SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

There is a speed cop in honolulu hawaii who likes to hide on queen liliokalani highway. This short stretch of highway is what connects the airport viaduct to the H1 via the likelike tunnel. The cop likes to hide right in front of the bush with his car parked sideways. He uses the bush to hide his vehicle (it's not hidden behind the bush but blended in with the gigantic bush behind him). For local riders it's near loves bakery right before the little tunnel.

He sits there because there speed limit is 55mph then drops to 35mph for 1 mile (queen liliokalani hwy) then goes back to 55mph a mile later. They have that 20mph rule where they can give you super stiff penalties so I am assuming that's a cherry spot. A lot of riders don't give a rip cause the speed limit drops for a mile which is retarded.

Here's a linky to show where i'm talking about.

Hope this is of help.
Pollock, La./ Hwy 165. 15 miles north of Alexandria Speed Limit 35 mph...........be close to it !!! Way to many building for them to hide behind
Between Fort Smith, Arkansas and Muldrow, Oklahoma. The Oklahoma fellas know all about Roland, Oklahoma. It was designated a "speed trap" town because it got more than 50% of it's annual revenue from speeding tickets. The OHP even shut down the town's police station a couple years ago and covered the area itself. It eventually got it's department back, but if you are going -1 or +1 over the limit you're gonna get pulled. Especially with out of state tags.
I noticed many of you mentioned I-5

I rode my HayaBusa Los Angeles -> Seattle over I-5 and almost at all times I was doing 15~20 over. And absolutely no encounters with the police.

Of course my speed was not very noticeable with everyone else doing 10~15 over.

I did get pulled over twice, on I-5, while driving a car and doing less than 15 over. Once in WA and once in Oregon. Both times I got just warnings.

I do have an strategy to go away with just a warning, but that is off-topic here ;)
I-24, Exit 24 Plesant View, TN (halfway between Nashville and Clarksville); 2 miles either side of exit. The local township makes most of it's revenue from ticketing interstate traffic. Very infamous Speedtrap.
Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

1st Here in OKLA if you know the town of Hulbert you know what a speed trap is. Coming off a nice straight peice of road, make the corner and your in town with a radar gun pointed at ya.

Here is a good story.

My neighbor is a cop, Rides a bike when off duty, We got to talking and he told me he does not pull over bikes for speeding because he figures if the wreck there only going to urt themselves. So one day he is cruising and sees a bike in a neighborhood speeding, well decides to ask him to slow down, When he approached the bike it took off, He said he followed it for a while then backed off, as he was leaving the neighborhood he saw the bike wrapped around a tree and the rider leaning up against his tore up bike, He rolled up to the curb rolled his window down and yelled at the guy, Hey you need to slow down, then drove away. figured he done wrecked his 10,000 bike was hurt, what good was a ticket going to do him. I got a kick out of it.
Well, down here in North Cackalacky when going down 25 into South Carolina you go under one bridge, highway 11, Every once in a while when in the car my Valentine 1 shouts laser, and sure enough I just happen to catch it bouncing off another car and once you see the bridge there are 3-4 Troopers waiting on the roadside and one trooper standing inside the barriers of the bridge supports with a laser gun, if it's you they catch he just radios to one of the chase cars and down you go...

Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

<span style='color:crimson'><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>PLEASE LIST ALL RED ZONES IN YOUR AREA OR WHERE YOU HAVE SEEN / EXPERIENCED SPEED TRAPS AND LEO THAT ARE LESS THAN REASONABLE.</span></span>

Short story :

So my buddy is on a road trip, and calls me from Wyoming yesterday and says he just got an award for 10 over on a back roads, no traffic no one around ... hwy 189 in south west corner of Wyoming. Speed limit is 65 he's doin 70-75 mph.

My friend thinks he may just get a warning because he pulls over right away, has all his paper work, is respectful ... *but ... NOOOOOOOOOOO. * 20 year old looking trooper, actually shaking writes him up for a full 10 over. So my friend ask's *" is it because it's a bike? " *Cop says " Nope we write evryone, just wrote up an old lady for *4 over, have a nice day. "

A few miles down the road buddy stops at the gas station and ask's the ol timer there about the situation, and the old guys says " the county just hired 9 young fella's and they are writing tickets like there is no tomorrow... "

This is not a thread to discuss the moral or legal aspects of a moving violation so please dont post that here or I will move/delete it. We can start another ethics thread besides this one. But just wanted to get an official red zone list started for all of us that like to travel.

Thanks and watch out out there. *- Kent

Is it a trooper? or county deputy?
counties don't hire troopers.
An entire Wyoming State patrol academy would probably barely have nine troopers.
And the chance all nine would be assigned to one county is not likely.
I would say there is one trooper assigned to any one rural county.

There is no provision to write a warning for driving above the posted speed.
Maybe the reason speed limit signs are black and white.
Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

Cameras all over arizona freeways
Posted via Mobile Device

I posted this a few weeks ago but i guess I should have posted it in this thread

also in the azsportbikelife magazine that has just started there is a small section in the second to last page that covers some things to do to "beat" the speed cameras. this is a link, just click on the mag and flip to the second to last page, (page 36).


I just got this info in an email and thought I would pass it along as I know some of you will be riding more with this awesome weather we are having

Subject: watch how fast you drive - new cameras!!!!

Drive slow or you'll pay for it. DPS has rolled out mobile cameras

throughout the state, and they're now starting to put up stationary



The first nine wil be up and running by October 22nd (they're starred

below). The other locations will follow.

When finished, there will be a total of 60 stationary cameras and 40


ones throughout Arizona. If you get a ticket for going 10 miles over the

speed limit, you'll pay $181.

Interstate 10

**Eastbound, I-10, 287th Ave.

**Eastbound, I-10, Miller

**Eastbound, I-10, Watson

Westbound, I-10, 91st Ave

East & West, I-10, 75th Ave

East & West, I-10, 59th Ave

Eastbound, I-10, 35th Ave

Eastbound, I-10, 43rd Ave

Eastbound, I-10, 27th Ave

East & West, I-10, 15th Ave

Eastbound, I-10, 16th Street

Westbound, I-10, Buckeye

Westbound, I-10, 24th Street

Westbound, I-10, 40th Street

US 60

Westbound, US-60, Alma School

Westbound, US-60, Mesa Drive

Westbound, US-60, Gilbert Road

Interstate - 17

Southbound, I-17, 15th Ave

Southbound, I-17, 12th Street

Northbound, I-17, Thunderbird

Northbound, I-17, Bell Road

State Route - 51

Southbound, SR-51, Thomas Road

Southbound, SR-51, Highland Pkwy.

Southbound, SR-51, Bethany Home Rd.

State Route - 101

**Southbound, SR-101, McDowell Rd

**Southbound, SR-101, Indian School

**Southbound, SR-101, Bethany Home

North & South, SR-101, Glendale Ave.

Southbound, SR-101, Olive

** Eastbound, SR-101, 75th Ave

** Eastbound, SR-101, 59th Ave

** Eastbound, SR-101, 35th Ave
i 26 thru henderson cty and asheville they sit behind bridges and around blind corners, and any back road and on 26 they are doing construction at night and there is a county cop on one side and on the other is a state trooper, the trooper car is EMPTY solar powered withn lights
Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

Most of central cali is a speed trap along 99 Hwy 152 going west to the bay area also
Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

i posted this a few weeks ago but i guess i should have posted it in this thread

also in the azsportbikelife magazine that has just started there is a small section in the second to last page that covers some things to do to "beat" the speed cameras. This is a link, just click on the mag and flip to the second to last page, (page 36).

Arizona Sportbike Life Magazine

i just got this info in an email and thought i would pass it along as i know some of you will be riding more with this awesome weather we are having

subject: Watch how fast you drive - new cameras!!!!

Drive slow or you'll pay for it. Dps has rolled out mobile cameras

throughout the state, and they're now starting to put up stationary



The first nine wil be up and running by october 22nd (they're starred

below). The other locations will follow.

When finished, there will be a total of 60 stationary cameras and 40


ones throughout arizona. If you get a ticket for going 10 miles over the

speed limit, you'll pay $181.

Interstate 10

**eastbound, i-10, 287th ave.

**eastbound, i-10, miller

**eastbound, i-10, watson

westbound, i-10, 91st ave

east & west, i-10, 75th ave

east & west, i-10, 59th ave

eastbound, i-10, 35th ave

eastbound, i-10, 43rd ave

eastbound, i-10, 27th ave

east & west, i-10, 15th ave

eastbound, i-10, 16th street

westbound, i-10, buckeye

westbound, i-10, 24th street

westbound, i-10, 40th street

us 60

westbound, us-60, alma school

westbound, us-60, mesa drive

westbound, us-60, gilbert road

interstate - 17

southbound, i-17, 15th ave

southbound, i-17, 12th street

northbound, i-17, thunderbird

northbound, i-17, bell road

state route - 51

southbound, sr-51, thomas road

southbound, sr-51, highland pkwy.

Southbound, sr-51, bethany home rd.

State route - 101

**southbound, sr-101, mcdowell rd

**southbound, sr-101, indian school

**southbound, sr-101, bethany home

north & south, sr-101, glendale ave.

Southbound, sr-101, olive

** eastbound, sr-101, 75th ave

** eastbound, sr-101, 59th ave

** eastbound, sr-101, 35th ave

Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

Monterey. California...especially Del Monte Blvd. They hide in MacDonalds parking lot, the turn in for Fishermans Wharf and opposite the Naval Academy. Be especially careful during MotoGP week.
us 31 North in Indiana coming through lakeville and Lapaz, both are small towns and the state police love to site around there in their brand new hemi chargers and clock people...
Re: SPEED TRAPS !!! or please list

Is it a trooper? or county deputy?
counties don't hire troopers.
An entire Wyoming State patrol academy would probably barely have nine troopers.
And the chance all nine would be assigned to one county is not likely.
I would say there is one trooper assigned to any one rural county.

There is no provision to write a warning for driving above the posted speed.
Maybe the reason speed limit signs are black and white.

Perhaps you didnt notice that I said this was not a debate on the legality of speeding ... just a list of red zones. To comment on trooper #'s and black & white speed signs and the morality of speeding please start your own thread.
Well, I just do the speed limit...........................:rofl:

Also NolanVille,Texas and on top of that they will check all the numbers on your bike.

Frank R Peden
Texas Via................Iraq
here in nor cal between hearn and todd rd exit of 101 at night he sits far off the road on the south bound side no lights but i have passed him around 80 and he didn't come after me also south bound 101 at the top of the cotati grade he sits off the road behind some k rail very very hard to see him until its to late