Suppressor, or gun silencer

I’d say such an unscrupulous person wouldn’t go through legit procedures anyway.
Suppressors are very tightly controlled. Unless they are stolen, it is impossible to get one without a lot of red tape, plus thorough background checks. There is a long approval form and it has to be kept with a $200 tax stamp together with the suppressor should the Popo find us with the gun anywhere.

I would have loved to make my own, there is no rocket science. It is illegal though.

The approval process takes more than 60 days, sometimes more than a year.

I believe the key is a suppressor is not what people see in the movies. On a lethal handgun it is almost a waste of time, as there is still a lot of noise.

People look at movies and they form totally incorrect perceptions and then fabricate BS when someone tries to point them in the right direction.
Oh c’mon Bee. Get over it.

BTW, did you know that since 2022 all the marines are issued with suppressed arms. They are also only. 30-40db quieter, still noisy. No one but you were privy to that special non existent technology.

This is what I said, and I stand by it.

“This is the hardest part to deal with, because I am terrible at handling stupid.”

Handling stupid meant a stupid comment. You are not an Engineer, I don’t expect you to understand the physics of how a silencer is constructed and what dampens the sound waves. I expect you to know what it is though, and not BS about it because of a hurt ego.
Well oh exalted genius of geniuses.....

We used suppressed weapons with sub sonic ammo in covert operations where we may be detected but not immediately located...these suppressors are different than ones used on main battle rifles such as they US Marines are using.....or long range sniper weapons where a suppressor is there to deny the enemy the exact location of the weapon platform....

Regardless, I am growing wearing of debating this with life doesn't revolve around the need for a suppressed weapon or any weapon these days...
Well oh exalted genius of geniuses.....

We used suppressed weapons with sub sonic ammo in covert operations where we may be detected but not immediately located...these suppressors are different than ones used on main battle rifles such as they US Marines are using.....or long range sniper weapons where a suppressor is there to deny the enemy the exact location of the weapon platform....

Regardless, I am growing wearing of debating this with life doesn't revolve around the need for a suppressed weapon or any weapon these days...
My new toy is also used with subsonic.

I would have thought you are smart enough to know that a suppressor is totally useless when it comes to supersonic. Even if it is a 0.17. But alas, I would rather say nothing as you will take it as another insult.

I also thought you would be smart enough to know that the military application is due to the flame which is now gone, does not give away position during night. The suppressor also facilitates communication and radio communication due to up to a MAXIMUM 40db noise reduction per firearm.

I’m not a genius, like you also served, unlike you a gun hobbyist , as unlike you I live in a free country.

Sometimes I am wrong, at least I admit it when that happens, as I don’t have your size of ego.

From your input, especially this last post, you have either forgotten, or you have very little suppressor experience.
I’m going out on a limb and guess that Bee has more experience with weapons and accessories than the rest of us combined.
I’m going out on a limb and guess that Bee has more experience with weapons and accessories than the rest of us combined.
At the end of the day, the only things which matter, are hard facts, all which can be referenced by those who take a real interest in this subject.