Should guns be banned?

First, I don't think cars kill more people by percentage than guns. When you look at the number of people who drive relative to the number killed it is no comparison to the number of people killed criminally with guns. But I think people do have a right to have guns. I look at the number of people who openly want to succeed from the USA and I think there are some really crazy people out there and a gun might allow me to hold them off until the authorities get here. Also, I don't think these mass killings are a gun problem - there is something causing people to do this. They have always had guns, they didn't just start selling guns right? I can't believe I just wrote that.???
No, TODAY is NOT the day to have that discussion. Everyone can see that the discussion is being directed by EMOTION, not logic. The right to bear arms is enshrined in the 2nd amendment, and that ends the discussion. There are going to be answers to a lot of questions in the following days, such as:

- where did he get the guns?
- legally or illegally
- why was this nutcase spotted earlier?

The real question people really need to be asking is: "What are the root causes of people doing these things, and what do we do about THAT". I think:

- wayy too much violence on TV, movies and video games which glorifies it.
- breakdown in parental control and emphasis on family
- too many kids left in broken homes where they have no parental guidance
- Kids raising kids
- Movement of religon out of the home, out of the school and out of society. I'm sorry, but there's always that feeling of "i'm going to go to hell for that" might be enough to give pause.

The reality is, that UNTIL he commits a crime, it's really hard to stop him unless you catch him pretty much in the act. Otherwise he'll claim his 'civil rights' have been violated...

I'm going to bet money that he didn't have them legally, but took them from his parents.

above mentioned has alot to do with it..
Today was irrefutable evidence that we don't have the knowledge or the means to stop crazy people with guns. If we can't stop the crazy people, then we need to control the guns.
They need to ban the bad guys, not the guns!

Oh yeah, the guy had no record or criminal past.

If they take my gun away then it only leaves it in the hands of the other guy, with no record or criminal past who knows another guy down the street with no record or criminal past who has one he stole from me a year ago.

Banned guns are only banned from the people who either let it be known they have them or are caught with them, not the one that comes in a school and causes a tragic nightmare or invades my house at 3:00 am.

He'll come into my window with my banned gun and force me to defend my family and home with a baseball bat. I don't see that being the answer.

My thoughts may change if my son were to be hurt by someone else in that manner, but I still do not think banning guns is the answer. Who are they banned from, that is the question.

I was really hoping a debate on guns would not come up today, but obviously it is no avoiding it. I would rather spend today with my thoughts about what happened and pray for the families involved and wonder how in the world this devil spawn of a boy could do such a thing.
Today was irrefutable evidence that we don't have the knowledge or the means to stop crazy people with guns. If we can't stop the crazy people, then we need to control the guns.

Then we should have better control of the internet so the crazy people won't have access on how to make such things as bombs etc...? The point I'm making here is that "Where's there is a will, there is a way".
Its rude but the truth. my thoughts are for the government , school boards and all all other forms of lilly livered cowards in todays society, "hows that gun ban working out for ya??"
NO. Start public hangings, ect, ect, and show these crazy a$$ people what will happen to them if they hurt people, and if its against a child, it should last at least a week.

My prayers go out for all the families and others that this has affected. This is truly a very sad day. :(
First - Prayers to all. May God's grace be with all.

Second - All adult citizens who can legally carry, should be required by law to OPEN carry.
All these 3 guns belonged to his mom.. my question is what the hell was she doing with all these guns? Did she need all these guns and semi to protect herself???
Ban the guns by goverment will never happen... Too many jobs and profit will be lost... We all know how it is with our goverment..
All these 3 guns belonged to his mom.. my question is what the hell was she doing with all these guns? Did she need all these guns and semi to protect herself???
Ban the guns by goverment will never happen... Too many jobs and profit will be lost... We all know how it is with our goverment..

Are you saying it's stupid for her to own more then one gun because she is a woman or just plain stupid for a person to own more then one in general?
its all about the guns when the crazy's attack isnt it?

First - More prayers for the family.

Second - Forgot the guys name, but he was the commanding general in charge of the Japanese army, during WWII. PArt of his decision about "not" invading the mainland USA, was, "there will be a gun behind every blade of grass".

Third - The idiot that did this was 20 years old (Not old enough to own a hand gun), so he stole it. So no gun law was going to stop him.

It is against the3 law to steal - He did this.
It was against the law for him to own a weapon - he took it.
It is against the law to have a gun on school property. He did this as well.

I am not a lawyer, and I know he broke more laws than these two. Which law on a piece of paper could have prevented this. I think, no piece of paper could/would have stopped this.
you cant ban planes when someone flies them into a building
you cant ban cars when someone plows into a parade or slams into a family drunk or texting
you cant ban fertilizer when someone blows the whole front of a building off
you havent banned cigarettes or alchohol which kill all day every day those who choose to use it as well as those who dont
so you cant ban guns every time someone decides to use one to commit murder

if gun bans worked, chicago wouldnt have been in the news all summer and DC wouldve never been the murder capitol of the world.
you cannot apply logical and rational actions as an answer to illogical and irrational events.
Man killed father in Wyoming bow-and-arrow attack - Yahoo! News <----started to post this a few weeks back and title the thread ban bows and arrows and knives... while the need for something to be done is evident, it amazes me how people think more laws will deter lawbreakers. if someone has the intent, they will acquire the means to commit the act. You can ban everything people can use to kill: a killer with the intent will always find a way to kill.
When they outlaw everthing, (because you can't fix stupid) we will all be criminals. All people will pick their own poison (so to speak).
lol at the reporters " he was armed with a glock...a sig "SOUR" and a 223 bush MASter and THAT one is a semi-automatic" wtf
lol at the reporters " he was armed with a glock...a sig "SOUR" and a 223 bush MASter and THAT one is a semi-automatic" wtf

I don't think the average media person understands what all this actually means. The weapons are black and look like a weapon used in a TV seen. So this makes them a really, really bad weapon.

If they actually understood that a 30-06 hunting rifle (and it also comes in a semi-auto version) is way more powerful, But no, they only go by what it looks like.