Why I carry a gun....

We've already been round and round and nethers mind is gonna change. I'm glad you feel like you're in control of everything you can't.

Here is a fresh perfect reason why YOU never know. Go ahead and try to predict this and avoid it OR prepare for it because it may happen to you or her one day. Is your wife capable of defending herself from the turds shown here? Don't think so.

At some point in time this country needs to take the gloves off. Here we have three dirtbags with zero respect for life that killed a tourist in front of her husband and others. There is ZERO doubt they did it and in my mind zero need for them to get a 'fair' trial. An immediate 'fair' execution in front of their peers is the only thing I see that's going to deter these types of people. Don't even let em say good bye to momma who'd say he was a good boy. Just BYE!!
Do you travel to other countries on vacation? When you are in tourist mode, who is protecting you?

Unless a person is well trained to use a firearm and have used in under fire before, the chances of them protecting themselves with one under duress is next to nil regardless.......even if my wife had a handgun and were allowed to CCW here, unless we did many hours of reflex drills for her to get her weapon into the fight, she would suffer the same fate as someone unarmed....

Even if we did do hours upon hours of reflex drills, the chances of her getting her weapon out of it's concealment and into the fight would be minimal especially if the opposing force already has their weapon out and aimed in her direction....
Do you travel to other countries on vacation? When you are in tourist mode, who is protecting you?

Unless a person is well trained to use a firearm and have used in under fire before, the chances of them protecting themselves with one under duress is next to nil regardless.......even if my wife had a handgun and were allowed to CCW here, unless we did many hours of reflex drills for her to get her weapon into the fight, she would suffer the same fate as someone unarmed....

Even if we did do hours upon hours of reflex drills, the chances of her getting her weapon out of it's concealment and into the fight would be minimal especially if the opposing force already has their weapon out and aimed in her direction....
BUT there'd still be a chance.
Without it there is ZERO.
Kinda simple actually.
BUT there'd still be a chance.
Without it there is ZERO.
Kinda simple actually.
Maybe if someone was in their home, awake and had a firearm ready while someone tried to break in....maybe....if they are awakened from a deep sleep the chances go down by a lot until they get reoriented....

Out in public under stressful conditions unless a person has multiple hours of training, the chances of getting into the gunfight will be slim to none..

But I get it, you feel better carrying it as it gives you an sense of security.......

People who are avid gun advocates such as yourself, must never travel outside a jurisdiction that doesn't allow firearms...how would a person feel safe in any other geographical region? If a person carries a firearm for safety at all times, there's no switch that says some other region is safe.

I've come back from long combat deployments and there have been times that I've reached for a rifle that wasn't there or went to adjust my sidearm holster that wasn't there because for months they never left the reach of my hands......so I get it....

But I will tell you, once I adjusted to not having them, I sure didn't miss needing them.
Maybe if someone was in their home, awake and had a firearm ready while someone tried to break in....maybe....if they are awakened from a deep sleep the chances go down by a lot until they get reoriented....

Out in public under stressful conditions unless a person has multiple hours of training, the chances of getting into the gunfight will be slim to none..

But I get it, you feel better carrying it as it gives you an sense of security.......

People who are avid gun advocates such as yourself, must never travel outside a jurisdiction that doesn't allow firearms...how would a person feel safe in any other geographical region? If a person carries a firearm for safety at all times, there's no switch that says some other region is safe.

I've come back from long combat deployments and there have been times that I've reached for a rifle that wasn't there or went to adjust my sidearm holster that wasn't there because for months they never left the reach of my hands......so I get it....

But I will tell you, once I adjusted to not having them, I sure didn't miss needing them.
Did i say I carry all the time? No.
Do I? No.
But I do enjoy the choice you can't.
It's as simple as that. If and when I want to I CAN.

I go lots of places without one. Coached baseball at schools and parks for over a dozen years where they weren't allowed. Watched even more sports games at schools where once again they aren't allowed yet.

I like to choose red or blue, shorts or pants. I'm sorry Lord Trudeau doesn't trust you enough to give you that FREEDOM.
Did i say I carry all the time? No.
Do I? No.
But I do enjoy the choice you can't.
It's as simple as that. If and when I want to I CAN.

I go lots of places without one. Coached baseball at schools and parks for over a dozen years where they weren't allowed. Watched even more sports games at schools where once again they aren't allowed yet.

I like to choose red or blue, shorts or pants. I'm sorry Lord Trudeau doesn't trust you enough to give you that FREEDOM.
So you aren't a rabid gun owner.....that's a good thing.....

Our savior Lord Turdeau will be voted out the next election thankfully...the damage he and his gang have done will last decades....
So you aren't a rabid gun owner.....that's a good thing.....

Our savior Lord Turdeau will be voted out the next election thankfully...the damage he and his gang have done will last decades....
I am an ardent and rabid gun owner who realizes they and they alone keep us free and protect liberty from its enemies. But I am also well enough in my self that I don't feel a need for it all the time. It wasn't until my kids started playing sports that I really got used to not being armed. Going to soccer, volleyball and baseball all on school grounds made that impossible. As much as I could have easily done it because concealed is conclealed I just didn't want or need the risk. It sucks though because schools are the soft target of choice for scumbags.
I am an ardent and rabid gun owner who realizes they and they alone keep us free and protect liberty from its enemies. But I am also well enough in my self that I don't feel a need for it all the time. It wasn't until my kids started playing sports that I really got used to not being armed. Going to soccer, volleyball and baseball all on school grounds made that impossible. As much as I could have easily done it because concealed is conclealed I just didn't want or need the risk. It sucks though because schools are the soft target of choice for scumbags.
Honestly I've had a belly full of carrying a firearm and using them for their intended purpose....

I own a few for the sake of owning them I guess but haven't shot them in years nor do I really have much interest in doing so....
Honestly I've had a belly full of carrying a firearm and using them for their intended purpose....

I own a few for the sake of owning them I guess but haven't shot them in years nor do I really have much interest in doing so....
For some of us hillbillies they are no different than the wallet, keys and pocket knife. They all go on or in and then we go because you never know...when the wife may want to spend some of your money, you might want to whittle on a stick or shoot....yourself because wife made you crazy and you couldn't find a stick. :)
Do you travel to other countries on vacation? When you are in tourist mode, who is protecting you?

Unless a person is well trained to use a firearm and have used in under fire before, the chances of them protecting themselves with one under duress is next to nil regardless.......even if my wife had a handgun and were allowed to CCW here, unless we did many hours of reflex drills for her to get her weapon into the fight, she would suffer the same fate as someone unarmed....

Even if we did do hours upon hours of reflex drills, the chances of her getting her weapon out of it's concealment and into the fight would be minimal especially if the opposing force already has their weapon out and aimed in her direction....

Crooks are certainly more likely to FAFO when they know you are not carrying a handgun. When visiting other countries our 2nd amendment privilege comes into sharper focus, because it's when you suddenly realize EVERYONE knows you don't have a concealed handgun. On the other hand in the states, the bad guys have to gamble that person they're attacking is unarmed because they simply don't know.

Many years ago I had a convo about it with a pleasant English couple who live in the U.K. countryside and they just could not understand the benefit of having a handgun or rifle available if someone tries breaking in their countryside cottage in the middle of the night. It was 20yrs ago, their attitude may have changed since then with the influx of migrants and rise in crime in the U.K. Sure there will be extreme duress with someone banging down the door but come on being under duress won't stop people from protecting themselves.
Crooks are certainly more likely to FAFO when they know you are not carrying a handgun. When visiting other countries our 2nd amendment privilege comes into sharper focus, because it's when you suddenly realize EVERYONE knows you don't have a concealed handgun. On the other hand in the states, the bad guys have to gamble that person they're attacking is unarmed because they simply don't know.

Many years ago I had a convo about it with a pleasant English couple who live in the U.K. countryside and they just could not understand the benefit of having a handgun or rifle available if someone tries breaking in their countryside cottage in the middle of the night. It was 20yrs ago, their attitude may have changed since then with the influx of migrants and rise in crime in the U.K. Sure there will be extreme duress with someone banging down the door but come on being under duress won't stop people from protecting themselves.
In all my years living in Canada, I've never felt I had the need for a weapon.....and I've been in most of our major cities and have walked on many streets but never once have I been fired at or threatened with a gun.

I live in a safe crime free neighborhood but that being said, if anyone tries to enter my home without my knowledge or permission, they will be carried out.

There are places in Canada where having a 2nd Amendment/castle law would be a handy thing...some of the ranches in western Canada would benefit from this as police response is long and distances are vast leaving the rancher very little recourse to protect his family and property. Doors will only stop a criminal for so long...

One of them has been recently arrested for defending his property with a long gun against 2 people
Animated GIF
In all my years living in Canada, I've never felt I had the need for a weapon.....and I've been in most of our major cities and have walked on many streets but never once have I been fired at or threatened with a gun.

I live in a safe crime free neighborhood but that being said, if anyone tries to enter my home without my knowledge or permission, they will be carried out.

There are places in Canada where having a 2nd Amendment/castle law would be a handy thing...some of the ranches in western Canada would benefit from this as police response is long and distances are vast leaving the rancher very little recourse to protect his family and property. Doors will only stop a criminal for so long...

One of them has been recently arrested for defending his property with a long gun against 2 people
I carry a small compact concealed when I go cycling. Reason being riding in the boonies, middle of nowhere and some of those country folks have dangerous Pitbulls and others running free off leash.

Realty here in NC, using a firearm for self defense against a person, has so much legal proceedings wrapped around it, it is simply not worth using it.
I carry a small compact concealed when I go cycling. Reason being riding in the boonies, middle of nowhere and some of those country folks have dangerous Pitbulls and others running free off leash.

Realty here in NC, using a firearm for self defense against a person, has so much legal proceedings wrapped around it, it is simply not worth using it.
I watched a series of "loose dog" videos and honestly having a hand gun in some of those cases would have been very advantageous as some of those dogs posed a serious risk.
For certain...

Even as a soldier operating in foreign lands, we have to ensure we know what or who we are shooting at, collateral damage and deaths are pretty serious business and not taken lightly even by the unit I was in.

Total respect for the armed services. One of my regrets is never serving. My dad did ROTC in college and earned lieutenant colonel by retirement.

True story, I decided to carry some years back when some young people were shot while trying to enlist. Just struck a nerve I guess. I keep my various licences up to date and I practice. God willing, we will never find ourselves in a situation when we have to decide.
I usually carry my Taurus .380, which is very small, and it IS honestly more for vicious dogs, as I've had several run-ins with them over the years.
I actually racked the slide on one a couple summers ago(I don't keep a round chambered, as I just feel safer that way), and I will give them a warning shot if I can, but I'm not getting eaten by a dog if I can help it.
There's no leash laws here in the countys, and pitbulls are sadly one of the most common, and mistreated dogs around, alot of their so called owners would benefit more from a bullet for neglecting an animal.
Still, I'm cautious of them.
“Constitutional carry” is a misnomer. There is no such thing in the constitution. The proponents of open carry made up the name and wrongly believe 2A authorizes it. Open carry IMO is an antiquated term from the 1800s. And even then, in populated areas like Dodge City, Deadwood Gulch and others, prohibited open carry in town. I don’t want to return to the old days when carrying a sidearm visible to all was necessary for survival. It’s not. The date is 2024 not 1824.