Ok I just used google.
Keywords used
1) Flashing high beams law
Most results: It is ilegal to flash your high beams in most states with 200FT of on coming traffic.
2) Tapping top of helmet
Most results: Warning LEO/Cops ahead
3) Tapping helmet law
Results: Nothing states against the law.
Plain and simple tap your helmet no ticket, just helped a fellow biker.
If your pulled over for it, take it as harassment find out who the cheif of police is and write a letter or make a phone call.
Keywords used
1) Flashing high beams law
Most results: It is ilegal to flash your high beams in most states with 200FT of on coming traffic.
2) Tapping top of helmet
Most results: Warning LEO/Cops ahead
3) Tapping helmet law
Results: Nothing states against the law.
Plain and simple tap your helmet no ticket, just helped a fellow biker.

If your pulled over for it, take it as harassment find out who the cheif of police is and write a letter or make a phone call.