Suzuki Recall Jan 2016 Includes Gen 2 Busa

I relocated mine to up in the tail section several years ago,wonder if that would void a recall/replacement?Five years on it now(and on OEM battery)and never an issue so doubt I'll bother with it.

The relocation kit should not void the warranty, however there is about a $40 upcharge for taking the tail section loose to get to it.

I have taken all the bolts out so the tail section can be slid back and should not cause any extra time to do the replacement. It actually looks like it should be less time than if the unit was in the original place with the under belly wing installed.

Yes, this recall supercedes the 2011 recall and you get another new unit, even if it was replaced once.
Got mine(recall)today.I may go by the dealership and just see if they'll give me the rectifier to change out at home rather than have them fool with removing the tail,if not then I may just shine it on since it's been going on 5 years with no issues.
According to my local dealer, the replacement has to be done by a qualified licensed dealership.

I had the same question as you, why not just swap it out and do the replacement myself. According to them, that's the only way to get it reimbursed.

I guess they probably wouldn't be able to log the work time and get "their" money from Suzuki if they swapped the part out and let us install it.
Funny, the recall is for the exact same reason as the first recall. You'd think the first replacement part would have been vetted for this problem. Or, are we going to keep getting the same recall every few years?
According to my local dealer, the replacement has to be done by a qualified licensed dealership.

I had the same question as you, why not just swap it out and do the replacement myself. According to them, that's the only way to get it reimbursed.

I guess they probably wouldn't be able to log the work time and get "their" money from Suzuki if they swapped the part out and let us install it.

That sounds right bro,makes sense.If there's not a short deadline I may just hold off(mine says must be taken care of within 10 days of the rectifier screwing up but nothing within a particular period of time after just receiving the recall notice itself).
Just curious, has anyone tried using the 2013 and up Rectifier PN: 32800-10G40 as a replacement? Looks like it has a larger heat sink and heavier wires. It would be nice to do this once.
Seen this on US and UK forums.

Just called Suzuki Australia and my 08 (07 built) B-King is down for a new reg/rec too. It was done under warrantee a couple of years back but they confirmed this supersede's the previous recall part.
UPDATE: I called Suzuki and told them my bike is down for this and I was getting ready to buy one when I got my letter. I asked if I could just get the part and do it myself. No go, so I went to a couple of part houses on the 'net I frequent and they said the old Rectifier number, 32800-15H10 has been superseded with 32800-15H11. They told me the old ones have been pulled from the shelves. I too don't want the dealer touching my bike and since mine is down and they aren't paying for towing I went ahead and ordered one with the two wire clamps as well, $165 total. The number is new and is not on all the sites yet so call and verify what you are ordering if you go this route. There is a form you can send to Suzuki for reimbursement of the part if you have already changed it. They require some documentation to prove you own the bike. It's on there web site under "recalls". I am in work on this and waiting for the new Rectifier with the invoice so I can submit my form. They have 60 days to respond or reimburse. I will keep you posted, but I figure with the cost of a tow for the bike and the possible damage the dealer will do I'm still ahead even if I foot the bill.
That sounds right bro,makes sense.If there's not a short deadline I may just hold off(mine says must be taken care of within 10 days of the rectifier screwing up but nothing within a particular period of time after just receiving the recall notice itself).

The dealer told me to ignore the 10 day reimbursement deadline and the talk on the internet about having to be in there within a few days. He stated that Suzuki will have to cover the recall after that time period is up. I'd call to confirm...
Got mine swapped out yesterday , i put my VIN on the Suzi website and it confirmed straight away , put my details in
and got an email later that day and booked in.
Hmm, interesting, our '08 received a new regulator/rectifier once already from a previous recall. Last spring I replaced that one with an upgraded aftermarket part from I wonder how the recall will be satisfied in this case? I'm definitely not going to give up the upgrade r/r and the far tighter charging voltage range which provides.
check your site i think its wrong.
Just got recall letter here in uk,I replaced battery 3 months ago probably the rectifier under charging it f***** it up
Could be...I just replaced my original '08 battery so I have no arguments on it's life. Been through 2 rectifier recalls now.
From what I read on the recall, there's nothing wrong with the circuit board...the problem is the adhesive used to mount the board doesn't hold, the board gets loose and bounces around and either shorts or destroys it...all this over a little adhesive...

My dealer would NOT just let me do it myself; they don't get paid for the service work unless they do it, and send in the old one...
neither one of my two local dealers will not order the part until i drop my bike off at the dealership. anyone else experience this?
Just got my notice in the mail, already had an appointment for next week to drop it off for other work anyway. First time my bike has been to a dealer since I watched her born from the crate.