sold the 08 busa, problem with the buyer!

ah the price is fair, it did have 15k miles, that alot for this type of bike.

dunno about any other mods.

Thats only 5000 miles a year. I do almost double that per year without touring of any kind and I'm from northern Illinois which limits your riding season. Thats without even trying. I probably put on 2000 miles a year just going for gas. :lol:
i sold my last bike w/ 62k mi after 9 yrs, and the last couple yrs i rode very little.

but the reality is the avg. bike in the US gets about 3k a yr, and how many sportbikes do you see for sale w/ less thn 5k. i bought mine 1.5yrs ago w/ ~3k, and it has barely over 6k now, and i rode it 1600mi home.

family life has caught up w/ me hard.

anyways..........most bikes esp. newer one's don't have miles..........
The buyer probably beat on it from thursday to Saturday and then claiming something was already wrong with it.... That mofo got some nerve..
nothing.. having arthritis in my both thumbs and left elbow, kind of make it tough to ride! started about 6 months ago! my mom had major arthritis too!

Sorry to hear that... I hope that it gets better so we can have you riding again.:beerchug:
yeah I cant stand punk kids and I would bet on my life he did something to the bike himself and is looking for a scape goat. You sound sincere and thats a language youngsters dont understand. Dont doubt yourself, you sold him a sound bike and it sounds like you know it. He could have done anything to it through inexperience. 16k is a very low mileage and I would bet any owner on this site has not had one complaint about what this kid is claiming.
He already got a heck of a deal in it. I would say let him deal with it. He save alot of money so he can take that savings and have someone look at it. JMO
Bike is sold AS IS... either way... he probably was doing wheelies/stoppies like an idiot and screwed himself over... I highly doubt after putting the miles you did put on it... it was on your end.. nice try
Part of buying a used anything is not only the wear-and-tear, but the risk when there's no warranty. None of us know what was said between you and the buyer. But unless you made some type of warranty, and if to the best of your knowledge the bike was sound when you sold it and/or you didn't withhold any adverse information that could be related to the issue he's had, then you have no obligation to compensate him for anything. That's not to say, if your conscience is at issue and you feel an obligation, you can't work something out with him, based upon your understanding of the situation. (I wouldn't, but that's because I understand some people will lie without qualms if they think they can get something for themselves out of it. Truth is secondary to these types, if even that.) Negotiations take place BEFORE a deal is closed. Not after. He's trying to re-negotiate. I'd be polite, and understanding. But I'd tell him, nicely, to 'pack sand'. Next time you sell something, if you didn't this time, make it absolutely clear to the buyer that they need to do all discovery, research, etc. before they hand you the money, and you sign the vehicle over.
The bike was sold as is!

If sure the bike was fine when you sold it, I wouldn't even offer to look at the bike for him.

If he would have said he did something to it and was wondering if you could assist with some insight is one thing. But to insult you ??? i wouldn't give him the sweat of my :whistle: :laugh: