Synthetic oil

I use wesson oil
truth is i use Rotella and i get it at walmart for 9.00 bucks for 4 quarts

its great oil and i have 41k on the busa now with no probs saves me a ton on oil changes with my two bikes
way too much folklore running around.
Exactly so. It's painful to read some of these threads with the amount of mis-information put forth.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
oil like tires are a personal preference mostly.[/quote]

It's almost a religious belief to some owners.

Chain lube, oil and tires... topics that are the bane of most every bike forum. The never-ending, pointless arguments and rants regarding oil are just tedious. With few exceptions for street riders, you can simply use these 6 words to guide you through the motorcycle oil maze:

"Clean oil good.... dirty oil bad".

Sure, I'll stipulate that one *ought* to use a motorcycle-specific oil, and one *ought* to stay in the recommended viscosity range. But aside from that..... motorcycle oils today are so good, as long as you stay reasonably close to the recommended change interval, it's just not all that critical which brand, or which type (dino, semi-syn, or syn) you choose.
Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 (Shipping Included)
Item# MR4T/6
$63.60 for 6 quarts

Recommended for four-cycle motorcycles that specify a 10W-40 oil.
Engineered for on-road, off-road and competition four-cycle motorcycles.
Helps provide optimum acceleration and peak horsepower.
Scientifically developed high-performance additive system.
Provides excellent engine protection at peak rpm.
Protects against slippage in wet-clutch engine/transmission systems.
Exceeds requirements of API Service Categories SH, SG/CF, CD, JASO MA.

What does Mobil 1 MX4T offer that Mobil 1 for cars does not?

Regular Price: $9.95 per quart
sold in 1 case of 6 U.S. Quarts; No extra cost for shipping
Heres some info I found:

600 miles 5000 rpms - change oil at 600.  use regular oil (not synthetic).  Get a couple of good throtle twists in 1st gear up tp 5000 to seat everything.

601 - 1000 8500 RPMs  After 1000, redline.

Change oil at about 1600.  Use Regular oil (not Synthetic)

Change Oil at about 3000 - Use synthetic blend (Motul 10 - 40  or Castrol ACTEVO 10 - 40)

Stay with 10 - 40.

Also use 87 octane.  93 will cause you to pick up a lag.
87 octane? I will never put 87 octane in my busa or I might damage the engine, I hope you dident.
Where did you get this info?
K8 owners manual clearly says to use super of 91 octane or higher always!
Gen I may be different but 87 is not to be used in the Gen II!
ahh I did't see that part at the bottom when I copied it, yes I know you should only use premium fuel with the newer models.
Heres some info I found:

600 miles 5000 rpms - change oil at 600.  use regular oil (not synthetic).  Get a couple of good throtle twists in 1st gear up tp 5000 to seat everything.

601 - 1000 8500 RPMs  After 1000, redline.

Change oil at about 1600.  Use Regular oil (not Synthetic)

Change Oil at about 3000 - Use synthetic blend (Motul 10 - 40  or Castrol ACTEVO 10 - 40)

Stay with 10 - 40.

Also use 87 octane.  93 will cause you to pick up a lag.
87 octane? I will never put 87 octane in my busa or I might damage the engine, I hope you dident.
Where did you get this info?
K8 owners manual clearly says to use super of 91 octane or higher always!
Gen I may be different but 87 is not to be used in the Gen II!
I was under the impression that the engine changes made on the 08 Busa would require a slower burning gas therefore making a 91 octane mandatory. Burning high octane in prior years is not a good thing as the stroke is such that a quick burning fuel would cause a loss of power and be counter productive to the engine stroke. Have I got this wrong? My 04 manual specifically calls for 87 octane.
My 04 manual specifically calls for 87 octane.
Page 2-2 states that ;

Your motorcycle requires regular unleaded gasoline with a minimum pump octane rating of 87 octane ((R+M)/2 method) and then furthers with wording about the Oxygenated fuels , MTBE doped fuels and Ethanol Blends.

The recommended minimum 87 octane regular unleaded gasoline VS non oxygenated gasoline which Suzuki does not think of as being " regular " are key words used in the owners manual that are often mistaken then repeated on the internet forums .
Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 (Shipping Included)
Item# MR4T/6
$63.60 for 6 quarts

Recommended for four-cycle motorcycles that specify a 10W-40 oil.
Engineered for on-road, off-road and competition four-cycle motorcycles.
Helps provide optimum acceleration and peak horsepower.
Scientifically developed high-performance additive system.
Provides excellent engine protection at peak rpm.
Protects against slippage in wet-clutch engine/transmission systems.
Exceeds requirements of API Service Categories SH, SG/CF, CD, JASO MA.

What does Mobil 1 MX4T offer that Mobil 1 for cars does not?

Regular Price: $9.95 per quart
sold in 1 case of 6 U.S. Quarts; No extra cost for shipping
Man is that expensive. Is Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 worth it?
Well at $10 a quart that is the cheapest I have found. Good for 10k miles or 1 year of use. That is money savings in the long run.
Well at $10 a quart that is the cheapest I have found. Good for 10k miles or 1 year of use. That is money savings in the long run.
Oh, really...i wouldn't go without changing the oil for that long; especially when putting the bike under high stress conditions -- racing at the dragstrip or running hard on the street.
Contrary to belief, synthetic oil's vescosity does diminish - not as fast as regular oil.
I've done 6,000 miles on Amsoil MCF with their Ea filter, and tested it through Blackstone Labs. Test came back fine and said I could have kept going. I would gladly push 10k miles with the Amsoil. And I ride my bike hard, haven't been to the track but I open it up very often on the street. If it was raced at the track a lot, then yeah, you can change it sooner. But to change you oil at the recommended interval from Suzuki isn't really necessary with good oil and a good filter.
Not trying to enter a debate here or anything, but I just found out that Suzuki makes a full synthetic. Apparently they started this year. I picked some up and will be making the switch tonight. My main reasoning is to avoid pulling the fairing off as much as possible
Guys at the dealership said it will be fine for 6k miles or more. Secondarily, I'm hoping that the clutch engagement will be a little more smooth.
SLA1500.......Your friend may be a total gear head, but not a well informed one. "roller bearings sliding"  GEEEEZ, what nonsense. He needs to get out of his garage and do some learnin'.  That is some pin-headed Harley folklore, besides you aren't riding a two wheeled tractor...............

I totally agree!! I've been running full Synthetic in all my bikes for years and I've never had an engine problem. I always switch over on the first 600 mile service. And FWIW Advance Auto is now selling Mobile One full synthetic motorcycle oil. I didn't know that untill a few weeks ago.
Not trying to enter a debate here or anything, but I just found out that Suzuki makes a full synthetic.  Apparently they started this year.  I picked some up and will be making the switch tonight.  My main reasoning is to avoid pulling the fairing off as much as possible
 Guys at the dealership said it will be fine for 6k miles or more.  Secondarily, I'm hoping that the clutch engagement will be a little more smooth.
Suzuki has had full synthetic oil for several years now. I started using it when I bought my 06 1K and now in the 08 Busa. It's good oil.
Not trying to enter a debate here or anything, but I just found out that Suzuki makes a full synthetic.  Apparently they started this year.  I picked some up and will be making the switch tonight.  My main reasoning is to avoid pulling the fairing off as much as possible
 Guys at the dealership said it will be fine for 6k miles or more.  Secondarily, I'm hoping that the clutch engagement will be a little more smooth.
Suzuki has had full synthetic oil for several years now. I started using it when I bought my 06 1K and now in the 08 Busa. It's good oil.
Hmm cool, I usually assume the guy at the parts department knows what he's talking about. He's a really knowledgeable dude but guess he was mistaken. Anyways, good to know someone is using it!
Figured I would throw this oil can into the fire...$16 @ Wally World!
