Stock height and wheelbase


Orange is the fastest
What's your preference? Stock height and wheelbase or lowered and/or extended?

I myself used to be a big fan of the turns but have noticed over the last few months my tastes have changed. I find myself prefering the lowered/ext combo much more for general riding around. I guess in my old age(34) i'm leaning more towards the comfort side of riding.

That and after i painted my bike it made me that much more about not hitting the turns as much. I guess i need a second bike myself that's rashed up alittle to bang some turns on.

Here's my usual ride set-up. Beach cruiser mode?

I like lowered ,bout 1 1/2" all the way around , stock wheelbase , still take some turns and looks great .

Definitely lowered and streched.I have an 06 LE thats lowered...before this year is over it will be stretched with a 250 tire on it!
I am racking my brain with the same question.. My 01 Busa was lowered and stretched, my 05 was stock lenth, and slightly lowered in the front, now my new 05, I can't decide what to do with it.
btw.. what color orange is that?? it looks good
The orange on my bike is a House of Kolors tangelo orange pearl. It's straight out of the can, no custom mix. Nice color.