Ya see, the 2nd Amendment is not there to protect us from each other it is there to protect us from tyranny. There is no debate, the SCOTUS has ruled and it is in the Constitution.
I dont know the statistics off hand but I would be curious to know how many lives are saved every year as a result of guns vs. lives taken away. that to me is what the real question here is.
if we as a society could honestly say that guns save more lives then they take then the gun debate would be over.
but I can tell you for a fact that in 17 years of LE I have been to over 100 homicides personally and probably 200-300 robberies and I can honestly say that I can't remember more then 3 or 4 times where someone used a gun in self defense and it was always at a gas station or corner store. but this is in a poor violent city so it certainly isnt the norm for the rest of the country.
90% of all crimes that occur in the home happen when the home owner is away so even the argument for home defense is weak.
so does anyone have any statistics to argue one way or the other?