yeah any plave other then sacramento ca. too many a-holes
+1 Nice people, great schools, and if you are selling a home in Sacramento you could buy a palace in Missouri for the same money. I forgot the best part, you could hook up with us Mo. guys and do some riding. Best of luck whatever you do. Please don't look at the northwest. My son moved to Seattle 8 years ago and Ill never get him back here. It is really nice there!Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. Not only boats, boats and more boats, but great twisties for the Busa!
Timberline High, Class of 83....What high school did you go to?actually grew up in Olympia...i would consider going back if the town was right...How about the beautiful Northwest?
Austin has quite abit of boat stuff going on thanks to Lake Travis (I think that's the one).Im a GM for a Boat retailer...can do GM, Service Manager, Sales Manager...pretty much any job in the marine field.What kind of work do you do?
My old stompion grounds (Olympia). Bellingham, WA is a nice place to live but good paying jobs and realestate prices suck. I have a contact with Olympic Boats I could contact if you wanted. The above issues aside Bellingham is hard to beat.actually grew up in Olympia...i would consider going back if the town was right...How about the beautiful Northwest?