Why I carry a gun....

I carry a gun 'cause sometimes folks are stupid enough to get between me an the beer fridge.

If yer standing close to the fridge, I'll gut shoot ya' so ya crawl away and don't block the door.

And don't bleed on the rug while yer at it, O.K.?

As yer dying, don't worry 'bout yer ol' lady after you are gone, I'll make sure she finally gets the big "O".


Good post.


even being a Police Officer i can't take offense to the last part.

We love to help when someone needs. but the sad truth is when your hand is forced it happens so fast your don't have time to call for help.

I carry a gun to every call I go to so that means there's always a gun involved. If I have to get physical with someone or sometimes more than one someone. There is a chance that my gun is taken from me and used against me. They told us in the academy that if I'm shot in the line of duty, odds are it will be with the gun I brought. I fully agree with a persons right to protect themself, but for those that do carry use caution and plan on having to fight for that gun. It dosn't always intimidate the suspect away.

and as far as the way the police think about protecting ourselves. we say "if your life depends on ONE.. then carry TWO.." I carry two .40 cal Glocks, a Beretta Rifle and two knives and and expandable baton. I'm a former Pro MMA fighter and I can bench press my Honda 1KRR...

and I still have to overcome fear to walk into some of the places we walk.

be safe yall
My brother worked off-shore out of Fushion (sp?) for about 2 years, some rough dudes walking 'round those parts. I'm sure you've seen more than your fair share...
Very good point my Brother... Just because you carry doens't make you immune to being attacked. Former LEO myself back in the day and your absolutely right. IF you carry you must be prepared to not only use your CC but prepared to end the life of someone you may or may not know.... There are no gaurantees in life
I do because I cant run from one if I had too. 6 months I got into a 2 on 1 fight and I have a bad left knee. I had to stand my ground for 5 minutes. Fighting south paw and keeping the 2 of them in front of me is the only thing that saved my a$$. Everytime I got one in front of me. The other guy kept trying to go around me to grab me to hold or get a punch in. One shot to my knee and it would of been my a$$. Now I carry, but only pull if I really have too.