SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

funny thread....
I65 from IND border to Indy I69 from Indy to Mich state line (that should about cover north south in Indiana Sort of hard to pinpoint rolling radar traps :lol:
Elwood,IL on RT 53 between -  S.Tehle and Hoff its about a 2 mile stretch.

A side note. It is just miles south of the Chicago Land speedway Nascar visits.
The entire state of Arizona!
We have to be the worst state in the country for idiot cops that do nothing but write tickets all day!
Just about anyplace in SE lower MI. You can not drive 5 miles without a revenue collection agent hiding someplace. The cops here do not have to have any lights on at night when they hide either, so watch out.
Ha that donut sign is great...

Nebraska 1-80 basically from Omaha to Lincoln they're everywhere. Bastards! -_-
I-5 from the top of the grapevine to Lost Hills,Ca., is notorious for heavy enforcement.(They even have a sign they post every year stating how many licenses they took in the Bakersfield area for the previous year).I had to drive north from Bakersfield yesterday and had 8 radar hits (2 were hiding,the rest cruising) in about 23 miles (BKFD to Lost Hills). One Chippie was using Laser, had her unit parked behind an overpass and was standing about 3'-4' off the fog line shooting traffic.
Theres a very famous one in Fuchon Louisianna,1 MPH over WILL get you pulled,ticketed and searched. Offshore workers will know about this one.
Oklahoma, watch out for HWY 51 East of Wagoner, Hulbert is known in OK for bad speed traps. Great road too. Also, HWY 69/75 between McAllister and Atoka, Stringtown is the worst!
That's anywhere in Southeast Okla. And around McAlester watch where you take pictures. As an Ex Commander at a certaint place there, they're seriously touchy about anyone taking photos anywhere around the restricted areas
Jacksonville, FL.... I got my award doing 127mph on a stretch of A1A in a 55mph zone.... going from Amelia Island to north Jacksonville.... very popular motorcycle ride... long curvy stretches, little traffic, but there is a state cop that hangs out near the state parks, he got me and the next week I saw him in the same spot with another biker pulled over. Watch out!
Hey lincoln2313, here's a solution for you....read the rules before you post...

I-71 just N of mile marker 186(ashland/rte 250 exit) Usually 2 State Troopers sittin in the median there. And they run a bear in the air over richland/ashland/wayne counties out on 71 also. Got nailed by the air bear several years back for 162 in a 65.That cost dearly!!!

And Rte 42 in and around West Salem.(yes, right where dragway 42 is) Those local cops are freakin pricks. They will harrass you when you leave the strip late nights, DO NOT speed!!!
Lincoln2313 is correct. Speed traps don't exist, just speeders getting spanked. Speedtrap.com has been mentioned several times. It's a place for those that get spanked to biotch. I have been mentioned on this site several times. Haven't checked it in years. Check out Blackville, S.C.

Of course there's areas that pay more attention to traffic violations.
