Tell him I'll give him $4500 for it. 

cash deal! does it matter? he signed a notarized paper that i sold him the bike and the vin on the bike written on it. in case till the title has changed i won't be liable for any tickets,ez tag, any violations!!
what else could have done?
cash deal! does it matter? he signed a notarized paper that i sold him the bike and the vin on the bike written on it. in case till the title has changed i won't be liable for any tickets,ez tag, any violations!!
what else could have done?
There is a possibility that the header started rubbing against the oil line which you would not be able to see with the fairings on. While you are not responsible for this being as the issue did not happen prior to you selling it to him, ask him to take a look at it. The oil tube can be removed and soldered / replaced. I had this happen to me a Deals Gap and fortunately, was pulling into Wheelers when I discovered the problem. It could be either one of the oil cooler lines as shown here, Ronayers.com Microfiche Suzuki>Motorcycle>2008>GSX1300R>OIL COOLER Hope this helps.
Geez you guys are soft! Who cares if it had an oil leak when he sold it? If he and the buyer didn't know it, the buyer has to have it repaired. That is common everyday business. Do not ever get into "looking" at something. This sends the message to the buyer that you might do something for him. You need to send him to the dealer and if he wants to let you know what happened at the dealer, than that is fine. DO NOT lead this guy on. Blow him off. EVERY CAR, BIKE, or piece of machinery has the same issue when bought used. There is always a good chance it might need a repair. That is how its done. Anything else is amateur hour.......
I tried to be nice to a kid that bought my wifes RX8 because he called me 4 days later saying the engine was having problems blah blah and then he took it to the dealership and they told him the engine was blown....
it was only when his girlfriend called my wife and told her the kid took the car STREET RACING the night he bought it...that we realized the kid was the one who caused the problem. The girlfriend called my wife because the kid came over with the "intent" of buying the car for his girlfriend but took it out to be all fast and furious the same night and blew the engine....soooo because she was PO'd??? at him she called us and told us the scoop and told us "let him deal with it he's the one that screwed up my car"
Just a lesson bro...leave it be...
There is a good chance he may be looking at this thread or even a member. Telling him to F off is not the right thing to do. The sale is final however you have knowledge and resources that he may not have. I would try to be somewhat helpful however the sale is final and it shouldn't cost you anything.