I've got an air shifter set-up on my 07 that is mounted similar to the Lee's Performance--http://http://www.schnitzracingstore.com/catalogs/catalog.asp?prodid=2352369&showprevnext=1-- only that I made it myself. I'm using the ECU for a kill, with a kill time set @ 80ms on all 5 shifts. Starting at 145psi of air, it seems like my kill time is too short on the 1-2 shift. It will knock into neutral and not make 2nd gear. However, with less than 120 psi the bike will shift 2-3-4-5 no problem. I'm not sure yet if my overflow bottle is pressing against the ram in some funky fashion or not, but I made the same brackets for a friends 04 and with slightly less air pressure and the same kill time he has no problems. I think if my overflow is pushing against the ram, i should be able to heat it up with a heat gun and sort of "remold" it, no?
Here's a pic of my set-up, with the bottle out of the way...
Here's a pic of my set-up, with the bottle out of the way...