Hmm Lets see.
Was in the emergency room 2 weeks ago with a kidney stone, the pain was so bad I had to be put on morphine.
Still have not passed it but I have been told it is about .5cm in size and I will know when I pass it
Almost pulled my arm out of socket 3 weeks ago, stretched the nerve so I have constant pain which is only partially subdued by Vicodine, howevere the vicodine does not do anything for the contant numbness feeling I experaince from the thumb up my arm to my bicep. The physical therapist said it is going to take a long time to heal (I.E. I am going to have constant pain for a long time)
So this has really screwed with my bench press and my weight lifting
My son stepped on a dental partial and snapped it in two pieces.
My renters moved out of my rental house and we are having to dump about $6000.00 into it to get it ready for new renters.
My spa does not work, having to dump about $700.00 to get it fixed this week.
My pool has not been working, the pool people came out and fixed it, another $800.00
Haven’t had sex in about two months
Have my old truck in the shop so I can get it fixed so I can sell it, had to replace a radiator and water pump. that is another $500.00
I have two work servers that I am having to take home with me today to work on at home because the federal government has internet access blocked and I have to use my home internet connection to be able to do the online updates which is much easier than trying to find them and download them and apply them individually.
One of the servers is my backup server that the tape keeps getting spit out for no reason.
The other server I am trying to upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to Server 2003 and it wont upgrade Spanned or Mirrored disks, which so happens I have 2 drives that are spanned and 2 drives that are mirrored, so I have to delete the spanned drives and break the mirror drives.
Haven’t said much to my three boys in the last two days because I am totally fed up with their constant arguing and their apparent lack of appreciation for what they have in life
I received the results back from my Xray of my knee that I inujured when I went off roading with my Busa on the southern California ride. It looks as though I have water on my right knee and I am scheduled for an MRI on the 10th of October.
And... well I will stop there... don’t have enough time to mention the rest, I have to get back to my servers....
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Was in the emergency room 2 weeks ago with a kidney stone, the pain was so bad I had to be put on morphine.
Still have not passed it but I have been told it is about .5cm in size and I will know when I pass it
Almost pulled my arm out of socket 3 weeks ago, stretched the nerve so I have constant pain which is only partially subdued by Vicodine, howevere the vicodine does not do anything for the contant numbness feeling I experaince from the thumb up my arm to my bicep. The physical therapist said it is going to take a long time to heal (I.E. I am going to have constant pain for a long time)
So this has really screwed with my bench press and my weight lifting
My son stepped on a dental partial and snapped it in two pieces.
My renters moved out of my rental house and we are having to dump about $6000.00 into it to get it ready for new renters.
My spa does not work, having to dump about $700.00 to get it fixed this week.
My pool has not been working, the pool people came out and fixed it, another $800.00
Haven’t had sex in about two months
Have my old truck in the shop so I can get it fixed so I can sell it, had to replace a radiator and water pump. that is another $500.00
I have two work servers that I am having to take home with me today to work on at home because the federal government has internet access blocked and I have to use my home internet connection to be able to do the online updates which is much easier than trying to find them and download them and apply them individually.
One of the servers is my backup server that the tape keeps getting spit out for no reason.
The other server I am trying to upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to Server 2003 and it wont upgrade Spanned or Mirrored disks, which so happens I have 2 drives that are spanned and 2 drives that are mirrored, so I have to delete the spanned drives and break the mirror drives.
Haven’t said much to my three boys in the last two days because I am totally fed up with their constant arguing and their apparent lack of appreciation for what they have in life
I received the results back from my Xray of my knee that I inujured when I went off roading with my Busa on the southern California ride. It looks as though I have water on my right knee and I am scheduled for an MRI on the 10th of October.
And... well I will stop there... don’t have enough time to mention the rest, I have to get back to my servers....
Reason for Edit: None given...|1128104616 -->