Someone Make This Please

The screen does look like it could fit....what 1.5/1.5" ish?

Edit: Actually followed the link....2"x2".
They say 2", but on the measurement pic the screen looks smaller. Pretty sure it's 2in, I'll let you know Monday when it arrives, lol. Free returns, figured why not have it in my hands so can verify it communicates with the bike's OBD2 fine. It has almost 6ft if cable and think that's enough to get to the dash. Have a Chinese OBD2 adapter plug already.
My Ram truck has a digital speed function that I can set on the TFT between the tack and speedo...I rarely look at my speedo anymore...then I get on my bike and the sweeping needle on the speedo is's crazy how we get used to something.

I'm kind of surprised Suzuki didn't make the speedo digital-they could have left the gauge round and put other readouts in it along with the speedo...
My previous bike, GSX S1000 had only digital speedo, and I loved it so much that I changed to digital on my car too. Didn't look at needles at all. When I decided on the Busa, I turned the digital speedo off on the car and after a few weeks I became comfortable with the needles again.