Twotone is selling our house, please pray for a quick deal.

What an awesome looking house!!!! That house wont be on the market long. But I will say a prayer anyway for a quick sale a smooth purchase of the new place!! :)

Great looking place. I am sure it will not sit on the market long. Best of luck to you.
prayers sent bro.... do I need to come and move the "pile" out of the garage for you ??? :whistle:

Greg, you would not believe the pile I have in the garage. :laugh: Thanks for the compliments guys.

Funny thing, Juli and busted butt getting everything done and then we were upset because we didnt finish everything sooner, the house looks great, thank you for the compliments. :please:

houses out there are cheap!

Good luck with the sale!!

Montgomery county maryland houses are ridiculously priced!

Good thing I got to refi at 4.75
Jeez, I need to move to OK. That home here in the Edmonds area would still be about $400-450K even with the economy in the crapper.

Good luck on the home sale!
Whew, Ive only been over to the house 2 or 3 times now, I didnt think I had made you run away yet. That usually doesnt happen until the 8th or 9th visit.


Good luck with the sale or sell or cell or sail ...