Cap: Its because of you that we have a place like this to come to on a daily basis. I agree this is a "Club House" and its the people in the club that make it a daily visit no matter what is going on in my life.
This site has members that have one thing in common.... "Motorcycling"... out in the wind on two wheels. From there we have found many other things in common... Wifes, kids, bad time, good times and the concern to listen to others when they are experiencing bad times, good times, etc.... is not just a place to log onto, its a place for Friends to meet and shoot the breeze, brag little, talk a little, and when necessary vent a little. Its a place to go for advice on modifications and "Life" and its all done with concern and caring from the members. Its a place to gather as many members as possible and head into the hills for a rally and when you get there.... its like being Friends that you haven't seen in awhile. I could not believe the time we had in Colorado, here I show up and feel a little at of place cause the .org members are acting like they have know each other forever, then I find out we had all just met that day. Its all because of this website.
Cap, I may not be good with words, but you have to know... nay I say NEED to know that what you have created can not be torn down and will have full support of its members to remain what it is.
Speechless, awed, shocked.... no you should be feeling what we all feel... PRIDE, LOVE, CARING, and FRIENDSHIP!!! that is what you created with this site and it will live on with members helping out where we can and how we can.
Cap, swallow the pride and except the Friendship from the members of the site you created.... we are not just "people bailing you out of trouble" we are Friends that are going to take care of you when you need us.