I've been stopped by the police in my car for warning other drivers approaching.
After I passed the cop saw me flashing my lights to oncoming cars. He flew up and pulled me over. Told me in the state of Florida you can be cited for obstruction of justice by doing so. Whether true or not he was pissed and I was scared. Let me go but gave me a stern talking to. If I can now without getting myself into trouble I'll warn them otherwise your on your own.
I suppose you could interpret the law of obstructing that way. Im sure it may vary a little from state to state but I would be shocked to see any one get arrested or charged with obstructing. In Ohio it would fall under obstructing official business but come on. really???. Catching speeders, at least around here is like shooting fish in a barrel. No need to go hunting for some b.s charge like that just to hum somebody up. Just say you had an ich on your head and you were trying to scratch it.

We all have a job to do but come on.....Like the joker said."Why so serious?"