I myself see the art in the pics. Art and Photography in high school. I don't see them as inapropriate, but, everyone doesn't have the same veiws. If no one had seen them to be inapropriate, they would still be on here. But, seeing that a few did, the mods did what they thought would be best to keep from having a bigger arguement later on. For the OP, I see your point that this is what you do and similar pics can even be seen in the Wal Mart paper. Just doesn't have the art perspective put into it. But, you need to see Caps point that the rules are set forth on this site so that NO ONE will get offended of any material put on here. Does some stuff slip through, Yes, there is so much going on here in one day, stuff gets overlooked. The mods would probably never have given your pics a second thought, but because some found it offensive, they did what was best for the site and its members. Let this be a lesson learned and move on. If you want to put a pic up in the future and not sure if it would be appropriate, send it to a mod and have them check it out before hand. You can do nothing but grow here. Live and learn, that's what we have all been taught our whole lives. Move on frome this and continue to enjoy this wonderful site. Cap has reasons for doing what he does and from what can be seen from the ORG and its members, It has worked great for the past 10 years and will continue to do so.