there was no way they could be mine ,I should have reported it ..I said don't worry I did, then I called the police (alot of good that did) feaking crooks I wish I could rip his mirror off......J/K bad part is they know it was stolen and did NOTHING!!!My dad is an investigator in augusta ga, and he said they automatically give the property back in that situation,, not have to buy it back!!
BTW, my real name is Bob and I live in New Jersey. I just post as some guy named Chris from Texas to throw you off my trail.

I catch alot of flak from other LEO's here in Miami for ridin a Busa missile(The Icon Mainframe Skull helmet does'nt help either). Bein an LEO myself, I can understand why...I see some real jerk-offs all the time..some on two, most on four. That being said, without soundin all "Holier than thou", don't be a jerk-off, that poor schlep could be workin his way through EMT training, lord knows they don't pay to well anyways. How would that turn out if your on the shoulder of the road with your bike 200 feet away cuz another cager did'nt see you and who rolls up in the meat wagon, but good ol schleppy fresh out the academy and ready to put some 10 gauge IV's into your arse. Irony and Mr. Murphy love to make cameos in everyones life. Just some thought next time.
And to the dude down in South Dade that says fishin weights make good rage grenades, that shiny Teal and chrome Busa is'nt exactly the most inconspicuous or "stealth" bike if ya know what I mean. Trust me, Florida Highway Patrol, especially in south florida, is just itchin for a reason to start pullin rides from individuals who attract their attention...throwin shid at cars on the road is a good way to do just that. Don't believe me, just run a google search on fhp seizing bikes up in central fl. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO "SEE" YOU TO PULL YOUR RIDE!!
(Shibumi @ May 20 2007,08:41) Hey Timmy, is that a personalized vanity plate (with the state you live in on it) in your avatar on a board with Law Enforcement Officers as members?  
Thanks for the input guys.

I appreciate all the views.

It was a measured response in my humble opinion.

Guy got less than he deserved.

And since when is doing 85 mph speeding on a BUSA ?
(Chromed-n-Stretched @ May 20 2007,00:32) Fishing weights work well on windows as well!!
hahah thats odd that you should say that... when i stayed with a friend in Californiawe were riding and a cager got pissed at us over something we werent sure of but he came over and started comeing over the lane to scare us (not like he was acualy comeing over) and my buddy pulls some fishing line with 3 weights knotted into it out of his jacket sleeve and flung them into the drivers mirrior and when we got to the light he got out of his car and i proceeded to fight him and we left and never heard anything more about it... i know how you feel but after words i came to the realzation that he may have been doing it because some one took his m irrior or his window.
I need to add I don't go ever looking for trouble on the bike or anywhere else in my life.

This guy was being an extremely negligent driver in poor weather conditions and just ran into a guy that will stand up for himself 100 % of the time, no matter what the odds.
(Bokey @ May 21 2007,03:40) What about these magnets from Aerostitch?


Guess I'll order some of those yellow cards for the busy summer riding season.

Can you post a link to the red cards ?

I might like those more.
This guy wasn't calling any cops.

Had a 2 foot glass bong stuffed between the seat and center console.

After giving him his wake-up call I slowed down right in front of him doing 50 or so.

He wanted no more of me and slowed to 30.

I continued on for a few 10's of a mile and he exited the highway for the crack dens of wocester.

I can tell good from evil guys and deemed him evil, So you should all thank me.

He was not on the side of the justice league, if you know what I mean.
In retrospect I probably should not have entitled my Post " I scored my 1st mirror of the season" like it was a contest or something.

" I regretably had to educate a Scumbag today" would have probably been better.
There are 2 types of situations -

1. Cager just doesn't see you - yes that is stupid & he should not be cut slack, but I do.

2. Cager intentionally runs up you a$$, swerves at you etc. - I get license # run plate & handle up later. And I always handle up in this situation.

A friend of mine carries big ball bearings that he uses to take out the windshield if it is intentional.
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 21 2007,04:00) This guy wasn't calling any cops.

Had a 2 foot glass bong stuffed between the seat and center console.

After giving him his wake-up call I slowed down right in front of him doing 50 or so.

He wanted no more of me and slowed to 30.

I continued on for a few 10's of a mile and he exited the highway for the crack dens of wocester.

I can tell good from evil guys and deemed him evil, So you should all thank me.

He was not on the side of the justice league, if you know what I mean.
the plot thickens. was there any water or crushed ice in the bong? how do you know it wasn't a humming bird feeder? Everyone knows white trash love humming birds.
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 21 2007,05:43) I need to add I don't go ever looking for trouble on the bike or anywhere else in my life.

This guy was being an extremely negligent driver in poor weather conditions and just ran into a guy that will stand up for himself 100 % of the time, no matter what the odds.
Timmy - the more you type, the more I really don't like what I'm reading.

If you had time to see the bong, size the guy up, determine "good" from "evil" aaaand smash a mirror - you were messing with him not the reverse.

He didn't see you. He apologized. You saw him, his car, his bong, his apology, etc. Then you slow to 50 in FRONT of him?!

He made a mistake and you're trying to justify your actions by claiming he was "bad". The way you did what you did has no justification given the situation.
(TIMMYDUCK @ May 21 2007,03:36) Thanks for the input guys.

I appreciate all the views.

It was a measured response in my humble opinion.

Guy got less than he deserved.

And since when is doing 85 mph speeding on a BUSA ?
85 in the rain
"a white knuckle kinda day..."

Definitely unsafe speed for the conditions