The hostage crisis was in 81. My unit was the eventual result. 79 was the revolution, when the fundamentalists (terrorist jihadi type cats) took power.
One, this won't be a war, they're not that stupid, we're not that lucky. Two, if you think Donny T needs to wag anything, I think you might want to change the channel. Every metric the president has any sway over is vastly improved from the Obama era. Race relations are worse, so we're told, but other than a cacophony of division on TV, I haven't seen any worsening of relations.
The left has been looking for something on the orange man since he announced his candidacy, and the best they had was some fabricated bullshit about a quid pro nothing. Biden's kid is a scumbag, just like his daddy, and there should be a thorough investigation into the conduct of the white house in reference to Ukraine during the Obamanator's reign. The man's been in politics for 40 years, but everything is Trumps fault.
One last thing, how many politicians could face 4 years of constant partisan scrutiny and emerge unscathed? Go ahead, I'll wait.