Some cops are cool as hell

damn dude. You actually shouldve either a.) went to jail, b.) lose your license forever, or c.) all of the above. Just be glad you got off scott free!!

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You MUST be white.

That's the dumbest line I've ever heard. You must be prejudice in some way to say something like that, or exacly like Sithor says, you feel like the world owes you something.

FYI, I ride with 2 black guys in the city, and they've been pulled over before and let off. I guess they must be crackers in disguise.

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Well I have never been pulled on a bike before, yesterday was my first day.  I also have never had plates, but I actually put some on last Friday.  I have been chased, but this time I didn't run since I had my plates on.  

So I decided to make a fast run real quick from Omaha to Council Bluffs, IA on I-80.  I punch it, not even thinking about cops.  I then slow down as traffic got congested, this is around 8PM.  All of the sudden I get pulled over.  The cop tells me that I was going 156 in a 65.  I am like no way, so I get a little pissy.  I then start opening the back of my bike up to grab insurance and registration.  He tells me don't bother, and I'm like, "Oh shite, I'm going to jail."  

He tells me he recognizes the bike, he's buddy's with the guy who sold it to me.  I'm like cool, yeah I bought it from an Omaha Police Sgt.  He's like yeah we used to ride together.  All he did was get my license, gave me a warning, and told me that he didn't mind the high speed runs but do it during the day cause cops cover the interstate at night.  

This had to be the most pleasant pull over ever, if there is such a thing.
You MUST be white.

I'm Black and I think that was ignorant. This is the $hit that is making Nija Eater leave this place, Plain Ignorance man. Back to the topic:you got lucky but hey we all do sometimes....
Lucky? LUCKY?? Holy shid! That is a gross understatement!

Take bigdr's advice.....go buy a lottery ticket!
Correct me if im wrong, but a few days ago you were begging for a cop chase......guess you didnt want one that bad after all.
Read my post again GSXTacy.  I said I would have usually ran however I had plates on the bike now.  I never have gotten plates, and this is one of the reasons.  My gf actually had something to do with the plates, she bitched enough about me not having them and even paid for them cause she feared that I would end up getting a fine later on.  

As for the luck, yep lucky as hell however I also just found out from a buddy of mine who happens to be half black and half filipino that he also got off the other day by a Sarpy County Sheriff.  These counties are right next to each other.  Anyways, he was doing 110 in a 65 with a passenger.  Now he doesn't have license, registration, or insurance.  He was on his '05 CBR600RR.  

Well the cop caught up to him and he pulled over instantly.  The cop had the nerve to try to remove his helmet himself and yelled at him, calling him a dumbass.  He didn't even ask for any info, just went to call him names.  He talked about how he can't believe people would speed like that on a bike with a passenger and so forth.  Well he got off with a verbal warning.  

Now that is luck, especially not being properly tagged, licensed, or insured.  By the way, I did get a lottery ticket, I didn't win however.

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I had a very similar instance happen to me about a week ago coming home from Providence. I was racing my buddy down 95 going about 150+. We went by a state trooper parked in a rest area so we sped up and thought nothing of it and kept flying. My buddy got off the highway at his exit and then i got off 1 exit further down 95. I slowed down took the off ramp and was proceding over and over pass. I noticed headlights behind and and a second later blues cam on. It turned out to be the state trooper from the rest stop. My heart stopped and i thought i was going to jail. He pulled up besides me, rolled down his window and asked me if i was on his highway or at a custom bike show. I felt like saying i pay taxes so im actually on my highway, but i sucked it up and said your highway sir. He told me not to attract attention to myself, shut off his lights, pulled a u-turn and left. I felt like the luckiest person in the world after that. Still havent learned yet though, the night before i got pulled over for speeding and swerving in and out. Its all too much fun