Stopping by, saying hi...

Pups are Great Pyrenees/standard Poodle oops puppies
  Want one?  I'll ship it to you or anyone else, no charge.
Now those have got to be some cute pups.... but Mississippi Heat would kill them.... or you would have to keep em SHAVED!!

I wanna see pics though.....
Good to hear from you Michelle.. I'm glad all is good. Good looking Horse you got there..
That's no horse...that's a certifiable "man eating machine", so watch out!

How's everything Doyle? Mary good? How about Pop?
Marys good and Pappy is good as well..

Pappy will be at the bash.. But don't look like Mary and I will make it though.. Going to renew our wedding vows on May 10 so just too close together, probably going to miss this one..

We miss you around here.. Be cool and tell Mike Hey.. Watch them boys they are grow up fast..

Glad all is good with you and the family.. Check in a little more often..

Will do, Doyle...I'm waiting for things at work to cool off. It's been just insane here!!! I really miss my extended family...feels odd to not be involved with the gang and the oRg each and every day. I've really missed it

Glad to hear everyone's doing well and I hope to see Pappy at the Bash, on his new ride too!

Renewing your vows is a great thing...I think I'll let you slide on not going to the Bash
Give Mary my best and I'll do the same here

Everything's good at our zoo.  Pups born on Xmas eve - probably the post you saw.  Me and WHIP have been busy chasing cows thru the fields when they get bust thru the fence.
Not all that fun when they have horns that are almost 2 feet long
That's why the her sig line says that our farm is an adventure
A fun adventure, no doubt...slightly dangerous, OK, MORE dangerous than say "riding a Busa" but it still sounds like fun to me!

I actually missed news of puppies...what kind?  (insert the awwwwwwww before I even know), and what I didn't know is that you had cows.  WOW...that's work!
Pups are Great Pyrenees/standard Poodle oops puppies
  Want one?  I'll ship it to you or anyone else, no charge.

Here's a couple of the moo moo's
Thanks for the offer, but I do believe our "puppy crate" is now full

Those cows are some furry critters!  I love 'em...well, the horns are a bit intimidating, but I'd cuddle with that little guy!  How many do you have?  Ship one of those to me?  
4 cows and a bull. As soon as we butcher one, I'll send ya a couple steaks



yeah, bout time to piped up!  
 cute puppy, looks like the boys are happy  

Let us know about the bash, there's a number of folks trailering down from north of you, I'm sure we can find trailer room for ya
They might trailer your bike too!
 Good to hear from you Chelle.
Hal!  Hey, I owe you a foot peg - turns out the one you sent doesn't match the '08 peg, go figure.  They made the new ones just different enough to NOT work.  I was so disappointed, so it's boxed up and will head back your way just in case you or anyone else ever needs it...

You're the best for sending it along though!  
 Good to see you around...
Sorry it didn't work for you. Send it back and we will put it in the rolling busa hospital for a spare in case someone needs it. I forgot to tell you how cute I think your pup is. I just want to pet his head
Nice pup. You'll love having a Dane. Mine is the best dog I have ever owned.
Jack's our 4th's hard to imagine any other breed for us. They suit our lifestyle, great with everyone, kids love 'em...

We lost our first fawn to megaesophagus...she was only 7 weeks old and sold to us by a very unscrupulous breeder. Didn't matter, we helped that pup stop suffering whereas that breeder would have just let her die in the corner...

Maggie and Scooby were our other fawns. Maggie was an HOD pup, but survived the painful disease (she was the only 1 out of 5 in her litter with HOD to survive, and that blood line was cut because of the anomaly); she was nearly 11 when we lost her to bloat, and Scooby survived bloat at age 4 only to just have his old body give out not long after his 10th birthday. Best dogs in the world, so I know we're in for a lot of great years with Jack...

Post up pics of your Dane if you have 'em...
yeah, bout time to piped up!
cute puppy, looks like the boys are happy

Let us know about the bash, there's a number of folks trailering down from north of you, I'm sure we can find trailer room for ya
They might trailer your bike too!
Good to hear from you Chelle.
Hal! Hey, I owe you a foot peg - turns out the one you sent doesn't match the '08 peg, go figure. They made the new ones just different enough to NOT work. I was so disappointed, so it's boxed up and will head back your way just in case you or anyone else ever needs it...

You're the best for sending it along though!
Good to see you around...
Sorry it didn't work for you. Send it back and we will put it in the rolling busa hospital for a spare in case someone needs it. I forgot to tell you how cute I think your pup is. I just want to pet his head
It's heading back for certain...someone will unfortunately need it one of these days

Oh, Jack won't just let you pet him...first he tries to take your hand off, then sniffs around for snacks and if you're lucky, you get a pat in
I'm kidding...he's a sweetheart...

Hey Lady!

We just had a 'micro bash' down here on the coast this last weekend and your name came up...
Yes...wasn't it something about one of these gals taking her throne...

Seriously, it's great to hear from you!!!
You mean there's another dumb blond out there to take over the oRg?! What's this?! COMPETITION?!

Well, I never! I thought I was Queen


Good to see you Don...I was telling someone about you and Tim swinging on the swing set at the beach, in full gear, just the other day...the visual is always there, kind of like GJoker sitting on the john reading the paper...ahh, I miss the gang!

That is the biggest "puppy" I have ever seen! It looks so sweet and cuddly.

If that thing starts chewing on the couch, it'll be a chair

congrats and hope to meet you at bash

That is the biggest "puppy" I have ever seen! It looks so sweet and cuddly.

If that thing starts chewing on the couch, it'll be a chair

congrats and hope to meet you at bash
He looks huge and feels very heavy after a few minutes, but a check at the vet yesterday shows he's just 12 lbs 10 oz right now...Dad's 175 lbs and Mom is just 110, so we're hoping for something in the middle

Our sofa is doomed

Thanks! Hope to meet you as well...

cute err uhhh "little" puppy!! does it come with a horse trailer??

my gosh that thing is larger than all three of our kids dogs combined already..... guess you would not have to worry about stepping in dog poop... trip over it maybe...

Congrats! (I think) wondering how much food it eats
Dayum gurl. Where ya been? The corner is a mess. Everything is just how you left it. Mop in closet, windex and dust rags on shelf, vaccuum by the pole... Oh, but before you start can you fix us something to eat?

Good to hear from ya blondie! Better start planning on Bash. We need centerpiece for the pink pics.