sold the 08 busa, problem with the buyer!

He got the bike you got the cash it's a done deal.
Can't go back now. Just tell him your very sorry about it but have already spent his money on Baaaaaaahhhhhh! .

that's right. can't go back now. This happened to me two yrs ago, sold a 200cc dirtbike to a young guy (younger than me lol) and he dumped the clutch and busted the rear fender all to hell. he tried to return it! I told him money already spent.:rulez:
i ride my bike 150 miles every sunday and the sunday before he bought it i rode it parked in the garage, no sign of leak or dripping oil, he rode the bike for two days and no sign of leak and the third day bike start leaking!!
if i want to help him..what would be next? two months later and he is got another issue!! then what. i am not a dealer with extended warranty!

My 06 had gone to my mechanic for an oil change, and we found the oil level on the low mark. Never in 65K miles had that happened. Took off the fairings and found oil (not pouring, but seeping) out of the water pump area. Turned out that the oil seal on the water pump shaft had failed, resulting in oil coating the area. Did I know when it happened? Nope. If I had sold the bike, it would have had a leak that I didn't honestly know about. It can happen.
My 06 had gone to my mechanic for and oil change, and we found the oil level on the low mark. Never in 65K miles had that happened. Took off the fairings and found oil (not pouring, but seeping) out of the water pump area. Turned out that the oil seal on the water pump shaft had failed, resulting in oil coating the area. Did I know when it happened? Nope. If I had sold the bike, it would have had a leak that I didn't honestly know about. It can happen.

but it was stated that the seller showed the buyer the motor and inner fairings and the buyer was impressed with how clean it was. Either way, this isn't the issue. The issue is the boy that bought the bike now has a leaky busa, if he is smart he will fix it and stop cryin about it. he can't keep bothering the guy that sold it to him, no one forced the guy to buy it.
It's really a matter of personal pride. While you are under no legal obligation to help the guy, you have to live with it.

Me personally, while I wouldn't refund it, I'd want to take a look at it (if the buyer allows it) and see if I could figure out what the problem is, then decide what I wanted to do (or not) to assist.
Motorbikes don't like just sitting for long periods so the buyer should be aware of this. No telling why there was oil leaking but you gave a good deal in good faith so don't worry about what happened after.
exactly, i keep that in mind!

oil leak it something is noticable, the smell of it in my garage, the leak.. and while he was looking at the bike the day he came to buy i asked him to look at it very closely and i showed him all area inside the engine by header and valve cover, oil filter, oil pan and inside fairing how clean it is and never been washed or ride in the rain, he then said oh yeah that thing is so clean!!


He looked it over and you showed him as best as you could. It's a "AS IS" sale at best.....not to mention the price was a steal so I'd tell him to piss off. If he really wants to push it, have him ride it back to your house and you'll have a peak. I can guarantee he's probably dropped it or crashed it already and is trying to get some money back from you.

Not to mention, NO LICENSE and telling you he lost it when he picked the bike up? ??? I sure hope his check cleared or he gave you CASH?
You sold a used bike, as is, business is business.

I just bought a used part of ebay and it is damaged beyond use. After receiving it I looked at the add and it clearly said "used, sold as is" and carefully looking at the pictures again, the damage was pointed out in the add. I missed it. Business is business, it went into my trash can, nothing else to do.

A K8 for just over $6k is a deal, oil leak or no oil leak. Let it go.
You could always tell him that you would like to look at it with a friend of yours who happens to be a cop. It would be interesting to see if he would still show up since he couldn't produce his license when he bought it.
you sold a used bike, as is, business is business.

I just bought a used part of ebay and it is damaged beyond use. After receiving it i looked at the add and it clearly said "used, sold as is" and carefully looking at the pictures again, the damage was pointed out in the add. I missed it. Business is business, it went into my trash can, nothing else to do.

A k8 for just over $6k is a deal, oil leak or no oil leak. Let it go.

He paid for the bike as it was shown, and the problem wasn't apparent when sold. You haven't had oversight of what he's done with it since it has been in his possession. It's his to fix, since you no longer own it.

My $0.02.
i ride my bike 150 miles every sunday and the sunday before he bought it i rode it parked in the garage, no sign of leak or dripping oil, he rode the bike for two days and no sign of leak and the third day bike start leaking!!
if i want to help him..what would be next? two months later and he is got another issue!! then what. i am not a dealer with extended warranty!

I understand that you want to help, but if you do he might keep coming back with more problems later. As far as you know you sold your bike in good condition and a good price. He should know than buying a used vehicle might bring problems.
Its a bad situation for both ends but a deal its a deal and thats it. Buying/selling used vehicles are risky deals all the time. Its his bike now, his problem.
Good luck, I hope everything work out for you with whatever you decide to do.
you know i really enjoy this bike for almost 3 years and 16k miles with not a single issue except maintenance, the battery still original! it was a awesome bike and then you sell it to this young dude which has no driver license at the day of transaction when i asked him for his id copy!! he said he lost it a week ago and he has not repalce it it yet! and he is driving and riding!! i guess that tell me something! the day he bought it it took off with it like he stole it.. i bet you that new years day was a beautiful day here in houston and he rode the sh@@ out of that bike showing off!! and.. then whoops..why is this leaking oil!!??

so there's even more to this story....dude has no licence: Red flag! How did you confirm he was who he claimed to be?
so there's even more to this story....dude has no licence: Red flag! How did you confirm he was who he claimed to be?

cash deal! does it matter? he signed a notarized paper that i sold him the bike and the vin on the bike written on it. in case till the title has changed i won't be liable for any tickets,ez tag, any violations!!
what else could have done?
There is a possibility that the header started rubbing against the oil line which you would not be able to see with the fairings on. While you are not responsible for this being as the issue did not happen prior to you selling it to him, ask him to take a look at it. The oil tube can be removed and soldered / replaced. I had this happen to me a Deals Gap and fortunately, was pulling into Wheelers when I discovered the problem. It could be either one of the oil cooler lines as shown here, Microfiche Suzuki>Motorcycle>2008>GSX1300R>OIL COOLER Hope this helps.
In my book, it was a done deal when he rode off the first time (especially if it was sold as a good deal).
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cash deal! does it matter? he signed a notarized paper that i sold him the bike and the vin on the bike written on it. in case till the title has changed i won't be liable for any tickets,ez tag, any violations!!
what else could have done?

I get the whole cash deal. But how old was he?
Sounds like he screwed up some how and now he wants you to cover it. Nothing doing, don't fall for it.
I wouldn't lose sleep over it.. you know in your heart what it was when you sold it. not your fault some punk beat it and is now blaming you..
Ask the buyer if he knows what "Caveat emptor" means.

Agreed sorry its a done deal had a lil court situation with a car and I on the bill of sale I put "as is" that saved me and I got my money and then some. Long story short once its out of your hands and money is exchanged deals done. It protects you and moreso lets the buyer know dont come back. Personally I wouldnt even return his calls dont set yourself up deals done keep it movin. Good luck! :thumbsup: