As the others have said Kimber is fine though you are mostly paying for a name, not that they aren't good pistols, but in the end it's still a 1911, low capacity, and extra pricey. There are other 1911s on the market that will get you just as good of performance for less $$$. Though like I said Kimber is good stuff, they just aren't gods gift to shooting though their ads will tell you otherwise.
How big are you? Are you fat? Or are you wedge shaped? If you got a good thin waist and are over about 5'9" you can carry damn near anything without it printing or being visible. If you are built like most Americans though, a full sized .45 of any manufacturer is going to be a trick to conceal comfortably and effectively. Especially comfortably, carry a full size Auto with you for a few days and see how your back, ribs, neck, and shoulders feel about it.
Best bet would be to find a good local gunshop, (Knowing that they are going to try and SELL you whatever they can) but find a good shop with a good range that rents some guns. Shoot what you are thinking about buying, it's the only way to know if it's going to work for you. I always thought a 1911 would be my perfect sidearm, turns out I hate damn near everything about them, from their low capacity, ergonomics from a prior century to their archaic single actions... I was stunned, luckily I got to shoot before I bought, would have been really irritated had I taken a brand new Kimber home only to learn that I do not 1911s. The Glock 23 was too fat in my hand and clunky, the HK USP .40 was the same, so yeah, good to be able to try a bunch first, what works for one may not work for another.
As for everyday carry? The best is the one you will actually carry everyday. I'm looking at a SIG P-230, or maybe the new Ruger LCP. I haven't shot the Ruger yet but the P230 is a superb shooter, accurate, easy to conceal, and stone reliable. This is what I think will be a great everyday carry weapon... If you think you need more, then perhaps you should consider a move to a better area?

Kidding kidding, seriously though, find what feels best to you and buy it. Don't worry so much about caliber, or fancy macho names that will impress your friends. You'll be much better off finding one that works perfect for you...
OH and FWIW, there is nothing wrong with either the Glock or a Kimber, not one thing, both would be reliable and long lasting, but for everyday carry I'd pick a glock every time. It's already ugly so carry wear and tear won't make you sad, it's inexpensive so if you do have to use it it's not going to sting so much when the police take it away for 6-months to a few years, and there are a ton of variants out there in just about any caliber or configuration you would want so finding the perfect Glock should be a cinch.
Though I'd look into the new Springfield XD line first, they are a newer generation of European ugly black pistols and they are incorporating some lessons learned by Glock.