Supercharged BKing

Today i started data logging with the EcuEditor and Innovate wideband . I reflashed the ECU to the Hayabusa K8 file ,made some changes and now i can also use the Boostfuel option. The OEM map sensor is changed for a GM3Bar Mapsensor . BoostbySmith offers a nice adapter to connect it directly in the OEM connector so no cutting needed. The EcuEditor program has already set values so output on iap will be the same. I added 20% fuel to TPS map and IAP as a start. Also because of the new pistons i only go till 4500 rpm at first. After a couple of rides autotuning, fueling begins to get stable to the target map and it runs quit well. And the sound from the 4 exhaustpipes is amazing.
Last week i put in the Wossner pistons and ARP studs. End this week the engine head will return with new Ferrea SS valves, hd springs etc. Then the rebuild starts and the exhaust has to be made.

Exhaust mod. almost finished. Pajic R&D took care of a custom made 4 in 4 exhaust system . They increased the header size , up pipe and added a left and right carbon muffler. I just have to make a nice bracket for the side pipes.

I think I just wet myself :thumbsup: sweet sweet kit!:popcorn:
Last week i put in the Wossner pistons and ARP studs. End this week the engine head will return with new Ferrea SS valves, hd springs etc. Then the rebuild starts and the exhaust has to be made.

Exhaust mod. almost finished. Pajic R&D took care of a custom made 4 in 4 exhaust system . They increased the header size , up pipe and added a left and right carbon muffler. I just have to make a nice bracket for the side pipes.

Exhaust is on the bike. To get the 2 silencers below inline with the seat we have to get it about 2 inch down at the top end. Now its too much straight up. We have to take a look if this is possible with the swingarm.



And I'm spent!!!!! :bowdown:
Yesterday we had it on the dyno. datalogging/autotune was no longer save on the public roads. We pulled ignition back from 5000rpm about 1 degree /psi, till 12 degrees from 7000rpm and > . First tried with boostfuel option, but ignition retard didnt work according to the logfiles. Also fueling was easier to TPS straight into the fuelmap without the boostfuel option. At the end of the day it looks good. We only did 50% TPS till 9000rpm. At that point it made 163 hp, 152NM torque max. at 7000rpm. So half throttle it's stronger all the way from 4000rpm to 9000 rpm as before the Supercharger came on and we did it full throttle. Now i have to change cranckpully for a smaller one to keep power down at 100% TPS. I'm running 98 pump gas. Before that i put a 40mm cone in the inlet to reduce top end boost and compare values. Next week i machine a new pully and we continue.
Are you using the ECU Editor for mapping. Its slow but easy with a supercharged engine. Put a strong fuel pump in and up the fuel pressure to 5 bar and you can get close to 300 bhp on stock injectors. Will help you along the way if you want it. All the best. Richard
Are you using the ECU Editor for mapping. Its slow but easy with a supercharged engine. Put a strong fuel pump in and up the fuel pressure to 5 bar and you can get close to 300 bhp on stock injectors. Will help you along the way if you want it. All the best. Richard

Thanks Richard. Yes, all mapping by EcuEditor. I've got the Wallbro inside that came with the conversion . I already got the fuelpressure regulator, but not hooked in. Next year we'll do and go all the way. For this season we try to reach around 250/260 hp at top end to get a bit used to it.
With the oversized valves, ported head and custom made exhaust it's my goal to get a better flow and so reach it with less boostpressure needed.
Fire all 8 injectors and pull your ignition back to about 22 degrees and you should have enough fuel to run about 250bhp and be really safe. Up the fuel pressure and you can get over 300 bhp on std injectors as long as your exhaust is not to free flowing, a bit of back pressure is a good thing. Don't restrict the intake much or you will pull oil through the supercharger seal behind the impeller.
Fire all 8 injectors and pull your ignition back to about 22 degrees and you should have enough fuel to run about 250bhp and be really safe. Up the fuel pressure and you can get over 300 bhp on std injectors as long as your exhaust is not to free flowing, a bit of back pressure is a good thing. Don't restrict the intake much or you will pull oil through the supercharger seal behind the impeller.

Thanks, thats exact the reason to change pully size. Now i got 85 on cranck, 80 on the charger. We start with 75mm and then go up by 2 mm if needed.
You mean pull back the whole range by rpm till 100% TPS reaches around 22 degrees? so e.g at 9000rpm from 10% tps to 100% pull back the whole range till 100%TPS reach 22 degrees ? Part throttle values will stay a bit more advantages then. Thats how i did it now.
yes pull back the ign progressively from say 4000rpm 100% throttle to redline. I found I lost vertually no power pulling 8 -10 deg of ign out . Pull ign out down to 50% throttle below that there's no so much load. You will probably find that there is little difference in bhp between 70 to 100% throttle as the air can be forced past the throttle plates almost as easily at any of those angles. Instead of going down on crank pulley size go up on supercharger they are readily available in 5mm increases. Also you maintain more surface area for belt wrap so increase belt grip. I think you have a 748mm 7rib belt I can supply you 768mm which could be useful to you. Let me know if you want pulleys or belts and I will try and help out. All the best.
Belt is a PK 648. I think i have to change both pulleys, cranckpulley diam. 85 is allmost the limited size. The belt now sometimes touches the outerplate down innerside near the cranckpully. There's a little offset there just behind the mount for about a cm. I guess by going off throttle the belt stretch a bit down there just before the pulley. I can machine the cover a bit further out, but 77 cranck/ 87 charger will do. On the down side of the charger it's on the end of the rotation, so no risk to get a little closer to the cover. And needed length of the belt will be the same.
Vampire you say '' but ignition retard didnt work according to the logfiles.'' this worry's me. I didn't log my runs on the dyno. When the bike was stock I advanced and retarded the ign and saw good changes in power so I assume the ecueditor works but it bothers me that the 8-10 deg I have pulled out of my supercharged bike is not actually doing anything. On saying that I have pushed the engine much harder than my old gen 1 and have had no det at all, never nibbled a plug or etched a piston or chamber so I have to think the retard is working. Perhaps I will give Petrik a quick email. Anyone confirm any problems with this?
Richard, i think i wasn't specific or you misunderstood. My ignition map was stock. I used the' boostfueloption ' on the EcuEditor . In there is the ignition retard option which i set to pull back ignition to Psi. And even at 5 psi, logfile showed the same ignition value as in the stock map. So decide not to use it and make changes in the ignition map itself. Then no problem.
the gen2 busas and bking have enough fuel capacity for even more than that. My 08 turbo made 356 hp and wasn't lean, with 42 psi static pressure and a 1:1. With the injector balance set to 50/50. A buddy of mine made a smidge over 400 hp on stock injectors, stock pressure, though he was starting to get lean and put 65# uppers in.

Make sure you set injector balance to 50/50 if you need much over 230 hp worth of fuel.
With the blower taking some bhp to drive you won't see so much at the wheel as a turbo for the same duty and pressure. With a Walbro pump and 5 bar pressure I saw just 400 on race gas. with a 12:1 afr. Upping the pressure does reduce flow though so its a little bit catch 22. Recently I opened up the outlet of the tank connection with a dremmel and increased flow 40%.
you are using an intank pump? Maybe thats the issue. All of the turbo setups run external pump, and not using stock tank outlet, using a bulkhead fitting with no problem flowing a ton of fuel. the tanks stock outlet just gets used for the return.