Suppressor, or gun silencer

I’d say such an unscrupulous person wouldn’t go through legit procedures anyway.
Suppressors are very tightly controlled. Unless they are stolen, it is impossible to get one without a lot of red tape, plus thorough background checks. There is a long approval form and it has to be kept with a $200 tax stamp together with the suppressor should the Popo find us with the gun anywhere.

I would have loved to make my own, there is no rocket science. It is illegal though.

The approval process takes more than 60 days, sometimes more than a year.

I believe the key is a suppressor is not what people see in the movies. On a lethal handgun it is almost a waste of time, as there is still a lot of noise.

People look at movies and they form totally incorrect perceptions and then fabricate BS when someone tries to point them in the right direction.