Stopping by, saying hi...

Well it is about time.....

I was about to round up the ole kidnap posse.....
You guys are a lot of talk, no action

Hey Kevin...first, how are you doing? I was keeping up with your blog, but haven't read it for maybe 3 weeks now (which I will do in a bit now that I'm thinking about it)...I think of you all of the time and just hope your doing well!!!

And second, I'll be getting with you soon for another part for that '08 Busa...the nose isn't a solid piece, so after we pulled it down, we found that we need to order a painted "insert" piece (it's a part that surrounds the blinkers)...couldn't believe the nose wasn't one solid piece, but hey, you don't know everything 'til you're knee deep in misc parts scattered around your feet anyway
No thread jack for me...I am doing well, read the blog ya slacker.

Let me know what ya need......but I ahem I will be in Cancun next week....

cute err uhhh "little" puppy!! does it come with a horse trailer??

my gosh that thing is larger than all three of our kids dogs combined already..... guess you would not have to worry about stepping in dog poop... trip over it maybe...

Congrats! (I think) wondering how much food it eats
We've learned to fashion furniture from the massive know, an end table here, perhaps a "bean bag"

They don't eat as much as you'd think...well, unless you leave a pizza on the counter, or chicken on the stove top...unattended submarine sandwiches on the patio table are just asking to be swiped...
Not that any of those things ever happened in my home or anything like that
Dayum gurl. Where ya been? The corner is a mess. Everything is just how you left it. Mop in closet, windex and dust rags on shelf, vaccuum by the pole... Oh, but before you start can you fix us something to eat?

Good to hear from ya blondie! Better start planning on Bash. We need centerpiece for the pink pics.
I've been hiding from YOU Hank...

Hope all is know, emailing people BACK is sometimes just the polite thing to do


Nice pup. You'll love having a Dane. Mine is the best dog I have ever owned.
Jack's our 4th's hard to imagine any other breed for us. They suit our lifestyle, great with everyone, kids love 'em...

We lost our first fawn to megaesophagus...she was only 7 weeks old and sold to us by a very unscrupulous breeder. Didn't matter, we helped that pup stop suffering whereas that breeder would have just let her die in the corner...

Maggie and Scooby were our other fawns. Maggie was an HOD pup, but survived the painful disease (she was the only 1 out of 5 in her litter with HOD to survive, and that blood line was cut because of the anomaly); she was nearly 11 when we lost her to bloat, and Scooby survived bloat at age 4 only to just have his old body give out not long after his 10th birthday. Best dogs in the world, so I know we're in for a lot of great years with Jack...

Post up pics of your Dane if you have 'em...
Here is my female at 6 months.

Hey Lady!

We just had a 'micro bash' down here on the coast this last weekend and your name came up...
Yes...wasn't it something about one of these gals taking her throne...

Seriously, it's great to hear from you!!!
You mean there's another dumb blond out there to take over the oRg?!  What's this?!  COMPETITION?!

Well, I never!  I thought I was Queen


Good to see you Don...I was telling someone about you and Tim swinging on the swing set at the beach, in full gear, just the other day...the visual is always there, kind of like GJoker sitting on the john reading the paper...ahh, I miss the gang!  
Sorry you have to have that particular visual of me in your memory banks!

Hope things get better for ya soon and your able to harass everyone here once again~ Definitly makes readin these forums that much more fun!

Congrats on the new pup... he is definitly a beautimus one~ Can't wait to see the pics as he grows~ From the looks of those paws.. he's gonna be a big'n for sure~


Nice pup. You'll love having a Dane. Mine is the best dog I have ever owned.
Jack's our 4th's hard to imagine any other breed for us. They suit our lifestyle, great with everyone, kids love 'em...

We lost our first fawn to megaesophagus...she was only 7 weeks old and sold to us by a very unscrupulous breeder. Didn't matter, we helped that pup stop suffering whereas that breeder would have just let her die in the corner...

Maggie and Scooby were our other fawns. Maggie was an HOD pup, but survived the painful disease (she was the only 1 out of 5 in her litter with HOD to survive, and that blood line was cut because of the anomaly); she was nearly 11 when we lost her to bloat, and Scooby survived bloat at age 4 only to just have his old body give out not long after his 10th birthday. Best dogs in the world, so I know we're in for a lot of great years with Jack...

Post up pics of your Dane if you have 'em...
Here is my female at 6 months.
She's gorgeous...such long legs!
Hey Lady!

We just had a 'micro bash' down here on the coast this last weekend and your name came up...
Yes...wasn't it something about one of these gals taking her throne...

Seriously, it's great to hear from you!!!
You mean there's another dumb blond out there to take over the oRg?! What's this?! COMPETITION?!

Well, I never! I thought I was Queen


Good to see you Don...I was telling someone about you and Tim swinging on the swing set at the beach, in full gear, just the other day...the visual is always there, kind of like GJoker sitting on the john reading the paper...ahh, I miss the gang!
Sorry you have to have that particular visual of me in your memory banks!

Hope things get better for ya soon and your able to harass everyone here once again~ Definitly makes readin these forums that much more fun!

Congrats on the new pup... he is definitly a beautimus one~ Can't wait to see the pics as he grows~ From the looks of those paws.. he's gonna be a big'n for sure~
Are you kidding? I LOVE that picture, even shared it with my best friend here at work for a good afternoon chuckle.

Things are settling down a bit...just lying low for a while and honestly, mired down in some pretty big projects that have yet to be completed. I can't finish one for the next two plopped on my desk, but job security is good

I'm taking tons of pics of Jack. He says hi to Justice!



