Supercharged BKing

I think the best way is to change pully ratio down. Boost control by venting inlet air using a wastegate might work, i never tried but i think BigCC is using this on their Procharger conversions. Restrict your inlet tube right behind the airfilter will also reduce boost. But it has to be done carefully. There's a risk off sucking oil from the charger driving section through the bearrings caused by vacuum. Experts will correct me if i'm wrong.
The bike is completely finished and running well. After a lot of miles on the best bike i ever had it's time for a new challenge. So i decided the bike is for sale now!
Just before winter a small test on the dyno . Max boost 10psi. Reached at 7500rpm. Numbers looks good at that point: 216 rwhp@7500rm, 202nm/148ftlbs. Bit rich on fuel n the lower revs

scan dyno 102014.jpg
Hi Namso, what do you mean by 'hope going to be better" ? Better in whatever meaning is allways okay, so i agree on that.
Pully ratio here is 85 to 80 ,so a bit overdrive. Looking at the charger specs the best gear. I very rearly drive the bike over 7500rpm. Main reason is InletAirTemp ....and a very little taking care off my drivers licence.
On the dyno IAT reached around 70degrC at 7500rpm. Riding the bike it's the same temp. It's rich on fuel, ignition pulled back and octane 102 fuel ,all to prevent detonation. IAT riase very quickly after that point were the logfile showed 9.2psi boost. So i have to cool IAT. ..or restrict boost, which is not a serious option ones used to the power you've got.
We've had some nice weather last week , temps around 22degrC. IAT never past 40degr C even were it used to be around 70 degr C. Average around 30 degrC.
Also advanced ignition some degrees, it was pulled back around 10degr. at some point . It's a hand full now above 6000rpm for a 'non stretched bike'. Which means fun.
I got the i.c.core from : . (aka Kojak) in Germany. The side cans and piping were made by myself. It's a tight fit, but can be done without the front wheel touching the i.c. with the oem 120-70 front tire and keeping both cooling vanes.
Allthough it's not a real issue, it's something i wanted to improve or at least give it a try. The charger's been driven by a 7 rib v belt and i noticed when i speed up the pully ratio, it needs more tension to avoid slipping, especcially at higher revs acceleration at 100% tps. So i machined a pair of aluminum cog pulleys , fit a 25mm HTD 5M belt. Guiding plates are on the tensioner to keep the belt in place.

You need some bar end mirrors and you'll be set, lol.
Seriously, I had them on my Bking.
You can see so much more in them compared to factory.