Synthetic oil

Big fat waste of money. Just change your oil every 3000 and you're fine with dirt cheap oil.
Stop wasting your hard earned money and be more faithful changing your oil at 3000.

Did I mention changing your oil every 3000 miles?
Mobile 1 car synthetic from wal-mart 20 bucks for 5 quarts. Have 2000 miles and 145 1/4 mile passes on the bike and still stock clutch!
way too much folklore running around.
Exactly so. It's painful to read some of these threads with the amount of mis-information put forth.  

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:
<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
oil like tires are a personal preference mostly.[/quote]

It's almost a religious belief to some owners.  

Chain lube, oil and tires... topics that are the bane of most every bike forum. The never-ending, pointless arguments and rants regarding oil are just tedious. With few exceptions for street riders, you can simply use these 6 words to guide you through the motorcycle oil maze:

"Clean oil good.... dirty oil bad".

Sure, I'll stipulate that one *ought* to use a motorcycle-specific oil, and one *ought* to stay in the recommended viscosity range. But aside from that..... motorcycle oils today are so good, as long as you stay reasonably close to the recommended change interval, it's just not all that critical which brand, or which type (dino, semi-syn, or syn) you choose.[/quote]
Agree, I've never heard of anybody saying that a certain oil ruined thier engine or transmission. It comes down to personal preference, as long as you change it regularly you shouldn't have any problems.
I've done 6,000 miles on Amsoil MCF with their Ea filter, and tested it through Blackstone Labs.  Test came back fine and said I could have kept going.  I would gladly push 10k miles with the Amsoil.  And I ride my bike hard, haven't been to the track but I open it up very often on the street.  If it was raced at the track a lot, then yeah, you can change it sooner.  But to change you oil at the recommended interval from Suzuki isn't really necessary with good oil and a good filter.
+1, I run amsoil in everything and I picked up 7 rwhp on my procharged LS1 by running synthetic, so that alone tells me it's easier on the engine.....
I've ran amsoil since about 2000 miles on my 05. (No real reason for when I switched) It did quiet the engine down a bit and i've had good luck with it. I'm at about 8000 miles now.
Of course I'm lurking! ;-)

I still haven't changed the oil (nor have I rode in about 2 weeks) but she'll be done within the next few days for sure.

After reading all the threads on the pro's and con's Im going to run synthetic...

Thanks for all who contributed. Without your knowledge and insight I'd be lost...
i build race Hayabusa's and i only use Synthetic oil in all my bike's ,i actually use Drag Specialties brand and unless the bike has an issue even at scheduled oil changes the oil looks like new coming out as it does going in. but hey you dont have to take my word for it, i just build 500HP bikes for a living, try it yourself!

I don't really want to give a lesson on oil, but please use the best MOTORCYCLE oil you can get.

1) In motorcycles the engine and gearbox use the same oil pan.
2) Motorcycle engines rev much higher than motorcar or truck engines.
3) Synthetic oils guard much better against the friction forces and tends to keep their molecular structures much better.
4) Synthetic oils suspends and covers harmful particles better, reducing wear and possible damages.

I also think that due to the quality of the engines coming out of the factories that most people do not evidence the difference the quality of oil brings. Therefore we have these arguments. Sure any modern engine can run well on discount store mineral oil - and yes I have seen people give advice to buy and run no-name-brand cheap oils. Suffice to say your motorcycle is very alike to extreme performance F1 engines, and they sure won't put cheap oil in those cars.