Should guns be banned?

Ya see, the 2nd Amendment is not there to protect us from each other it is there to protect us from tyranny. There is no debate, the SCOTUS has ruled and it is in the Constitution.

I dont know the statistics off hand but I would be curious to know how many lives are saved every year as a result of guns vs. lives taken away. that to me is what the real question here is.

if we as a society could honestly say that guns save more lives then they take then the gun debate would be over.

but I can tell you for a fact that in 17 years of LE I have been to over 100 homicides personally and probably 200-300 robberies and I can honestly say that I can't remember more then 3 or 4 times where someone used a gun in self defense and it was always at a gas station or corner store. but this is in a poor violent city so it certainly isnt the norm for the rest of the country.

90% of all crimes that occur in the home happen when the home owner is away so even the argument for home defense is weak.

so does anyone have any statistics to argue one way or the other?
I dont know the statistics off hand but I would be curious to know how many lives are saved every year as a result of guns vs. lives taken away. that to me is what the real question here is.

if we as a society could honestly say that guns save more lives then they take then the gun debate would be over.

but I can tell you for a fact that in 17 years of LE I have been to over 100 homicides personally and probably 200-300 robberies and I can honestly say that I can't remember more then 3 or 4 times where someone used a gun in self defense and it was always at a gas station or corner store. but this is in a poor violent city so it certainly isnt the norm for the rest of the country.

90% of all crimes that occur in the home happen when the home owner is away so even the argument for home defense is weak.

so does anyone have any statistics to argue one way or the other?

Here is one recently just a few miles from my house...

Blanchard woman shoots, kills intruder |
does that really even need to be debated? ???

are we to assume that Germany, Japan and England have no kids playing video games or watching Hollywood movies?

Well gee, people still kill each other in those countries, but Japan and England have no guns....
Brett why are you so much better than me?
You carry a gun right? Why?

To protect yourself and those around you right?
I have no personal police officer next to me all the time so instead I choose to protect myself.
I didnt know Brett was a cop, strange stance on the 2nd for a cop.

Not to speak for him, he's well capable of that, but I can see why his views are as they are. I assume he see's alot of negative things regarding firearms. Ive noticed that LEO's are just as varied as everyone else with their views on guns.
Can anyone point me to a listing of all the gun regulations that have happened in the last 12 years? I'm honestly curious, because we hear all the time that our 2nd amendment rights are under assault, and the only thing I've really seen recently is that I dont have to take a course to conceal carry anymore, so I'm a bit confused as to where the assault is coming from... help me out here.
I seriously doubt that. Most of us (I say most because there are a few dumbazzes out there) know the proper proceedure:

- The owner clears his weapon and the person who wants to see it watches; shows them no rounds in gun/chamber. Owner pockets rounds. Only then does he hand said weapon over
- The 'guest', if he knows how, again clears the weapon to verify to himself that it's clear.
- At no time does either the owner or the guest point said weapon at anyone - if that or other jackassery starts to happen, the viewing is over.

I'm very careful with whom I "share" with, and I expect the same in return. There are members on this board I would trust, but I have to eyeball them first.

I believe we practiced this one evening at the 2012 spring bash. Safe gun handling will ensure 99.9% of the time no injuries will occur.
I have been around guns since I was 5 years old over those 35 years I have never,, i repeat NEVER had a close call while handling a firearm. I was taught properly at a very young age and also took a hunters safety education course before I was a teen and been to a few handgun courses since then.
You are correct, there are some real dumbazzes out there and ya can just tell how they handle a gun. It never fails when I goto a gun store you always see someone just take the gun and start pointing rather then double checking the chamber for a round. Never.... Never assume with a deadly weapon.
Ya see, the 2nd Amendment is not there to protect us from each other it is there to protect us from tyranny. There is no debate, the SCOTUS has ruled and it is in the Constitution.
the problem with ur statement is were no longer fighting the British and a regulated militia is the now National Guard.
If u go back a few pages and read the SCOTUS rulings you will see its an individual right, can go on and on about the miltia terminology but its better if you read the Scotus interpretation of it.
the problem with ur statement is were no longer fighting the British and a regulated militia is the now National Guard.
Can anyone point me to a listing of all the gun regulations that have happened in the last 12 years? I'm honestly curious, because we hear all the time that our 2nd amendment rights are under assault, and the only thing I've really seen recently is that I dont have to take a course to conceal carry anymore, so I'm a bit confused as to where the assault is coming from... help me out here.

Where's Raydog when you need him? Actually in the last few yrs things have been pretty lax and or even beneficial. More states have gone to concealed permits and they relaxed right to carry in natl parks.
In light of recent events the backlash and resulting huge wave will be unstoppable I believe.
They aren't gonna stop talking about it until they get it. It is a perfect distraction from the fiscal cliff and the economy and jobs and two ongoing conflicts and blah blah blah. Now they are singular in their mission and they are going to easily succeed. They will call an open vote. What republican or pro gun congressman is going to get up, go to the podium and say 'no' to any weapons ban? The debate on cspan on the floor before the vote will be nonstop talk about the kids. I bet anything the bill will be named after one of the kids killed (maybe rightfully so). Like sheep they will line up to make themselves look like they are doing their public service. It won't accomplish doodly squat by the masses will buy into the facade of safety.

Edit: as I sit here getting ready to watch Colin Ferrell in Total Recall which looks like they fire forty million rounds of ammo, kill two bazillion people and destroy the entire planet and a few space stations in the process......
Honey get the :popcorn: out of the microwave this is gonna be some excellent gratuitous violence :)
Brett why are you so much better than me?
You carry a gun right? Why?

To protect yourself and those around you right?
I have no personal police officer next to me all the time so instead I choose to protect myself.
were debating Guns and whether or not we as a country are better off or worse off as a result of EVERYONE having access to them.

its not about me or you. the argument is whether we as a country are better or worse off with guns being so readily available to everyone. that is the debate here. and considering we have more gun violence then any other civilized country on earth its only common sense that we take a look at our gun policies.

when you go to work I doubt you worry about not coming home to your family because some animal wants to shoot and kill you for what you do for a living.

over 90% of ALL violent felonies involve GUNS. can you refute that?
Educate yourself

Read about Australia when they destroyed legal citizens weapons how the crime rate increased.. Once your done educating yourself on them stats read about the Gun Laws in Switzerland... The answer is not to ban guns but to enforce the death penalty more rather then comforting our prisoners with cable tv, a gym and other luxury items at the tax payers expense.

Some of you are so BS filled by the media and brain washed
were debating Guns and whether or not we as a country are better off or worse off as a result of EVERYONE having access to them.

its not about me or you. the argument is whether we as a country are better or worse off with guns being so readily available to everyone. that is the debate here. and considering we have more gun violence then any other civilized country on earth its only common sense that we take a look at our gun policies.

when you go to work I doubt you worry about not coming home to your family because some animal wants to shoot and kill you for what you do for a living.

over 90% of ALL violent felonies involve GUNS. can you refute that?

OK ban guns Do you know who this will hurt? Law obiding non felony convicted americans.. Do you honestly think all guns will dissapear? Ohh thats right felons follow the law.. Really? Ever heard of underground, Cocaine is ilegal but we still can get it very easily.. Banning is not the answer!! Do I agree for stricter backround checks YES! If i have never been convicted of a crime nor have I ever had any phscholgical problems does that mean I cant own an UZI if I pay for my class 3 liscense and I have passed my backround check..
Where's Raydog when you need him? Actually in the last few yrs things have been pretty lax and or even beneficial. More states have gone to concealed permits and they relaxed right to carry in natl parks.
In light of recent events the backlash and resulting huge wave will be unstoppable I believe.
They aren't gonna stop talking about it until they get it. It is a perfect distraction from the fiscal cliff and the economy and jobs and two ongoing conflicts and blah blah blah. Now they are singular in their mission and they are going to easily succeed. They will call an open vote. What republican or pro gun congressman is going to get up, go to the podium and say 'no' to any weapons ban? The debate on cspan on the floor before the vote will be nonstop talk about the kids. I bet anything the bill will be named after one of the kids killed (maybe rightfully so). Like sheep they will line up to make themselves look like they are doing their public service. It won't accomplish doodly squat by the masses will buy into the facade of safety.

Edit: as I sit here getting ready to watch Colin Ferrell in Total Recall which looks like they fire forty million rounds of ammo, kill two bazillion people and destroy the entire planet and a few space stations in the process......
Honey get the :popcorn: out of the microwave this is gonna be some excellent gratuitous violence :)
That's all I was saying! Maybe it's better to give a little than to loose the right to have guns completely.
Compromising on our rights has not worked too well in American history, its given us slavery once, you now work half your life for the government. Not a good idea.

That's all I was saying! Maybe it's better to give a little than to loose the right to have guns completely.