So did the Plains eliminated tip toeing....
So did the Plains eliminated tip toeing....
Wreckless op here if caughtI do not condone this activity. It is unsafe (more than likely illegal everywhere) and you will be punished (somehow) if caught.
Remember: Always split the lanes stealthfully yet safely!
Of course its illegal everywhere. Its reckless riding and shouldn't be encouraged or condoned.I do it getting through traffic to a red light or stop sign.
I also do it going the 'speed of traffic' down the freeway.
If, for example, traffic is going 80mph, and I'm going (fill in the blank with something faster), then splitting the cages actually seems quite safe. Both cages (presumably) know that the other cage is there, so if you take a fraction of a split second to advance your causes, the people that used to be behind you really appreciate the extra space you've just created!
I do not condone this activity. It is unsafe (more than likely illegal everywhere) and you will be punished (somehow) if caught.
Remember: Always split the lanes stealthfully yet safely!
I highly agree w/CharlesIn Los Angeles, its safer in HEAVY traffic than staying in your own lane. Cagers in LA expect motorcycles to split and even move over to give your more space when they see you coming. In 3 years of commuting to work everyday(except rain), I only ran into cagers trying to block or wreck you VERY rarely, like maybe 2 or 3 times. CHP motorcycles split lanes all the time as well, they have even moved over for me and waved me by on numerous occasions(sport bikes are narrower and can get through holes the wide CHP bikes can't). Keep in mind that we are talking about safe lane sharing, ie only 5-15mph faster than traffic.
What isn't safe about staying in your lane, getting rear ended. Can't see it coming(or else your not watching the road) and it won't be pretty.
The key the is riding safely when lane sharing.
Of course the safest way is to NOT even be in traffic.
The 1 crash that happened to me that involved another car, happened when I wasn't splitting. I was completely in my own lane and a suburban changed lanes into me. Even being in my own lane wasn't enough time to react and avoid it.
Bump that, Charles...San Diego, in some areas at some times of the day, is becoming much like LA (most areas, often random but mostly predictable times of the day).In Los Angeles, its safer in HEAVY traffic than staying in your own lane. Cagers in LA expect motorcycles to split and even move over to give your more space when they see you coming. In 3 years of commuting to work everyday(except rain), I only ran into cagers trying to block or wreck you VERY rarely, like maybe 2 or 3 times. CHP motorcycles split lanes all the time as well, they have even moved over for me and waved me by on numerous occasions(sport bikes are narrower and can get through holes the wide CHP bikes can't). Keep in mind that we are talking about safe lane sharing, ie only 5-15mph faster than traffic.
What isn't safe about staying in your lane, getting rear ended. Can't see it coming(or else your not watching the road) and it won't be pretty.
The key the is riding safely when lane sharing.
Of course the safest way is to NOT even be in traffic.
The 1 crash that happened to me that involved another car, happened when I wasn't splitting. I was completely in my own lane and a suburban changed lanes into me. Even being in my own lane wasn't enough time to react and avoid it.
+1 (how many times?) Too many.... but Ive had bikes change lanes on me with out looking too.