Soooo...thinking about putting Caesar...

I would do it was fun just seeing the reaction some had when they realized it was, that was the CLEANEST my Busa's ever been!  It was so slick, it was actually hard to ride without feeling like I would slip right off!

A friend took pics, but I haven't gotten any from her yet...I took my camera to snap pics of some cars, only got some of a 2005 Viper, then the camera screwed up...
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Congrats ! ! !</span></span>

Glad to see you made it through your first show. They can be frustrating trying to get all the prep work done, but it's nice when you can walk away with a trophy for your efforts.

...and yes, we are all still waiting on pictures
Well, I am sparse on pics...I wasn't feeling too great all day, so I pretty much stayed put, then my camera messed up anyway...

Lots of people took pics of my baby though...he's famous!

BTW...I was hoping for Best in Show, just to redeem myself from beating out some Gold Wings, but that award went to a chromed out custom was pretty...guy couldn't stop rubbing it down; I'm surprised it still had paint at the end of the day!
Congrats VA. Next week? Dog Show??? He he... well done.
Congrats, Michelle! One of these days I might light to enter Baby J in a contest just to see. Depending on the turnout they can be fun for walking around and seeing other bikes/cars. Please share the pics when you get them.
Congrats Michelle ... way to represent and bring home that 1st place trophy. We all appreciate you for educating the masses about the Busa. Great Job!!
Congrats Michelle ... way to represent and bring home that 1st place trophy. We all appreciate you for educating the masses about the Busa. Great Job!!
Thanks guys...

DJ, that was the best part! I was the only gal rider there, and I didn't trailer Caesar in, so it felt good to sit around all day and have guys come up, walk all around the bike, look at me, then look at the bike again...they were hesitant to ask me anything because they probably thought I was watching the bike for a boyfriend or something!
Then, reluctantly, they'd say "this your bike?" It was hysterical...

Whenever they had questions, I realized how much I've learned from hanging around with you guys...gave 'em some history on the Busa, how fast it originally was, what people do to 'em, including what I know guys in particular do to 'em to make the ride more comfy, was fun!
 Congrats VA.  Next week?  Dog Show???  He he...  well done.
Are you calling me a DOG?!!!  

No No, Just figured if your busy dusting off your things and entering them in shows, that the dogs would probably be next... I mean the hubby prolly wouldn't want to be trotted around on a leash and compete against other hubbies all day Saturday... But a pooch might be up for it...

Though I suppose you could dig up a kid or two...

 Congrats VA.  Next week?  Dog Show???  He he...  well done.
Are you calling me a DOG?!!!  

 No No, Just figured if your busy dusting off your things and entering them in shows, that the dogs would probably be next...  I mean the hubby prolly wouldn't want to be trotted around on a leash and compete against other hubbies all day Saturday...  But a pooch might be up for it...  

Though I suppose you could dig up a kid or two...
You did NOT redeem yourself there...I'm crushed and now my entire day's ruined!
...oops, I mean

I'm off to play in traffic or something...


I was incredibly disappointed in the turn out for the show...I was the lone sport bike up against other foreign bikes, then of course the slew of choppers and Harleys were there.  

I had a blast talking to everyone, answering questions about the Busa...actually pretty proud of what I do know about the bike to relay to those interested.

<table style=filter:glow(color=blue)>I did win 1st</table>in the foreign bike category, but I've been poked fun at for just beating out some Gold Wings...
 But, I look at it as showing those seniors that no Gold Wing should ever be first!  

Oh was still fun...I'd do it again.  I'm really hoping to see more sport bikes there next time so I feel like I'm up against some pretty competitive bikes...
Congrats Babe! We're proud of you!
Oh, and the guy handing out the awards did call me "Michael"...I felt like the late Rodney Dangerfield...just got no respect!
Congrats Michelle. It's always nice to be able to say award winning bike. And to show off a trophy to the folks when they come a visiting.
Congrats Michelle, I am very proud of you. Were you wearing your leathers while next to the bike?
I'm late and I missed out on all of the festivities. Anyway, CONGRATS Michelle. Job well done. Now I hope this does something for your self-esteem...
Jus' kiddin'...
Thanks everyone...I feel the love...unlike the ridicule I keep getting at home...

Lazer...I just wore jeans and a posing, just sat around all day, thought about taking out some knitting to really throw 'em off
, and answered questions...

Brian - not sure I needed much more for my ego (seems to come stock with the Busa purchase), but yeah, it probably boosted me a bit...don't worry, hubby's in the background continually teasing me for doing the show at all...ego is still in check and I'm humbled...can't wait to paint my Busa pink and that s.o.b. won't even be able to tell 'cause he's color blind...I'll get the last laugh when he's out riding it!

Okay, that last part was just mean...sorry honey...