The divide has been bad for a long time, and it's probably worse now than it's ever been. All this Republican/Democrat babble is way overrated in my opinion. The party in power has not made much of a difference in my life, so I go by that experience. Moving away from finances and the economy, I'm a passionate anti Trumper, admittedly. Obama caused a lot of racial tension not so much by his views or statements as by the color of his skin. Along comes The Donald who saw the chance to gain followers by soothing the conscience of frustrated bigots and picked up enough votes to win in '16. Racism is a very ugly word and by no means am I saying that most of the people that voted for him are racist. Elections are won by small percentages, and Trump saw the opportunity to get people to vote that might not have in prior elections. He knows how it looks to everyone else, so he frequently talks about how much he's done for races other than white Americans. The equivalent of a person stating how many Black or Hispanic friends he/she has. The truth comes out when racial incidents occur, and at that point he becomes his own worst enemy. I am so thankful that he will soon be out.
I think racism was declining because the world is evolving overall as the speed of information and people traveling the globe continues to increase. Enter Obama whom I consider the human race card... and as a president that was way over the line for him to ever call people racist... at the same time he couldn't even call islamic extremist... terrorist. I think Obama was a conflicted smooth talking guy that was good at reading a teleprompter.
Another reason I think the 1st election of Obama shows us all that we are not a racist nation... we elected a black man as president.
DJT had been considering a run for the presidency for a good 20 years... why? Don't you know? DJT is on the record of noticing that our foreign policies were unhealthy for America... You only have to see how China plays games with its currency as just one example. Letting China in the WTO was a mistake... China still has slavery type conditions and millions of people suffer human rights abuses daily out of view from the west. Though, I must admit the whole petro dollar experiment beginning in 71 under Nixon was another kick the can down the road geo political adventure. We are lucky another war hasn't erupted over that fact alone in my opinion. The dollar being a worldwide currency gives it value that no other currency has. That makes it more expensive to buy oil on the world markets... and I think it is one reason why Saddam might have been toppled... he started selling oil for Euros... and that is a big no no...
Speaking of China...
Did you ever see the picture of the multi story factory with nets outside the windows? Why the nets? Its to keep people from dying when they leap to their deaths because they hate working in that building.
Speaking of racism... what is Jussee Smullett doing these days? Still wearing a rope like its a neck tie so he can look dressed up when the cops answer his call? lol ! Talk about a race relations disaster!
Seems to me DJT is an opportunist... most billionaires are.... aren't they? So, is bettering race relations by helping those under developed and under performing areas with opportunity zones for blacks and other minorities considered racism by you?
Whats wrong with getting everybody out to vote? Shouldn't we all be voting in every election?
If you are campaigning for an elected position shouldn't you tell people what you are doing and what you plan on doing? Isn't that called a political platform?
What did Biden say he would do? Build Back Better? Biden really never campaigned or took tough questions from the press... this was the weirdest campaign strategy the world has ever seen in my opinion. The democrats lap dog media ran the president down non stop for 4 years and managed to create a good number of haters that in my mind is a ridiculous way to live... hating other people is akin to never taking a shower and not wearing deodorant... something in the air isn't right...
Interesting times... we are in uncharted waters right now... and people think its a good thing when a court or judge decides not to hear a case... hmmm... then how are the issues going to be decided? By default? Certainly not by a SC that won't hear it.
When Texas and other states filed suit against the 4 swing states they might not have worded it correctly... it would seem other states could get it right and move it forward to the SC sooner than later.
The fact is that the will of the people in states other than the swing states have filed a complaint to remedy the election fraud by getting rid of the illegal votes that were not counted, post marked and or violated other laws on the books... you know... like a semi truck full of ballots crossing 2 or 3 state lines and then disappearing... when laws and rules are broken people have a right to call out the injustice and have their day in court... just as it is with any other issue that can only be resolved in a court of law.