The election is over

People don't realize the actual vote is pretty hard to corrupt. In most places, there is now a paper trail, so machines count them with a scan, but the machine counts are correlated back against hand counts to be sure the machine is scanning them properly. The machines produce a list that is checked against voter roles and for duplicates. There isn't even a central database for the results. The counts are called in by actual humans. The system is so decentralized that it would take a massive operation to change the vote on the smallest of states, leaving very obvious trails of illegal activity.

To steal an election, you need to use a massive misinformation campaign through things like social media that can pump propaganda, which is what Russia and maybe China have been doing with hackers and AI bots. You can also use misdirection mailers that do things like tell people the vote is on a wrong day. You can intimidate voters, suppress registration efforts, or screw up the mail system. The funny thing is those are all things we know the Republicans did, yet they are calling fraud, lol!

Trump's keystone lawyer team has yet to actually present any fraud in court, and Juliani actually said in court that they were not claiming any fraud. So the only fraud is looney toon characters like ZRXMAX374 running around squawking like chicken little.

If the Democrats did steal the election, we should be very worried because they managed to corrupt a completely decentralized system and did it without leaving a shred of evidence behind. That would basically take magic. I am always amazed at how when people are surprised by the outcome of something, you can feed them almost anything, and they will believe it. The bottom line is Typhoid Trump got thousands of civilians killed and put this country through a crazy ride, and people were basically sick of it.

I think Trump has a mythical status with a lot of people who always root for the outlaw. The truth is, he is a common, not so smart thug who bullies people into letting him get away with anything. Republicans figured he was the one to break through obstacles like the constitution and reestablish absolute rich people, mostly White supremacy in the USA. But Trump did not realize that common big-city thuggery does not work in DC, where the smartest people in the world entertain themselves by looking at every detail of people in power. So I think it's not that the Democrats won the election; it's that they shut Trump down thug machine right in its tracks that people can't believe. Cheaters don't believe you can win without cheating too, lol.

The Democrats set up a Trump team tasked with predicting Trump's every move to stealing this election, and it looks like they slammed every door. That's how they identified Trump corrupting the post office early enough to get Democratic voters to deliver our votes rather than trusting the mail.

Pretty impressive for Democrats.
Nice spin cycle on the marxist washing machine you have there. Years of the Fake news Media channels saying Orange Man Bad for the minions that don't understand what happened in the middle of the night in 4 key swing states is the perfect way to set the table for an election.
Here is a question you won't have an answer for.
Why is is Trump is leading substantially late into the night in 4 swing states, then the vote counting is stopped, and then Biden wins the next day when the counting process starts again in all 4 states?

The statistical anomaly has one source for its appearance... its called election fraud and some of it is captured on CC camera. I know... our eyes are lying to us... right?

Door slamming? Yes, some of that happened... it was democratic supporters telling vote counting verifiers to leave the room.

There is nothing mythical about president Trump... the crowds that came to see him were real and they supported him because they approved of many of the decisions he made.

At Biden events it wasn't uncommon for more Trump supporters to show up than Biden supporters... When, in the history of politics have you ever seen that happen before?

Biden is the weakest minded and most corrupt president you are ever likely to see in our lifetime... even Reagan could keep his message straight 6 years after he was shot by John Hinkley.

Well... if China Joe and the Ho are installed then higher taxes, higher gas prices, open borders, free health care for illegals, and other Hunter Bidens will swing into action and reap the rewards of political graft that is there when the DOJ and FBI are asleep at the wheel. Big Tech will also be emboldened to search through any information they can find on you and make it available to our friends in the CCP.... and that is just for starters...

So... thanks for supporting grabby touchy feely Joe... in fact... after he retires see if he can come over and meet the neighborhood where you live and make a speech complete with little children posing around him for photo ops... I am sure everyone involved will be pleased with his covert way of being warm and gentle with the children. Yes... the best president appeared to win... how much better can it get?
Nice spin cycle on the marxist washing machine you have there. Years of the Fake news Media channels saying Orange Man Bad for the minions that don't understand what happened in the middle of the night in 4 key swing states is the perfect way to set the table for an election.
Here is a question you won't have an answer for.
Why is is Trump is leading substantially late into the night in 4 swing states, then the vote counting is stopped, and then Biden wins the next day when the counting process starts again in all 4 states?

The statistical anomaly has one source for its appearance... its called election fraud and some of it is captured on CC camera. I know... our eyes are lying to us... right?

Door slamming? Yes, some of that happened... it was democratic supporters telling vote counting verifiers to leave the room.

There is nothing mythical about president Trump... the crowds that came to see him were real and they supported him because they approved of many of the decisions he made.

At Biden events it wasn't uncommon for more Trump supporters to show up than Biden supporters... When, in the history of politics have you ever seen that happen before?

Biden is the weakest minded and most corrupt president you are ever likely to see in our lifetime... even Reagan could keep his message straight 6 years after he was shot by John Hinkley.

Well... if China Joe and the Ho are installed then higher taxes, higher gas prices, open borders, free health care for illegals, and other Hunter Bidens will swing into action and reap the rewards of political graft that is there when the DOJ and FBI are asleep at the wheel. Big Tech will also be emboldened to search through any information they can find on you and make it available to our friends in the CCP.... and that is just for starters...

So... thanks for supporting grabby touchy feely Joe... in fact... after he retires see if he can come over and meet the neighborhood where you live and make a speech complete with little children posing around him for photo ops... I am sure everyone involved will be pleased with his covert way of being warm and gentle with the children. Yes... the best president appeared to win... how much better can it get?
Most Republicans voted in person and on election day. Most of Biden's votes were cast either in early voting or by mail in voting. Republicans passed laws mandating that the mail-in votes be counted on or after election day. This part may be a bit difficult for you: Trump never actually had a lead. Biden's legal votes had not been counted yet.

You can refuse to accept this but the opinions that matter have certified the vote and your boy has failed to present any plausible evidence that there was fraud on a level high enough to matter. The bottom line is you have been proven wrong on everything. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Most Republicans voted in person and on election day. Most of Biden's votes were cast either in early voting or by mail in voting. Republicans passed laws mandating that the mail-in votes be counted on or after election day. This part may be a bit difficult for you: Trump never actually had a lead. Biden's legal votes had not been counted yet.

You can refuse to accept this but the opinions that matter have certified the vote and your boy has failed to present any plausible evidence that there was fraud on a level high enough to matter. The bottom line is you have been proven wrong on everything. Stop embarrassing yourself.
You live in fantasy land my Busa riding friend. Time will reveal the level of skull duggery employed to throw this election... You really believe a good quantity of those manufactured ballots at the last hour were legitimate ballots? Even the ones where they appeared to be machine produced in the selection circle and only had one place to select the pick for president... and no other names appear below for the other office positions to be voted on... Have you ever seen a ballot like that before? How naive can you be.? You saw the level of corruption with the Russia crap, the 25th Amendment crap, the impeachment crap and the 90% negative reporting from the fake news media for years... and yet you think the Dimtards cleaned up their act for this election? Lol !

The real truth is the leftist, marxist dimtards that are nothing more than puppets for the CCP and have nothing to lose by getting caught cheating in this election... how can that be you might ask if you were awake? Its due to the fact of what is about to be exposed...

Wait until you hear about the Chinese spy Swallowell hired and had no idea until the FBI told him she was a Chinese spy.

(Dimtard Congressmen from California and sitting on the Intelligence Committee with access to all kinds of intelligence other Congressman and women do not have. )

Now... I don't expect you to believe anything I say here because you already succumbed to the propaganda generated daily by the idiots that are the corrupt to the core.

Once you know the nature of certain people and organizations you begin to realize how they think. Once you have that level of understanding your ability to actually predict what will most likely happen next you become somewhat immune to a surprise. President Trump and his advisors understood what happened after the 2018 mid terms elections. So... a new EO ( # 13848 ) was created to deal harshly with election fraud in the 2020 election. December 18th could be D Day for the insane that are running their own personal asylum.

Did you ever see the empty chair on the house floor where Schumer stands in front of it and talks to it like somebody is there? Have you seen Fienstien lately? Have you seen Pelosi lately? These people are right on the cusp of losing their cognitive abilities to function coherently... but... hey... you support those senile folks just like you support the leaders of the Democrat party... Wherever China Joe and the Ho end up... Joe's time is short... his brain is fried... he is way beyond usefulness and will exit with a disease and retire asap... he already said that much on the public airwaves... or... was he lying? lol !

I don't expect any of you to believe anything I am saying here... so... have a nice relaxing Xmas season and watch it unfold... we either keep out republic or lose it to the Chinese CCP and other dark entities that funded the corrupt election that you think is legit.

This thread is making my head hurt....

It's like trying to drive a car up a muddy hill with bald tires, the engine keeps revving but it gets nowhere.

An election was held of which the American lawmakers have declared legal and people still doubt their own country's process and listen to every conspiracy theorist going who is beating their drums saying it wasn't.

There are some seriously talented people out there who can design and fabricate just about anything they want you to see and believe..Little kids believed there were real dinosaurs after watching Jurassic Park too.

I said it once and now again-for the democratic administration to have pulled off such a feat is nothing other than amazing-to have all the different states, municipalities, officials, judges all in on this "steal" is nothing other than astounding. There would have to be thousands and thousands of people in on this "heist."

Even Trump's fellow republicans are getting sick and tired of all this rhetoric and are starting to distance themselves from him.

As far as China goes, half the world (including the US) are in their pocket. Go to any store in the US and try to find something not made in China or an off shore place....that wheel was put in motion long ago and the miraculous Trump did not and could not stop it-he's just not big enough.

This thread is making my head hurt....

It's like trying to drive a car up a muddy hill with bald tires, the engine keeps revving but it gets nowhere.

An election was held of which the American lawmakers have declared legal and people still doubt their own country's process and listen to every conspiracy theorist going who is beating their drums saying it wasn't.

There are some seriously talented people out there who can design and fabricate just about anything they want you to see and believe..Little kids believed there were real dinosaurs after watching Jurassic Park too.

I said it once and now again-for the democratic administration to have pulled off such a feat is nothing other than amazing-to have all the different states, municipalities, officials, judges all in on this "steal" is nothing other than astounding. There would have to be thousands and thousands of people in on this "heist."

Even Trump's fellow republicans are getting sick and tired of all this rhetoric and are starting to distance themselves from him.

As far as China goes, half the world (including the US) are in their pocket. Go to any store in the US and try to find something not made in China or an off shore place....that wheel was put in motion long ago and the miraculous Trump did not and could not stop it-he's just not big enough.

I guess the guy did not have to wear my shoes when I had to make a speech telling 2,000 of my employees we are closing down operations and they have to work on their future by seeking employment elsewhere.
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You live in fantasy land my Busa riding friend. Time will reveal the level of skull duggery employed to throw this election... You really believe a good quantity of those manufactured ballots at the last hour were legitimate ballots? Even the ones where they appeared to be machine produced in the selection circle and only had one place to select the pick for president... and no other names appear below for the other office positions to be voted on... Have you ever seen a ballot like that before? How naive can you be.? You saw the level of corruption with the Russia crap, the 25th Amendment crap, the impeachment crap and the 90% negative reporting from the fake news media for years... and yet you think the Dimtards cleaned up their act for this election? Lol !

The real truth is the leftist, marxist dimtards that are nothing more than puppets for the CCP and have nothing to lose by getting caught cheating in this election... how can that be you might ask if you were awake? Its due to the fact of what is about to be exposed...

Wait until you hear about the Chinese spy Swallowell hired and had no idea until the FBI told him she was a Chinese spy.

(Dimtard Congressmen from California and sitting on the Intelligence Committee with access to all kinds of intelligence other Congressman and women do not have. )

Now... I don't expect you to believe anything I say here because you already succumbed to the propaganda generated daily by the idiots that are the corrupt to the core.

Once you know the nature of certain people and organizations you begin to realize how they think. Once you have that level of understanding your ability to actually predict what will most likely happen next you become somewhat immune to a surprise. President Trump and his advisors understood what happened after the 2018 mid terms elections. So... a new EO ( # 13848 ) was created to deal harshly with election fraud in the 2020 election. December 18th could be D Day for the insane that are running their own personal asylum.

Did you ever see the empty chair on the house floor where Schumer stands in front of it and talks to it like somebody is there? Have you seen Fienstien lately? Have you seen Pelosi lately? These people are right on the cusp of losing their cognitive abilities to function coherently... but... hey... you support those senile folks just like you support the leaders of the Democrat party... Wherever China Joe and the Ho end up... Joe's time is short... his brain is fried... he is way beyond usefulness and will exit with a disease and retire asap... he already said that much on the public airwaves... or... was he lying? lol !

I don't expect any of you to believe anything I am saying here... so... have a nice relaxing Xmas season and watch it unfold... we either keep out republic or lose it to the Chinese CCP and other dark entities that funded the corrupt election that you think is legit.
You sir, are a lunatic. Ha ha ha ha
You sir, are a lunatic. Ha ha ha ha
Yeah but he is amusing! I googled just about everything he brought up, and yes just about all of it was regulated to super right wing conspiracy rags. I think my laptop may have become infected but I digress.
I've been called naive before, but for it to be based on my belief in this country's judicial system and electoral process, to me, is kind of like taking a flame to our flag. I suppose it's his way of protesting.

I guess the guy did not have to wear my shoes when I had to make a speech telling 2,000 of my employees we are closing down operations and they have to work on their future by seeking employment elsewhere.
I guess a few managers had to do the same when their operations went south to Mexico too...

We have a family friend who ran a Caterpillar plant that moved to Mexico.
Here it is... a good look into what has been known for a long time. 16 minutes is all it takes.
Skip the commercial from 1:15 through 2:30.
Durham doesn't want to become another Jeffery Epstein, Vince Foster, Micheal Hastings or Seth Rich and others in recent and not so recent history.

You sir, are a lunatic. Ha ha ha ha

One would also assume, believes in Area 57, Roswell, Q wankers, pizza shop fronts and goes to bed wearing a tin hat so the fbi can't read his thoughts.
Or, is simply typing all this from a bunker in Russia or some other no name place, just to create division and get people to question a democratic process when a single dictator party seems preferable.
Yeah but he is amusing! I googled just about everything he brought up, and yes just about all of it was regulated to super right wing conspiracy rags. I think my laptop may have become infected but I digress.
I've been called naive before, but for it to be based on my belief in this country's judicial system and electoral process, to me, is kind of like taking a flame to our flag. I suppose it's his way of protesting.
Lunatics? So were JFK and MLK... Somebody decided their voice would not be heard from anymore.

Do you really believe the courts don't want to hear a case based on the facts? That is not it at all. Why?

Because they like being alive as compared to the alternative. So, why do you think Oswald had to die?

See... I don't really care what you think about me because it makes no difference to me what you think. I have researched plenty since 2005 and have drawn my own conclusions based on information that was left mostly unaltered in a time period before the heavy hands of modern editing were put into top gear. Notice how big tech and other players are pulling, canceling, and restricting information that the powers that be don't want to get out. When it comes to history it has been said those that control the past control the future in terms of what's available for the public to see.

Why do you think that at the end of the 50 year restriction of the complete unredacted files on the JFK assasination that president Trump was still not able to keep his promise to have those files released to the public through FOIA? Well... I have an idea as to why that is... George Bush senior was head of the CIA at that time... and... he was still alive on the 50th anniversary of the assassination. Well, guess what George Sr. said about his whereabouts that day? he said he wasn't in Dallas that day... but... we have a picture of him that so much resembles him that it puts his word about where he was that day in jeopardy. Now... fast forward to the day Bush Sr. was eulogized by those that new him. Did you see the envelopes passed out to the Obamas, Clintons, and a few members of the Bush family that day as they were about to leave the church? What was in those envelopes? Nobody knows except them, but, I do know one thing. President Trump wasn't handed an envelope. So... what separates those three families from the Trump family besides being a president in office?

Or... do you really think the new "cancel culture" is a modern myth?

Some of my heroes are men Jim Marrs whom wrote the book titled "Crossfire". That book stirred up the JFK assassination in a big way in 1988 and as a result Hollywood had to get into suppression mode to put the lid back on it. Fast forward to the 1991 movie titled JFK and Kevin Costner plays the Texas DA and puts the single bullet theory back in the minds of Americans... see... that is how things have been handled for decades... but... to you its just all right wing extremist theory... and Mark Levin and others like him are just right wing kooks... right?

Another one of Jims Marr's books that will give your memory of history a tune up is "Rule by Secrecy". In the back of the book are 409 references to information sources that the book is based on. Those 409 references were gleaned mostly from newspaper archives deep in the places where such records are kept and took weeks to find and connect the dots.

We have a difference of opinion on this election... so what? You can support China Joe as much as you like... it really doesn't matter... the only thing that really matters is whether or not we take the path towards socialism that leads to communism. The choice is obvious... freedom or slavery... take your pick.
One would also assume, believes in Area 57, Roswell, Q wankers, pizza shop fronts and goes to bed wearing a tin hat so the fbi can't read his thoughts.
Or, is simply typing all this from a bunker in Russia or some other no name place, just to create division and get people to question a democratic process when a single dictator party seems preferable.
Yes... I am sitting next too Snowden in Russia right now! And... no voter fraud occurred on 11-3, 11-4, 11-5 and so on... it was the perfect election... no vote harvesting, no law changes, no computer glitches... nothing crooked at all was happening on those dates. ha, ha, ha!
Lol 374 you never fail. He uses a clip from
Mark Levin? Seriously? I’m still laughing as I type.


Edit that down and it’s a perfect skit for Saturday Night Live.
Living in a world of conspiracy theorists....

That's a world of ulcers and high blood pressure....not a place I want to live.
Lol 374 you never fail. He uses a clip from
Mark Levin? Seriously? I’m still laughing as I type.


Edit that down and it’s a perfect skit for Saturday Night Live.
The truth escapes you. Mark Levin speaks the truth... you are truly blinded by TDS... sorry... no vaccine for TDS is in the works at this time. lol !

Why would I want to edit it down? I like rubbing your face with it... its fun getting out the counter narrative to the narrative that has been rammed down the throats of millions of Americans by the Fake news media for decades...

Nickolas Sandman is the poster boy for truth when a sharp attorney like Lynn Wood stands up for a young 17 year old man and takes CNN down for millions with an out of court settlement. I guess CNN didn't want to risk losing the 275 million dollar lawsuit that they would have lost had it gone to court.

Now, consider this... you like CNN because it is anti Trump. What a good lock stepper you are. lol !

Now tell me that isn't the truth... I will wait for your response if you can even muster up one that contradicts what happened with the CNN libel / slander lawsuit.
Now I know why I never followed politics before...look at how it even divides us here.

Democrats, Republicans...bah, don't forget you are all Americans first. The enemies of America are eating this up and loving every minute of it. Now they will be able to look down their noses at the US-I'd be more concerned about that if it were me.

Who cares who is in charge, none of them really give 2 craps about you anyway, they have their agendas (including Trump and Biden) and work towards those agendas regardless of what people say or think.
Now I know why I never followed politics before...look at how it even divides us here.

Democrats, Republicans...bah, don't forget you are all Americans first. The enemies of America are eating this up and loving every minute of it. Now they will be able to look down their noses at the US-I'd be more concerned about that if it were me.

Who cares who is in charge, none of them really give 2 craps about you anyway, they have their agendas (including Trump and Biden) and work towards those agendas regardless of what people say or think.
Why would you not follow politics? Is it to rough for you to be involved? The fact is politics affects many aspects of your life and that is why we have elections... so people that care about the direction this country is going can have a say in it no matter how big or small it is.

Personally, I do care who is in charge... and... I don't have much faith in either party as far as a party having something worthwhile to believe in. Both parties are equally guilty of many many crimes in process right now.

Right now the Swamp is fighting for its life... it knows that if president Trump serves another 4 years that some likely suspects will go down hard.

Even Hillary said... "If I go down I can take all of DC with me... she also said about the time she lost the 2016 election that... "we could all fry" after president Trump is sworn in.

Your apathy is noted... you didn't seem like the type to not care about politics in earlier post... but... I guess this wears on many of us these days.

As I mentioned before... Mr Reagan's video summed up what might possibly be happening right now... Reagan didn't mention talking to any inside the beltway insiders... however... I think he has a few folks that know about things most of us don't.
Why would you not follow politics? Is it to rough for you to be involved? The fact is politics affects many aspects of your life and that is why we have elections... so people that care about the direction this country is going can have a say in it no matter how big or small it is.

Personally, I do care who is in charge... and... I don't have much faith in either party as far as a party having something worthwhile to believe in. Both parties are equally guilty of many many crimes in process right now.

Right now the Swamp is fighting for its life... it knows that if president Trump serves another 4 years that some likely suspects will go down hard.

Even Hillary said... "If I go down I can take all of DC with me... she also said about the time she lost the 2016 election that... "we could all fry" after president Trump is sworn in.

Your apathy is noted... you didn't seem like the type to not care about politics in earlier post... but... I guess this wears on many of us these days.

As I mentioned before... Mr Reagan's video summed up what might possibly be happening right now... Reagan didn't mention talking to any inside the beltway insiders... however... I think he has a few folks that know about things most of us don't.
For my entire adult life I've served whatever government administration was in power without question, I've been sent into very hostile environments and it never once occurred to me a certain government party which sent me was any different than the next.

Some of those nasty places I had to go were in the state they were in as a direct result of political failings (or in some cases-successes)-but almost always as a result of political meddling.

The people of the USA must realize just how good you have it there regardless of whichever administration is in power at a particular time.

It just saddens me to see the division within the borders of America I guess.
Now, consider this... you like CNN because it is anti Trump. What a good lock stepper you are. lol !
I don’t watch CNN. I agree it’s slanted. They all are one way or another. The writers for Reuters seem to be the straightest. I go by actions and statements, preferably on video so I know it’s true. By those parameters Trump leaves no doubt that’s he’s selfish, immature bigot. In the first minute of your video the guys asks why do people want Trump out so desperately. There’s a palm to face moment for sure.