That Sounds Like Fighting Words

Jamie, I have to disagree with you, NOT all of the busa riders are alike.I personally know 3 busa riders in this area that can outride anyone around, this is no smoke blowing either.Hiabuser happens to be one(and he's a good friend of mine and he's not a bobohead, nor are any of the other guys)So, your mechanic's opinion is his own, maybe he and one of the busa guys just don't get along on a personal level?. Now, i will admit there are a few guys that got the busa because it is the fastest bike out there(some have even posted that it's thier first bike), and they don't know how to ride very well, they should have gotten a 600.Your mechanics opinion is just conjecture,Just because someone won't put thier bike on the dyno, doesn't determine his/her rider skill.I think what has you upset is the really brand loyal guy's that know how to ride and love thier machines are giving you crap.You are on the busa board and you should expect it.I will give you this, it sounds like you have a ton of stuff done to your bike, and it might be a killer bike, but until i see you beat a skilled busa rider,then you just have a really nice and fast bike, of course most of these bikes are fast.By the way, what were your dyno numbers?
Just wondering
Jamie do you have latent homosexual tendacies starting to emerge? Besides i dont think Josie's pants will fit me..........damn it...........
My previous ZX11 has overbored/Blue-printed engine, K&N air filter, Titanium jets and needles, PM Spun Alum. Rims, PM 6-pot brakes with steel braided lines, Muzzle Titanium Exhaust, Carbon Fibre bits and pieces, Ohlins Rear Shock and Race-tech/Stiffer springs upfront, lighter rear spocket and DID Gold-chain and some titanium bolts.

1) You being a homosexual, means you would'nt go to nomal bars would you? Because you would'nt feel right around the women. (you just would not fit in)
2) You being a cowahomosaki fan, means you would'nt go to suzuki sites would you? But here you are not fitting in, and bashing what 98%(2% being you and Fitch) of the members here love to talk about, the Hayabusa. So like KawAbuser posted earlier, I'm sorry it did'nt feel right here for you and I do wish you the best of luck at Baylor hospital, give our best to Fitch too!


[This message has been edited by maniac marshall (edited 12 August 1999).]
I think Jamie has vanished like Fitch. Maybe they are at one of those Rest areas together. You know that is where the fags hang out. I thought he would never leave. Well looks like we'll have to find another cowapucky loving faggit to harrass.
Has anyone noticed that Jamie and CyberJosie share the same syntax, phrasing and vocabulary?

I am also quite suspicious about a couple of the other members here.

More hits for their lame porno site I guess...
i realy didn't want to post in this topic but i must say some of you guy's are getting out of hand with some of your comments...i talk to new busa owners a few times a week and i tell them to come to this site for any kind of info they need for thier bike..but now i feel embarassed because of topics like this guy's don't understand i've sent alot of after market people to this site and what you need to understand is that this could be very benifical for everybody.but i asure you as long as they see us conducting ourselfs like this you'll never here from them...i know i would like to beable to speak with them though these boards so you guy's can learn some of the stuff i do. i'm researching stuff on the busa every day and there is people calling my house with info on this bike i guess what i'am asking is please guy's lets clean it up...thank's frank

I think you got a point, I guess Jamie wasn't tactful enough and the rest of us must have gotten 'cheesed off'. From today, let all 'Busa' owners just 'talk' about our latest love interest, keeping others up to speed and just ignore those that seek to irritate us.

To all Kawasaki Lovers, try not to compare who's got a bigger stick. Motorcycling is big enough for the both of us. Heads up!
Maybe Porky, but he'll only be at the rest area for a short time(a quicky)because Jamie's off to Baylor Hospital in Dallas to the mysterious ZX refugee ward to undergo group talks of their green ZX god of make believe. Good luck at Baylor Jamie, you're going to the right place.


[This message has been edited by maniac marshall (edited 13 August 1999).]
Faggit? Frank, don't you have god-like powers to eliminate postings when the writer uses less than a dozen brain cells in creating it? And when it bears no resemblance to the category commonly known as "information"? Maybe this thread reflects an unfulfilled need for a Jerry Springer Motorcycle Chatboard, no doubt another wave of the future.
Look at the level you guys have fallen to, making queer jokes. What's next calling me Polish? Or a *****? Here I'll sink for you too. After seeing GSX1300's videos I've come to the conclusion that you're all fat pigs. The only reason you're in here is because if you went outside you'd sweat up whatever you were wearing. I hope to hell you are wearing something. I feel sorry for anyone that might catch a glimpse of you without a shirt on.

You guys are weak.
You don't deserve any more of my whit or intelligence.
I noticed you didn't flame Josie when she didn't rebut my implication that she's a man. I guess it's because you're all thinking with your bobos and hoping that someday you might have the chance to get in her pants. (look poetry)

If any of you are interested there is a guy selling Busa parts on Motorcycle Online's Parts, Accessories & Appare… page. For the second time I've added more help here than most of you.

Everyone's paranoia that everyone is out to get them here is overwhelming. I guess no matter how much you try to convince each other and your self, deep in your subconscious you know your reign is coming to a close.

And to answer a topic started on another post, the ZX12 will be faster but, yes, not by much. The reason isn't because Kawasaki doesn't have good enough engineers but because the horse power and aerodynamic requirements rise at square rate. If you don't believe me build a Busa with two engines see how fast it will go. I'm guessing 215 tops. Mr. Turbo's bike makes 460hp and only goes 230mph.

The real waste on this site it the drivel that the guys in "the click" post. One idiot posts it and the rest jump on to agree. That idiot would be Kawabuser, and you know who you unable-for-independant-thought guys are.

Unlike the rest of you I don't live here. I have a life and an ambition to go even faster than I have. I'll be finding (power) instead of flaming.

Hey fellow Busa owners - don't look now but it looks like we had this flake pegged from the beginning again. Now he/she/it has gone into a Josie mode and will now deluge us with trash posts and promises to leave yet they never do. Look for the GREEN envy to stay with us just like a bad rash. Hey Jamie - don't let the door hit you on the way out. Goodbye and good ridence.