Waving to cops.

Not all but most people who posted seem to think that a wave means friendship. I think that is the very reason the cop didn't wave back to the original poster.
I started waving to our local Sheriffs because I had quite a few friends who were officers and I could never tell if it is one of my friends or not so I waved to all of them (just the usual biker wave.. left arm out "deuces" style) .. Now it makes me smile when they wave back (maybe its just at me :whistle:) .. I agree it takes some of the animosity out of the relationship (if there is such a thing).

I tried it this past week while I was riding to Mobile to see BlondeonaBusa.. I waved at a few State Troopers as I passed them (both sitting on the side of the road and moving).. I think I caught them off guard but they didn't seem offended in the least. (But I do make it a point not to look like I am flipping them off :laugh:)
Not all but most people who posted seem to think that a wave means friendship. I think that is the very reason the cop didn't wave back to the original poster.

That's unfortunate.

Maybe it's just the officers in my part of the world, but I almost always get a wave in return.
I waved at a cop and the cop gave me the finger. And then when I looked back in shock he started following me. That was a long 5 miles to the next county. I got run out of town. All I was thinking don't mess up are you are going to jail. DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200 DOLLARS.
I nod my head to the cops in cars if they look my way. So far only one city cop acknowledged me.
I tried waving to a few state troopers riding. Not because they were "the man" but because they were a fellow rider. Not one has ever waved back. I have had 2 that kinda looked down their nose at me.....I just quit waving to the rider cops altogether.

Edit: I guess its a good thing that the cops on bikes dont even look my way?? :dunno:
Listen please,these people are not your friends.

They may not be your friends, but the way I see it, they have a job to do just like most of us do. They (along with most other people) deserve respect, not to mention that one of these days they could be the one that pulls someone over for not paying attention and about running your ass over or saving your life when someone pulls out in front of you and you t-bone them. It doesn't mean you have to buy them a beer or attend christmas with them. IMO
i only wave to people on two wheels, military personnel, and small kids who are staring at me with those "i wanna grow up to be like him" look in their eyes...i usually nod to ambulances, fire trucks, and LEO's
I always wave at our service people. I got nothing to hide and they are out here protecting us and our property, so at least a little acknowledgment of appreciation for all they do. I still wave at the cop who gave me a speeding ticket one bright early morning as I was traveling on a back road doing 45 (I thought that was the speed limit). I saw him at his usual speed trap. I drove past at about 48 mph gave a little wave and a smile and the next thing I know he is pulling out with lights and sirens blazing. I think, gee he must have just got a call. I will slow down so he can get around me, cause I have no where to pull over on this narrow back road. Well about 3 miles down the road he is still behind me, so I pull into the local rotary park and he jumps out of his car hand on his UNSNAPPED gun holster and comes up just shy of my driver window and yelling at me to give him my license and registration. I am like "What is going on?" He says you were doing 48 in a 35. ooops! I tried to explain to him that I really did think it was a 45 and I was not trying to be disrespectful when I went past him. He didn't care gave me my $180 ticket. Now when i see him I am specifically doing exactly the speed limit and I give him the biggest grin and smile I can manage. :laugh:
I also do the wave.. but then again I grew up in an entire family of cops and my two brothers are cops so they're all kinda like family anyways.