Should guns be banned?

I don't believe that knowing the teachers at the school were amred in either case would have deterred the assailants, but maybe would have caused them to act differently.

In Columbine, I don't think they would have picked another target. They were bulled and wanted revenge. The explosives were supposed to do most of the work. Guns were for the survivors.

With the Connecticut shooter, we don't know about motive (yet), however the moment he knew authorities were closing in, he shot himself.

There is a HUGE difference between shooting teachers and children who are cowering in the closet or corner of a classroom, and an armed individual. These types of shooters are cowards and wouldn't hold up against an opponent who is on equal ground.

On the flip side is the possibility that an armed teacher could injure or kill more children in the attempt to disable the assailant.

You really think a teacher would sit there and shoot 20 or 30 people while firing at the shooter? :)

I think it is also safe to say that there is inherrently more danger in a classroom where there is a loaded firearm than one where there is not.

One of the reasons why I like conceal carry. You never know who is carrying.

School shootings while horrible and heartbreaking are still a relatively rare phenomenon -- is it reasonable to globally increase the danger in classrooms as a preparation against the rare instance of violence?

How many schools have anti-gun policies? What's their purpose? How many schools lock their gates and have metal detectors? If we want to talk about relatively rare, how about what we're doing at airports? There is more chance of another school shooting than a terrorist hijacking.
Have you heard of the Clackamas Town Center shooting? Even though it was a busy mall, and 2 weeks before christmas, the shooter was only able to kill 2 people. The low death count meant it didn't last long in the news... but we can use it as a case study for a 'what if' against the CT situation:

Like the schools, this mall was a gun free zone. Jacob Roberts (the shooter) was confronted by Nick Meli who was armed and had a CCW.

Jacob fired three times, then as he was messing with the rifle, Meli pulled out his own gun and was about to shoot Jacob. Jacob decided to shoot himself and ended the conflict.

Note that apparently no other shots were fired after the shooter allegedly became aware of Meli. If that's the case, Meli's armed presence arguably saved an untold number of lives.

Here's 4 more examples:

Do Civilians Armed With Guns Ever Capture, Kill, or Otherwise Stop Mass Shooters?
Blanca you can't expect the Anti-s to learn about what they hate.

And Willie, I'm struggling to wrap my head around your logic, as I'm sure you are ours. Have you ever been to a range with a group of guys/gals?

Really wishing you would have went with us all at the Spring Bash.. Its a lot of fun, and it has nothing to do with death or murder. Nothing like the smell of gunpowder in the morning.... :whistle:

Gbots, you are making two basic mistakes. 1. That I'm logical and 2. That I know what I'm talking about. :rofl: It's funny because my company is something of a firing range expert. We have done them for the FBI, various police groups, military and some of our allies abroad. I don't do this work much but I know a lot of the tech. Yet I have never fired a pistol. I am sure it's fun and I don't have a problem with that. You guys sound like model gun owners. Problem is there are a lot of people with guns who shouldn't have them. I don't know how you protect the public from fools without stepping on everyone's rights. As for the Spring Bash I'm sure you guys would hand a loaded gun to a guy who just tipped over his Busa trying to park???:laugh:
You guys sound like model gun owners. Problem is there are a lot of people with guns who shouldn't have them.

Problem is Willie, that there is a lot of people with guns that should have them, and a few that shouldn't... That is were the anti-gunners and the pro-gunners differ. We believe there to be more good in the world than bad. History dictates that. It is a DRAMATICALLY small percentage rate of guns vs. murders...

The crazies are going to remain crazy well after the guns are gone.

You know we love ya Willie, and parking a Busa on a 60 degree incline is way more difficult than hitting a paper target.. (Not as fun either) :laugh:
Willie, are you going to the Spring Bash? Let some of us know, and maybe we can work something out. I'm sure I speak for several of us when I say I'd be happy to go shooting with you.

Shooting paper in a controlled range environment is much easier than negotiating that hill at the Phillips. :laugh:
Have you heard of the Clackamas Town Center shooting? Even though it was a busy mall, and 2 weeks before christmas, the shooter was only able to kill 2 people. The low death count meant it didn't last long in the news... but we can use it as a case study for a 'what if' against the CT situation:

Like the schools, this mall was a gun free zone. Jacob Roberts (the shooter) was confronted by Nick Meli who was armed and had a CCW.

Jacob fired three times, then as he was messing with the rifle, Meli pulled out his own gun and was about to shoot Jacob. Jacob decided to shoot himself and ended the conflict.

Note that apparently no other shots were fired after the shooter allegedly became aware of Meli. If that's the case, Meli's armed presence arguably saved an untold number of lives.

I am very familiar with this as it happened not far from where I live. I know people who were in the mall at the time of the shooting. The general concensus from the witness I have spoken with is that there were dozens of shots fired. The AR Jacob had jammed after 3 shots or so, but he was able to clear it and continue shooting. He ultimately took his own life as authorities arrived. Either he was a horrible shot, or he was just not as committed to mass murder as he thought he was when he entered the mall. From the article in the link you provided about Meli, I don't believe he either confronted the shooter or that Jacob shot himself as a result of Meli drawing down on him or confronting him. From the article, it sounds as if after drawing down on him and wisely deciding not to shoot (Know your target and what is beyond) he chose to move from his position behind a pillar and take refuge in a store. While I don't doubt elements of his story are accurate, I know several credible witnesses who report that things happened very differently than how the article regarding Meli says they went.

Gbots, you are making two basic mistakes. 1. That I'm logical and 2. That I know what I'm talking about. :rofl: It's funny because my company is something of a firing range expert. We have done them for the FBI, various police groups, military and some of our allies abroad. I don't do this work much but I know a lot of the tech. Yet I have never fired a pistol. I am sure it's fun and I don't have a problem with that. You guys sound like model gun owners. Problem is there are a lot of people with guns who shouldn't have them. I don't know how you protect the public from fools without stepping on everyone's rights. As for the Spring Bash I'm sure you guys would hand a loaded gun to a guy who just tipped over his Busa trying to park???:laugh:

What he said ^

Anway - I'm REALLY torn on the gun issue (it's hard to be stuck somewhere between being a liberal and a libertarian :laugh:). Something needs to be done, but I dunno what it is. Easiest solution seems to be to help stupid people with guns be less stupid (i.e. - take them away). But can't do that without infringing the rights of the smart people with guns *shrugs*. I still think the gun and violence culture in this country is bursting at the seams though. I've shot plenty of guns, and am pretty good at it actually. But, I gave whatever guns I had away when my son was born. Owning a gun was not worth any possible risk to my child (or any child). Just before my son was born, a friend's 15 year old, that was no stranger to guns, managed to kill himself handling a firearm; so it was an easy choice to me.

And folks, some of you say that taking guns away is whittling away your freedoms. IMO, if you're already living in so much fear that you need to surround yourselves with guns and ammo, then you've already lost your freedom. That's my two cents.

Anyway - Happy Holidays .org brothers and sisters! Stepping away from this thread - It easy to see when you're outnumbered and outgunned :laugh:
I don't know what an assault weapon is Gbot. I think it is a weapon that would be used on a battle field and has no real use otherwise except to pretend or prepare to be on a battle field. I didn't go into that because the definition of an assault rifle is the next debate after the armory one. EDIT: I my mind an assault gun can kill on an industrial scale, that's what makes it a bigger menace to society.

The media "assault weapon" is any weapon that LOOKS like those used by Military (by vets like me ). An AR style rifle is no more effective at using .223, .308, or .50BMG than any other rifle. It looks itimidating to someone who knows nothing about the guns they want to ban. To the uneducated, something must only look intimidating in order for it to haunt their dreams. True story: I had a knife-phobic Staff Sargeant complain to our Sargeant Major that he was scared to his core when he would see the SOG Seal knife strapped to my thigh. I was forced to remove my knife when inside the gates of our Ramadi Iraq...with the town and those wishing us death within unstrained eyesite of our living quarters...:whistle:??? Oh, but he was fine with the belt fed machine gun on my shoulder at all times.

Their so called assault weapons have a switch for ....wait for (one round at a time) and not fire (safe).lol
Ok ok so I give in. UNCLE.
Lets ban assault weapons or all ugly guns basically. All gone never to be sold again.

Are we supposed to think that instantly no other mass murder will occur? Course not silly...

So now we have over forty million supposed 'assault rifles' in private hands. What to do with them?
Ok give it to ban even on possession punishable by such stiff penalties that most settled owners would be pressured into turning them in. Married with kids, letters in the mail, most would turn them in I'm afraid as they'd be more worried about who's gonna make the Beemer payment. So lets says you get the majority of them turned in. Now for sure mass murder would cease right?
Nah somebody would just use a pistol....oh wait they have already. So now semi automatic pistols gotta go...
Ok give it to them......yes finally for sure we are safe at last....right?

The only true way to prevent what just happened is absolutely 100% impossible to achieve.
You would have to like a vacuum cleaner suck up every single last gun in this country to prevent another mass murder. Even if The Lord himself made em all disappear they would flood over the Mexican and Canadian border as well as get smuggled into here or there same as cocaine.

It's impossible. Twenty effen pages over a point that is moot. Give the gun grabbers every single wet dream they ever had. Pass every law Sarah Brady and Feinstein and Schumer want. You're never gonna stop gun violence in this country. PERIOD.
Silly flipping arguement. Talk about something that can be done because to even limit or stop future sales of certain things or all will not stop anything.

Our leaders are A holes for still not addressing the mental health of our teens in this country.
Young twenty somethings that feel all entitled are flipping left and right and all they have done since minute after is talk about this is gotta be the turning point and something has to be done about guns.
Still nobody has challenged Hollywood or prime time tv to stop the brainwashing of America's youth. Nobody has mentioned this kid like others most likely spent hours upon hours playing first person shooter games.

I keep seeing these old west references and how everyone had guns and everyone was getting shot and blah blah blah.
Truth be told in certain areas there was a much much higher percentage of guns per 1000 but there was drastically less gun violence. Folks of that day had what we lack now RESPECT and MORALS. It was actually safer to live in dodge city or wherever back then than it is now to live in Chicago.
The "Wild West" as displayed by Hollywood is not reality. The wild west wasn't really that wild as an armed society is a polite society.
I am very familiar with this as it happened not far from where I live. I know people who were in the mall at the time of the shooting.

OK fair enough. I'll leave you with one last post on this topic.

"With just one single exception, the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every public shooting since at least 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns.â€

"Gun-free zones have been the most popular response to previous mass killings. But many law-enforcement officials say they are actually counterproductive. “Guns are already banned in schools. That is why the shootings happen in schools. A school is a ‘helpless-victim zone,’†says Richard Mack, a former Arizona sheriff. “Preventing any adult at a school from having access to a firearm eliminates any chance the killer can be stopped in time to prevent a rampage,†Jim Kouri, the public-information officer of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, told me earlier this year at the time of the Aurora, Colo., Batman-movie shooting. Indeed, there have been many instances — from the high-school shooting by Luke Woodham in Mississippi, to the New Life Church shooting in Colorado Springs, Colo. — where a killer has been stopped after someone got a gun from a parked car or elsewhere and confronted the shooter.

Economists John Lott and William Landes conducted a groundbreaking study in 1999, and found that a common theme of mass shootings is that they occur in places where guns are banned and killers know everyone will be unarmed, such as shopping malls and schools."

The Facts about Mass Shootings - National Review Online
Gbots, you are making two basic mistakes. 1. That I'm logical and 2. That I know what I'm talking about. :rofl: It's funny because my company is something of a firing range expert. We have done them for the FBI, various police groups, military and some of our allies abroad. I don't do this work much but I know a lot of the tech. Yet I have never fired a pistol. I am sure it's fun and I don't have a problem with that. You guys sound like model gun owners. Problem is there are a lot of people with guns who shouldn't have them. I don't know how you protect the public from fools without stepping on everyone's rights. As for the Spring Bash I'm sure you guys would hand a loaded gun to a guy who just tipped over his Busa trying to park???:laugh:

Well heck Willie who gets to decide who does and does not get to own a gun... You? I saw you drop your bike at the bash so I guess that makes you unfit to own a motorcycle... It isn't pleasant to be in the receiving end of this discussion is it... You have complete confidence in your abilities and can rationalize your low speed tip over.. I haven't made a single mistake with my gun yet you want to take mine away... You want to use your own logic, admittingly you have never shot a pistol or AR, but yet you want to generalize the evil gun and ban em all for the kids... I will give you a snippet of what I hear from you.... Just like the general public when they see I ride a sportbike they immediately characterize me as riding a dangerous crotch rocket just because of the way it looks. Being an avid rider I could explain all day long that the bike will only do what I tell it, I control the bike (most of the time :) ) You sound just like those people to us... those evil AR15 shoot too many bullets, those evil crotch rockets go too damn fast for the highway... I bet there is a substantial number of people that are killed on sportbikes every year but you would defend the right to own a busa... Go shoot a gun with someone on the site and think about what you are saying... just because you don't shoot doesnt mean the rest of us dont either...
Japan has some seriously strict gun laws right?
For sure there's no mass murder of children in schools because of the scarcity of guns right?

Japanese Schoolchildren Killed
By Keiko Kanai

IKEDA, Japan (Reuters) - Eight children were killed and 15 people injured at a Japanese elementary school on Friday when a former janitor with a history of mental illness went on a stabbing rampage.

It was the worst mass killing in Japan since the 1995 sarin gas attack on crowded Tokyo subways by the Aum Shinrikyo (Aum Supreme Truth) cult which killed 12 and made thousands ill.

The victims were mainly seven- and eight-year-old pupils at the school in Ikeda, a suburb of the western city of Osaka, Japan's second largest metropolitan area. Seven of those killed were girls and the eighth was a six-year-old boy, Japanese media said.

Two teachers were injured, police said, one of them a 28-year-old man who was in critical condition and needed emergency surgery after the attack. Five of the injured children were in critical condition, television reports said.

The tragedy began when the man, wielding an 11-inch knife, walked into a classroom mid-morning and began to stab children in a rampage that police said lasted a little over 10 minutes.

"He came in holding a knife and started stabbing," a first grade girl said.

One sixth-grade girl told Reuters: "We were listening to an announcement over the loudspeaker, and then it was broken into by a scream and a noise like a desk falling down...Then I heard someone scream from below, 'Run!"'

Several children ran into a nearby supermarket yelling and crying for help, witnesses said.

"One of the boys, whose back was stained with blood, fell in front of the cashier. He was pale and did not speak a word," a shop clerk told a television reporter. A schoolboy said "I saw a person who had fallen down. I also saw blood."

Police were holding in custody a 37-year-old man who they said had previously undergone treatment for schizophrenia.


The motive behind the attack was unclear, but NHK public broadcaster said the suspect had told police he had taken 10 times his usual dosage of tranquilizers and was babbling.

While school shootings such the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado have become a grim part of life in the United States, random tragedy on such a scale is unheard of at Japanese schools.

The quiet of the summer day around the school, in an ordinary residential area, was shattered by wailing sirens and the clatter of helicopters.

Ambulances lined the school driveway while students streamed out of the building and gathered on the school playing fields.

Frantic parents arrived soon afterwards, talking urgently into mobile phones and later left with their children, tight-lipped.


The suspect, whom police asked not be identified because of his history of mental illness, told police he wanted to suffer the death penalty for his crime.

"I was fed up with everything," police quoted him as saying, adding that he had previously tried to commit suicide. "I want to be put to death."

Media reports said the suspect had previously been arrested for allegedly putting tranquilizers in tea which he gave to teachers at a school where he was employed as a janitor, but was not tried because he was under treatment for mental illness.

The government formed an emergency task force headed by Education Minister Atsuko Toyama and sent officials to the site.

Japan's traditional reputation as a society free of random violence has been changing in recent years, and the number of senseless crimes, often committed by teenagers, has risen rapidly.

"These are not ordinary times," said Katsuhiro Kino****a, the father of a sixth-grader at the school. "I felt the blood drain from my face when I heard."


Voicing deep concern over rising rates of violent crime, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi vowed to do whatever he could to restore Japan's reputation as one of the world's safest countries.

"The safe society is crumbling. We must think of ways to deal with this problem," Koizumi told reporters.

Last year, one 17-year-old boy bludgeoned passengers at a trendy Tokyo shopping district with a baseball bat after a fight with his father; another beat his mother to death with a metal bat; a third stabbed an elderly neighbor to death because he wanted to experience killing someone.

In 1999, a man entered a school playground and stabbed to death a seven-year-old schoolboy.

One of the grisliest incidents of recent years, the 1997 murder and beheading of an 11-year-old boy, was carried out by his 14-year-old playmate.

More recently, there has been a wave of incidents on Tokyo's crowded trains, including one in which a man was killed by a fellow passenger enraged at his request for people to step back so he could board.

So after guns I guess they'll be coming for our knives eh?
As I close my posting for the night I have said a lot in this discussion that might have rubbed hard. I just wanted to clear the air with all to know that I hold no grudges and in the end this is a good discussion. I have met many of those I disagree with in person so there is a bond of real world eye contact that has been made. I never want to offend anyone, I don't intend to come across as a radical right wing gun totin conspiracy theorist that believes the govt is coming to get us. What I do strongly believe is that many people are making decisions based on completely made up data points and have no direct knowledge of the topic they speak of...

We are all friends, we all ride together and we can still agree to disagree... Great conversation folks...

Good Nite!

Willie, are you going to the Spring Bash? Let some of us know, and maybe we can work something out. I'm sure I speak for several of us when I say I'd be happy to go shooting with you.

Shooting paper in a controlled range environment is much easier than negotiating that hill at the Phillips. :laugh:

I might take you guys up on that. I am def in on the Bash. You have to promise not to shoot me though :laugh:
Ok so here is my take on this whole situation,, There are two major situations here the first is the what happened here. My first thought is for the children and the women that lost there lives!

Now comes my personal addition, to the first, i know most of of you have never lost a child, but there are a few that have.
In 1992 i had a son born that passed away form SID's, i know its not the same but the loss but it is the same, my life now is really with the Parents of the children lost in this disaster. To have a life just,,,,Ripped from your hands is unbelievable! No parent should have to deal with this, in any life time. It has to the most unbelievable experience that any human has to endure!
There is no words that any one has to console you, there are gestures that will console you, there is just time to grieve alone, by your self, and only asking why!!!!!
I would like those the people that make posts now,,, should we ban guns right now, how they feel, and i can have one answer for that, empty!!!!

Screw the guns, screw the press, screw any one, at this point, YOU LOST A CHILD,,, Now how do you feel,,, there are no words, that's can express, how you would feel,, your beliefs would be challenged,, as well as your faith!!
So where do you land in this situation?? ,, I ask??? Make a post now

Go ahead and post that gun tread now,,,
Well heck Willie who gets to decide who does and does not get to own a gun... You? I saw you drop your bike at the bash so I guess that makes you unfit to own a motorcycle... It isn't pleasant to be in the receiving end of this discussion is it... You have complete confidence in your abilities and can rationalize your low speed tip over.. I haven't made a single mistake with my gun yet you want to take mine away... You want to use your own logic, admittingly you have never shot a pistol or AR, but yet you want to generalize the evil gun and ban em all for the kids... I will give you a snippet of what I hear from you.... Just like the general public when they see I ride a sportbike they immediately characterize me as riding a dangerous crotch rocket just because of the way it looks. Being an avid rider I could explain all day long that the bike will only do what I tell it, I control the bike (most of the time :) ) You sound just like those people to us... those evil AR15 shoot too many bullets, those evil crotch rockets go too damn fast for the highway... I bet there is a substantial number of people that are killed on sportbikes every year but you would defend the right to own a busa... Go shoot a gun with someone on the site and think about what you are saying... just because you don't shoot doesnt mean the rest of us dont either...

I will certainly not argue that I'm not fit to ride a motorcycle. This is a little like the last election in that you guys (right wing) don't see that you are way away from where most people are, especially after the last killings. Lots of people are more than ready to give the government back their 2nd amendment rights. People just aren't going to put up with these mass murders much longer and unless the NRA changes its tactics the guns are going to be gone. And no they won't come get them, they will wait for you to get caught with one in the wrong place and send you away. Talk as tough as you want if you are in the minority it doesn't matter. I personally believe that we have the right to bare arms as stated in the constitution, but the constitution gives us some pretty limited uses for guns. That is where they will get you. I hope Obama does not touch this issue. It is divisive and will tie up his entire agenda and it's not worth it IMHO. Maybe I sound like a gun hater but I'm really not. Just because I don't have one doesn't mean I don't find them fascinating. Frankly I just don't want the responsibility.
The transfer must go thru an FFL holder with a class III license but the buyer DOES NOT HAVE TO HAVE ONE.
The buyer only need pay a $200 registration fee one time. That tax stamp must be affixed to the weapon at all times. Also the fine print of owning a class III weapon states you agree to allow visual inspection of said weapon 24/7 anytime by law enforcement.
I owned a registered receiver Hk model 53 which I bought in 1995 for $5500. It was one of the last factory made Hk machine guns able to be bought as most were sold long before. By being a registered receiver Mg it meant that I could obtain factory spare parts and have it factory serviced which is a very desirable thing. I sold it in 2001 six years later $17,500. The last mod 53 rr gun I saw sold recently for $24,000.
There are conversions out there for less but they are not factory machine guns. You can have a semi auto gun that was converted to FA before 1986 but only certain parts are serviceable or replaceable. You can also have especially where Hk is concerned a registered auto sear that can be registered in multiple calibers like 9mm,.223 and .308. This way you can have three legal Mgs at the cost of only one sear and three rifles as the sear itself for Hk swaps between weapons. The world of class III weapons is so confusing it ridiculous.
As a dealer in class III and class II weapons you can still possess or buy new Mgs for pennies compared to what the average citizen pays but you need a 'demo request letter' from a police dept to acquire the weapons. After demo they must stay in dealers inventory or be transferred to another dealer.
There are Pre 86 samples and post 86 samples as well. It is a very highly regulated already business and none of the folks trading these 20,000 dollar weapons you need worry about.

I stand corrected BlancaBusa, you are correct, it is not a license that you have to have.
It is that goofy form 4, that must stay with the weapon at all times. You have to have this form with you at all times you have the weapon with you, and it must stay close to the weapon when in storage. You can't legally loan this weapon for some one else to take out and shoot, (you have to be there as well).
You are correct it is not a license.
I will certainly not argue that I'm not fit to ride a motorcycle. This is a little like the last election in that you guys (right wing) don't see that you are way away from where most people are, especially after the last killings. Lots of people are more than ready to give the government back their 2nd amendment rights. People just aren't going to put up with these mass murders much longer and unless the NRA changes its tactics the guns are going to be gone. And no they won't come get them, they will wait for you to get caught with one in the wrong place and send you away. Talk as tough as you want if you are in the minority it doesn't matter. I personally believe that we have the right to bare arms as stated in the constitution, but the constitution gives us some pretty limited uses for guns. That is where they will get you. I hope Obama does not touch this issue. It is divisive and will tie up his entire agenda and it's not worth it IMHO. Maybe I sound like a gun hater but I'm really not. Just because I don't have one doesn't mean I don't find them fascinating. Frankly I just don't want the responsibility.

Your funny friend... You will side with the minority on the topics you choose.... The constitution is true and perfect when it serves your agenda... I ask you to look back at this situation and tell me how banning hi cap magazines is going to change anything? It's not the gun Willie it's the people pulling the trigger... No different than the 20yr old kid that buys a busa for his first bike and crashes at 180mph a few miles away... Was the bike out of control or was it just the tool that was used, is alcohol to blame for a DUI crash or the driver of the vehicle... I completely understand the hate, resentment and frustration that people have over the shootings, I share it. I think you are the poster child for the liberal left.. You have never shot a firearm, know nothing about guns, don't understand the differences in them, couldn't tell me the defination of an assault rifle but yet you want to ban them... Cause they are mean and ugly and hurt people... I checked on my guns last night and they had not moved, good thing I have them in a safe, I heard they try to escape at night when we sleep....

You want a solution to this problem, unfortunately until you start to make the hard decisions and deal with the mentally incompetent and enforce the laws out there now you will fail miserably... Do you have any idea how many AR-15's and large capacity magazines are in circulation? You are trying to put logic to a chaotic circumstance, the people that commit these atrocities are mentally challenged, socially awkward and could care less about your laws... When AR-15's go away the problem will move to handguns, then gasoline, then kitchen knives..... The psychologist have already piped in on this terrible situation from last Friday, the natural human reaction is to ask why and try to fix it. In the end there is not a fix for these situations, we will continue to see innocent blood shed until the root of the problem of people is modified not the tools that are used to commit the crimes.

71% of the population still support handguns.. Are you willing to take every firearm from Americans? More people are killed from drunks every year than mass shootings like Friday, when are you going to spend as much energy on drunk driving and removing alcohol as you do with guns? It seems you pick and choose your atrocities based on emotion instead of what is constitutionally justified.