Should i be fired?

Should i be fired? - You decide

  • YES, you deviant, disrepectful hooligan

    Votes: 104 100.0%
  • Absolutely and we're calling the police to take your license too!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Find a new line of employment, RacerBoi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unsure, need more legal detail, have your people call my people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, we forgive you but one more and you are working at 7-11

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not at all.  We hope you start driving thru the grassy areas soon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Absolutley not.  Infact, take today off and practice some stunting

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Feel free to use our parking lot as your playground anytime

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but we called your mom

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Hey, waitaminnit. I'm an accountant AND a super-cool, super-smart IT guy. I don't know how to vote![/QUOTE]
It'll be hard on that Radio Shack TRS 80.
My mom just called me.... she sounded mad. I think I'm grounded. Did any of you tell her anything? HMMMM? ? ? ?

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+1 to sledhead, you are canned for not burning the place down.

If you are going to smoke out you might as well make it worth it.

Plus they would have no proof if they couldnt see you.

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I'm calling your Mom - maybe she can give me some new Breakfast Idea's... laugh.gif laugh.gif tounge.gif

I vote yes because your a jerk and I am just an accountant. Wait I am a certified public accountant, that makes it OK.

From: Ronda F [accounting]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 4:06 PM
To: Greg B
Subject: RE: add punches

Got it. Hey what was the deal yesterday when you left here?? I heard about some commotion.
From: Greg B
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 4:09 PM
To: Ronda F
Subject: RE: add punches

My front break on my bike was stuck. I rode the bike in so I could take it to the shop after work and on take off the back tire spins leaving some smoke. Sorry about that.
greg greg greg..... does the younger more reckless rider need to remind you NOT to do that in your employers parking lot.

I can see their side because you did it in THEIR lot. They couldn't say shiznit if you would have went across the street or even INTO the street and could sue the balls off them if they would let you go because of it.

Because it was in their lot they can pretty much do anything they want even saying you were putting other employee's lives at risk.

Good luck. Wish I woulda had some video of that burnout. laugh.gif
Don't feel bad I work at Cessna Aircraft and did a rolling burnout at about 60MPH in the parking lot in front of the full glass marketing building! So how smart do you think that was, fortunately I never heard anything and everyone that saw it thought it was pretty cool. So don't sweat it but you might want to call and apologize to your Mom. tounge.gif tounge.gif

yeah, man.... what's with everyone's preoccupation with my MOM? ? ? She's nice and all... pretty old though and only attractive to some.... SICK SICK SICK!

Trav, wasn't no big thing really - just something fun to post about. I'm taking a pic of it and posting it up tomorrow. It was such a small lil burnie too.. but left a long stripe. It will be there for a long, long time [until it rains] ;)

And I seriously was not picking on 'accountants' just the stereo type... hopefully the shoe DOESN'T fit ;)
You left out - time off without pay. And if and damage done to asphalt or seal coat, guess how's paying.
evidence. It wasn't a long burn by any means, very short, but it's weird it left such a long line of black since it was NOT a rolling burnie.... just melted Pirelli goo. You can see how much tread was still left on the tire. Strada's: great sticky long lasting sport touring, but VERY LOW on the sport side. weak side walls, and sloppy carcus plus DEEP tread makes for much squirm


... day two.... still employed ;)

I think that is an angry, nerdy accountant's truck biggrin.gif [kidding!]

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It's not like you spelled out 'eat me' with your burn out. They most likely got a kick out of it, you'll probably get a raise.
If you get fired, file a lawsuit. Swear up and down that you are gay and thats why you were fired. Works everytime biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

yoou should be fired for such a wimpy burnout you slug
yup don't be a sissy let er rip
amen on that note!
I used to light'em up every night after work @ 3:30am, cuz u know, its cold out n the tires need to be warm for better traction...But that was on my Honda Civic hatchback, not the bike...i only do burnouts on the bike for money-the rears are just too expensive, and I don't need to impress females to get l@!d anymore, so fug what the guys think, I'd rather have a tire that lasts 3k miles than one that only goes 1500!
If you get fired, file a lawsuit. Swear up and down that you are gay and thats why you were fired. Works everytime biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
um... just how many times have you used that, BBird Killer? ? biggrin.gif

The street in front of the office has hot and cold running popo all day and all night. big speed trap area. I don't like drawing police attention to myself... that happens enough already :p

We had a big laugh about it over in accounting and it's all good. one of them admitted that her husbands 69 camaro had that exact same brake trouble quite often around her neighbor hood, so she understood smile.gif


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